Oracle - CIS50

Weekly Schedule

Assignments Link to retrieve
Assignments Week #1
Week ending September 8th
Student survey - must be sent to me!
Read the notes and study the presentations for: Introduction to SQL in Oracle, Create a table in SQL, SQL Conditions and start reading Working with SQL. This information will carry over into next week!
Introduction to SQL in Oracle
Create a table in SQL
SQL Conditions
Working with SQL
Introduction to SQL in Oracle
      Separate speaker notes for Introduction to SQL in Oracle
Create a table in SQL
      Separate speaker notes for Create a table in SQL
SQL Conditions
      Separate speaker notes for SQL Conditions
Working with SQL
      Separate speaker notes for Working with SQL
Note the first few slides in Working with SQL show login procedures using scott and tiger.

Oracle assignment on introductory material
Assignments Week #2
Week ending September 15th
Because of the installation problems with 8i (8 with Windows 95 and 7.3 with either Windows 95 or 98 work fine), I am changing the order of things a little and I am going to deal with the theory of relational databases this week. Hopefully this will buy us enough time to solve the installation problem. If you are without access to Oracle, please let me know what your problem is so we can try to get you up and running!
Please read information about third normal form and relational databases. I have put a variety of links to sources on the Web on the site, you can also read information from a book (your text book has a little information).
Please read the handout on definitions: Normalization definitions
Also view the slide presentation on normalization:
Normalization - information on third normal form
      Separate speaker notes for normalization presentation
For futher information look at the design aspects of the following presentations - we will deal with the Oracle code later.
Relational database notes and examples Goes with notes Introduction to multiple tables (relational) - joins - uses donor, donations and drive tables
      Separate speaker notes for relational database presentation
Relational database examples - order system
      Separate speaker notes for relational database examples - order system
Student system relational database example
      Separate speaker notes for student system relational database example

Set up relational database for an oil company
Assignments Week #3
Week ending September 22nd
Please read the following information about relational databases in Oracle.
Introduction to multiple tables (relational) - joins
Relational database examples
Look at the relational examples in the presentations from last week.
Read the following information about maintaining a table and view the accompanying presentation.
More on maintaining an SQL table
More on maintaining an SQL table
      Separate speaker notes for More on maintaining an SQL table
Do the following assignment:
Implementing your oil design
Assignments Week #4
Week ending September 29th
Please read the following information about tables and functions.
SQL functions
More SQL functions
Group SQL functions
You should also watch the presentations on these topics:
SQL functions - part 1 character
      Separate speaker notes for SQL functions - part 1 characters
SQL functions - part 2 numeric & date
      Separate speaker notes for SQL functions - part 2 numeric & date
More SQL functions (includes DECODE, ways to edit SQL code and nested functions)
      Separate speaker notes for more SQL functions
Group functions
      Separate speaker notes for group functions
Oracle quiz - must be passed in next week
Oracle create, query and maintain assignment with functions
Assignments Week #5
Week ending October 6th
Please read the following information about subroutines, maintenance etc.
More on subqueries
Using input variables
More on variables with Oracle's SQL*Plus
Table maintenance revisited (again)
Continuation of table maintenance revisited (again)
Exporting an Oracle table
You should also look at the presentation on these topics especially the one that accompanies More on subqueries.
      Separate speaker notes for subqueries
More on Subqueries
      Separate speaker notes for More on subqueries
Using Input Variables
      Separate speaker notes for Using Input Variables
More on variables with Oracle's SQL*Plus
      Separate speaker notes for More on variables with Oracle's SQL*Plus
Table maintenance revisited (again)
      Separate speaker notes for Table maintenance revisted (again)
Continuation of table maintenance revisited (again)
      Separate speaker notes for Continuation of table maintenance revisted (again)
Assignment: Oracle assignment on subqueries and variables.
Quiz: Second quiz
Assignments Week #6
Week ending October 13th
Please finish the information about table maintenance from last week and read the information on views and reports.
Introduction to views
Introduction to reports
You should also look at the accompanying presentations:
Introduction to views
      Separate speaker notes for Introduction to views
Introduction to Reports
      Separate speaker notes for Introduction to reports
Assignment on views and reports
Assignments Week #7
Week ending October 20th
Please read the following:
Indexes in Oracle - An introduction
More on Primary and Foreign keys
Notes on key questions
Also please look at the accompanying presentations:
Indexes in Oracle - An Introduction
      Separate speaker notes for Indexes in Oracle - An Introduction
More on Primary and Foreign Keys also info from questions
      Separate speaker notes for More on Primary and Foreign Keys etc.
Town taxes set up as a relational database with constraints, keys and indexes
Assignments Week #8
Week ending October 27th
Please read the following:
Introduction to PL/SQL
More examples of inner/outer procedures
Introduction to IF statements
More on PL/SQL IF statements
Introduction to loops
Also please look at the accompany presentations:
Introduction to PL/SQL
      Separate speaker notes for Introduction to PL/SQL
PL/SQL - Using IF statements
      Separate speaker notes for PL/SQL - Using IF statements
More on PL/SQL IF statements
      Separate speaker notes for More on PL/SQL IF statements
Introduction to loops
      Separate speaker notes for Introduction to loops
PL/SQL IF statements and LOOPS
Looking ahead to the notes on data manipulation might help with the extra credit.
Assignments Week #9
Week ending November 3rd
Please read the following notes and watch the slide presentations. Because I was out on Friday of last week, the information on loops was not covered until this week.
Data manipulation in PL/SQL - introduction
Record and table types
Data manipulation in PL/SQL - introduction
      Separate speaker notes on Data manipulation in PL/SQL - introduction
PL/SQL User Defined Types - record and table
      Separate speaker notes for PL/SQL User Defined Types - record and table
This is another one of the quizzes that can be discussed with other classmates.
First PL/SQL Quiz (also quiz #3)
Assignments Week #10
Week ending November 10th
Please read the following notes. This week we finished dealing with types and introduced cursors.
Introduction to Cursors
Introductory assignment on cursors and type table
Please be sure to see either Janelle or me this week for advisement. I am trying to advise as many second year students as possible before advisement starts. The sign up sheet for Monday and Tuesday is on my door. Janelle will be posting her sheet on Monday.
Assignments Week #11
Week ending November 17th
Please read the following notes and watch the slide presentation.
Example 1 using cursors
Continuing example 1 using cursors
Another set of cursor examples
Covers: Cursors in PL/SQL, cursor example and continuation of first cursor example
      Separate speaker notes for Cursors in PL/SQL, cursor example and continuation of first cursor example
Covers: Another set of cursor exampes
      Separate speaker notes for Another set of cursor examples
Multiple cursor assignment
Assignments Week #12
Week ending November 24th
Please read the notes and view the presentations on exceptions and start reading the notes on procedures and functions - we will deal those this week and next.
Introduction to exceptions
Introduction to procedures
Exceptions in PL/SQL
      Separate speaker notes for Exceptions in PL/SQL
Introduction to PL/SQL Procedures
      Separate speaker notes for Introduction to PL/SQL Procedures
Homework has ended - the assignment for the rest of the semester is the PROJECT!!!
Project - due the last day of classes
Assignments Week #13
Week ending December 1st
Please read the notes and view the presentations on procedures, functions and triggers.
Introduction to functions
Internal procedures
More on internal procedures and functions
Still more on procedures and functions
Introduction to triggers
More on triggers
Introduction to PL/SQL Functions
      Separate speaker notes for Introduction to PL/SQL Functions
More on Procedures - Internal Procedures
      Separate speaker notes for More on Procedures - Internal Procedures
Introduction to Triggers
      Separate speaker notes for Introduction to Triggers
More and Still More on Procedures and Functions
      Separate speaker notes for More and Still More on Procedures and Functions
More on Triggers
      Separate speaker notes for More on Triggers
NOTE: The final exam has been posted.
Assignments Week #14/#15
Week ending December 8th/15th
Read notes on Developer.
You are required to turn in a status sheet for this course! See main course page.

Send e-mail to Mrs. Grocer:

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