This is a series of examples dealing with cursors and tables.

There are four programs within this series that develop in sophistication. The first program does not actually grant a pay raise, but the others do. This program uses a subset of data taken from the employee file that comes as a demo with Oracle. I copied it over to SCOTT ownership using the technique explained in the copy file to another owner handout.

The purpose of this program is to create a table containing the each unique manager_id. I will then use this in subsequent programs to calculate the salary.


SQL> select * from employeez;

----------- --------------- --------------- ---------- ---------
       7369 SMITH           JOHN                  7902       800
       7499 ALLEN           KEVIN                 7698      1600
       7505 DOYLE           JEAN                  7839      2850
       7506 DENNIS          LYNN                  7839      2750
       7507 BAKER           LESLIE                7839      2200
       7521 WARD            CYNTHIA               7698      1250
       7555 PETERS          DANIEL                7505      1250
       7557 SHAW            KAREN                 7505      1250
       7560 DUNCAN          SARAH                 7506      1250
       7564 LANGE           GREGORY               7506      1250
       7566 JONES           TERRY                 7839      2975
       7569 ALBERTS         CHRIS                 7839      3000
       7600 PORTER          RAYMOND               7505      1250
       7609 LEWIS           RICHARD               7507      1800
       7654 MARTIN          KENNETH               7698      1250
       7676 SOMMERS         DENISE                7507      1850
       7698 BLAKE           MARION                7839      2850
       7782 CLARK           CAROL                 7839      2450
       7788 SCOTT           DONALD                7566      3000
       7789 WEST            LIVIA                 7506      1500
       7799 FISHER          MATTHEW               7569      3000

----------- --------------- --------------- ---------- ---------
       7820 ROSS            PAUL                  7505      1300
       7839 KING            FRANCIS                         5000
       7844 TURNER          MARY                  7698      1500
       7876 ADAMS           DIANE                 7788      1100
       7900 JAMES           FRED                  7698       950
       7902 FORD            JENNIFER              7566      3000
       7916 ROBERTS         GRACE                 7569      2875
       7919 DOUGLAS         MICHAEL               7799       800
       7934 MILLER          BARBARA               7782      1300
       7950 JENSEN          ALICE                 7505       750
       7954 MURRAY          JAMES                 7506       750

32 rows selected.


	TYPE t_ManagerTable IS TABLE OF employeez.manager_id%TYPE
	v_ManagerIdTable t_ManagerTable;
	CURSOR c_Employee1 IS
	  SELECT manager_id FROM employeez;
	v_ManagerId employeez.manager_id%TYPE;
	v_FoundFlag BOOLEAN;

	OPEN c_Employee1;
	  FETCH c_Employee1 INTO v_ManagerId;
	  EXIT WHEN c_Employee1%NOTFOUND;
	  v_FoundFlag := FALSE;
	  v_LoopCnt := 1;
	  WHILE v_LoopCnt <= v_ManagerIdTable.COUNT LOOP
	    IF v_ManagerId = v_ManagerIdTable(v_LoopCnt) THEN
	      v_FoundFlag := TRUE;
	    END IF;
	    v_LoopCnt := v_LoopCnt + 1;
	  IF v_FoundFlag = FALSE THEN
	    v_ManagerIdTable(v_ManagerIdTable.COUNT + 1) := v_ManagerId;
	  END IF;
	CLOSE c_Employee1;
        FOR i IN 1..v_ManagerIdTable.COUNT LOOP
        END LOOP;

Because I am creating a table which will show no output, I used the dbms line to show the contents of the table after I had completed it. For this reason, I am using SET SERVEROUTPUT ON/OFF.

In the DECLARE, I first declare a table type that will hold the manager_id. Again remember that I want the results to be all manager ids with no duplicates. The type is t_managerTable and it is a table of employeez.manager_id%TYPE meaning the elements in the table will have the same type as the manager id on the employeez table. Then I assign the v_ManagerIdTable which is the name of this type that I am using in my code.

I then set up a cursor called c_employee1 which selects all of the manager ids from the employeez table.

Finally I set up variables to hold the manager_id, a boolean flag to be used to determine if the manager id is already in the table and a binary integer field that will be used in my processing.

In the begin, I first open the c_Employee1 cursor.

I then enter a outer loop, with an EXIT when there is nothing more to fetch from the c_Employee1 cursor. In the loop I will fetch an entry from the cursor into the field called v_ManagerId. I will also initialize the v_FoundFlag to False and the v_LoopCnt to 1.

I then enter an inner WHILE loop that will process while the v_LoopCtr that I initialized at 1 is less then or equal to the COUNT of the elements in the v_ManagerIDTable. Inside the loop, I am checking the v_managerId that I fetched against the things that are already in the v_ManagerIdTable one by one. If I find a match I am setting the v_FoundFlag to true so I will know the manager id is already in the table and exiting the loop. Notice that I can have an EXIT in a while loop to let me exit the loop before the condition in the while loop has een met. If I do not exit the table, after the IF, I increment the v_LoopCnt by 1. The inner loop has now ended.

In summary, the inner loop is checking the manager id from the fetch against each element in the manager table. When I have either found a match I will leave the loop because of the EXIT, if I have checked against all of the elements in the table and not found a match, I will leave the loop because of the WHILE.

At the end of the inner loop, if the v_FoundFlag is false (remember, that is what it was initialized to and if a match was found it was changed to true) then I will put the manager id into the table. This is done by assigning the manager id to the v_ManagerIdTable modified by the count of the elements in the table plus 1. If the v_FoundFlag is true, no processing will be done.

After the if, the END LOOP sends me back to the outer loop where I will fetch another manager id from the selection in the cursor.

When the outer loop is complete, there are no more manager ids in the cursor, the cursor is closed.

To show the results, I now have a loop that goes through the table and prints each element. This is done with a FOR loop that moves from 1 to the count of the number of elements in the table. The output that is produced from the dbms line is shown below.


SQL> @ pay_raise_1a

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

Second version of the program - this one actually gives pay raises:

This version of the program updates the file to give managers a 10% raise and non managers a 2% raise. The found flag is used to make this determination.


	TYPE t_ManagerTable IS TABLE OF employeez.manager_id%TYPE
	v_ManagerIdTable t_ManagerTable;
	CURSOR c_Employee1 IS
	  SELECT manager_id FROM employeez;
	CURSOR c_Employee2 IS
	  SELECT employee_id, salary FROM employeez
	  FOR UPDATE OF salary;
	v_ManagerId employeez.manager_id%TYPE;
	v_EmployeeId employeez.employee_id%TYPE;
	v_Salary employeez.salary%TYPE;
	v_FoundFlag BOOLEAN;

	OPEN c_Employee1;
	  FETCH c_Employee1 INTO v_ManagerId;
	  EXIT WHEN c_Employee1%NOTFOUND;
	  v_FoundFlag := FALSE;
	  v_LoopCnt := 1;
	  WHILE v_LoopCnt <= v_ManagerIdTable.COUNT LOOP
	    IF v_ManagerId = v_ManagerIdTable(v_LoopCnt) THEN
	      v_FoundFlag := TRUE;
	    END IF;
	    v_LoopCnt := v_LoopCnt + 1;
	  IF v_FoundFlag = FALSE THEN
	    v_ManagerIdTable(v_ManagerIdTable.COUNT + 1) := v_ManagerId;
	  END IF;
	CLOSE c_Employee1;
	OPEN c_Employee2;
	  FETCH c_Employee2 INTO v_EmployeeId, v_Salary;
	  EXIT WHEN c_Employee2%NOTFOUND;
	  v_FoundFlag := FALSE;
	  v_LoopCnt := 1;
	  WHILE v_LoopCnt <= v_ManagerIdTable.COUNT LOOP
	    IF v_EmployeeId = v_ManagerIdTable(v_LoopCnt) THEN
	      v_FoundFlag := TRUE;
	    END IF;
	    v_LoopCnt := v_LoopCnt + 1;
	  IF v_FoundFlag = TRUE THEN
	    v_Salary := 1.1 * v_Salary;
	    v_Salary := 1.02 * v_Salary;
	  END IF;
	  UPDATE employeez
	    SET salary = v_Salary
	    WHERE CURRENT OF c_Employee2;
	CLOSE c_Employee2;

In this example, I am accumulating the numbers of all of the managers in the manager table. Then I am processing all of the data that I gather with the second cursor against the manager table to determine if the person is a manager or not. Based on that determination, I will update the table giving the appropriate raise. In this example, I am also introducing a couple of new elements.

The first new element is the FOR UPDATE clause on the select within the second cursor. This clause is used to lock the current data being used so that no one else can access it while you are doing the update. When the transaction is complete, the exclusive use will be lifted. It is recommended that you lock rows before updates and deletes. There is also a NOWAIT clause that can be added to the FOR UPDATE that will return a message if the rows have been locked by other processing. IF THE NOWAIT is not used, Oracle will just keep waiting for access if the record is locked. The code is: FOR UPDATE NOWAIT entered in the SELECT. Note that the FOR UPDATE clause should be the last clause in the SELECT statement. The FOR UPDATE clause can also specify a column or columns as I have in this example in which case the column_reference is the column that the query is performed on.

The next new element is the WHERE CURRENT OF clause which is used in my UPDATE statement. The WHERE CURRENT clause is used when the FOR UPDATE is used in the cursor query to lock the rows. It references the current row in the explicit cursor that is referenced. This means that the update will be done on the current row from the cursor.

The logic of this second program encompasses the logic from the first program and adds the calculate and update logic. Again there are two cursors. The program loops through the first cursor data filling the table. It then checks the second cursor data against the elements in the table.

At the begin, I open the first cursor and then do the logic described in the first program to fill the table with unique manager numbers. When that loop is complete, I close the first cursor because I am finished with the information about manager_id from the table employeez.

I then open the second cursor which contains employee_id and salary from the same table, employeez. This cursor is contains the FOR UPDATE OF salary clause in the SELECT. In this loop I am performing until there are no more records in the cursor. Again I initialized the flag to false and the v_LoopCnt to 1.

I then enter the inner loop for this aspect of the processing which calls for processing until the v_LoopCnt is less than or equal to the count of the number of elements in the table. The IF test in this loop tests to see if the employee id matches one of the manager ids in the table. The loop continues until it has checked the employee id against all of the elements in the table or until a match is found. If a match is found, the flag is set to TRUE and the loop is exited. Note that each pass through the loop increments v_LoopCnt.

In summary. In the inner loop the employee id was checked against all manager ids in the table. If no match was found the flag stays at false, if a match was found the flag is set to true and the loop is terminated.

After the loop ends, the flag is checked. If the flag is true the salary is multiplied by 1.1 and if the flag is not true the salary is multiplied by 1.02. Then the table is updated setting the salary in the table to the newly calculated salary for the current record. At the end loop, the outer loop will be re-entered and the fetch will get a new employee id and salary and the processing will continue.

When the second cursor contains no more entries, the outer loop is terminated and the cursor is closed.

The output from the second program with the salary updates is shown below.


SQL> @ pay_raise_3
Input truncated to 1 characters

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

SQL> SELECT * FROM employeez;

----------- --------------- --------------- ---------- ---------
       7369 SMITH           JOHN                  7902       816
       7499 ALLEN           KEVIN                 7698      1632
       7505 DOYLE           JEAN                  7839      3135
       7506 DENNIS          LYNN                  7839      3025
       7507 BAKER           LESLIE                7839      2420
       7521 WARD            CYNTHIA               7698      1275
       7555 PETERS          DANIEL                7505      1275
       7557 SHAW            KAREN                 7505      1275
       7560 DUNCAN          SARAH                 7506      1275
       7564 LANGE           GREGORY               7506      1275
       7566 JONES           TERRY                 7839    3272.5
       7569 ALBERTS         CHRIS                 7839      3300
       7600 PORTER          RAYMOND               7505      1275
       7609 LEWIS           RICHARD               7507      1836
       7654 MARTIN          KENNETH               7698      1275
       7676 SOMMERS         DENISE                7507      1887
       7698 BLAKE           MARION                7839      3135
       7782 CLARK           CAROL                 7839      2695
       7788 SCOTT           DONALD                7566      3300
       7789 WEST            LIVIA                 7506      1530
       7799 FISHER          MATTHEW               7569      3300

----------- --------------- --------------- ---------- ---------
       7820 ROSS            PAUL                  7505      1326
       7839 KING            FRANCIS                         5500
       7844 TURNER          MARY                  7698      1530
       7876 ADAMS           DIANE                 7788      1122
       7900 JAMES           FRED                  7698       969
       7902 FORD            JENNIFER              7566      3300
       7916 ROBERTS         GRACE                 7569    2932.5
       7919 DOUGLAS         MICHAEL               7799       816
       7934 MILLER          BARBARA               7782      1326
       7950 JENSEN          ALICE                 7505       765
       7954 MURRAY          JAMES                 7506       765

32 rows selected.

Third version of the program:

This version of the program uses a cursor FOR loop which processes rows in an explicit cursor defined in the declare. Even though this is an explicit cursor the cursor is automated within the FOR loop and the processing is handled implicitly. The FOR loop opens the cursor, fetches a row for each iteration of the loop, closes the cursor and terminates the automatic processing after the last row has been fetched and processed. When using the FOR, you must declare the cursor but the processing is automated. There is also a method that allows the SELECT statement to be defined at the start of the loop which makes it internal to the FOR loop.


	TYPE t_ManagerTable IS TABLE OF employeez.manager_id%TYPE

	v_ManagerIdTable t_ManagerTable;

	CURSOR c_Employee1 IS
	  SELECT manager_id FROM employeez;

	CURSOR c_Employee2 IS
	  SELECT employee_id, salary FROM employeez
	  FOR UPDATE OF salary;	

	v_Salary employeez.salary%TYPE;
	v_FoundFlag BOOLEAN;

	-- Build a table of manager ID's

	FOR v_EmployeeData1 IN c_Employee1 LOOP
	  v_FoundFlag := FALSE;
	  v_LoopCnt := 1;
	  WHILE (v_LoopCnt <= v_ManagerIdTable.COUNT) AND
	   (v_FoundFlag = FALSE) LOOP
	    IF v_EmployeeData1.manager_id = v_ManagerIdTable(v_LoopCnt) THEN
	      v_FoundFlag := TRUE;
	    END IF;     
	      v_LoopCnt := v_LoopCnt + 1;	  
	  IF v_FoundFlag = FALSE THEN
	    v_ManagerIdTable(v_ManagerIdTable.COUNT + 1) :=  
	  END IF;

	-- Look in manager ID table to determine if employee is a manager
	-- If employee is a manager increase pay by 10% else increase pay by 2%

	FOR v_EmployeeData2 IN c_Employee2 LOOP
	  v_FoundFlag := FALSE;
	  v_LoopCnt := 1;
	  WHILE (v_LoopCnt <= v_ManagerIdTable.COUNT) AND
	   (v_FoundFlag = FALSE) LOOP
	    IF v_EmployeeData2.employee_id = v_ManagerIdTable(v_LoopCnt) THEN
	      v_FoundFlag := TRUE;	
	    END IF;
	    v_LoopCnt := v_LoopCnt + 1;
	  IF v_FoundFlag = TRUE THEN
	    v_Salary := 1.1 * v_EmployeeData2.salary;
	    v_Salary := 1.02 * v_EmployeeData2.salary;
	  END IF;
	  UPDATE employeez
	    SET salary = v_Salary
	    WHERE CURRENT OF c_Employee2;


The logic in this program has changed because the CURSOR FOR LOOP is used. However, the goals and the processing are the same. Notice that there are NO OPEN, CLOSE or FETCH statements in the code. The cursor FOR loop automates the handling of these commands. The syntax of the cursor FOR loop is the FOR followed by the record name (the name of the implicitly declared record) IN followed by the cursor name (the name of the declared cursor) and the word LOOP. This means that the statement of the record name is in essence its definition.

The first FOR loop has v_EmployeData1 as the implicitly defined record name and c_Employee1 (the first cursor) as the cursor name. The second FOR loop has v_EmployeeData2 as the implicitly defined record name and c_Employee2 (the second cursor) as the cursor name. Again, there are no open and closes statements and every iteration of the loop causes the equivalent of a fetch statement to happen.

Another change in this program is the WHILE does not have an EXIT in it. Instead the while has an AND condition that tests for everything checked AND the flag set to false. If inside the loop the flag gets reset to true, then the next time the WHILE is checked it will not meet both criteria and the loop will terminate. Obviously it will also terminate when all of the elements in the table have been compared to the id.

Notice also the IF statement which compares the implicitly defined record name.column name instead of simply the column name. This is required because the column name is within the record and will only be recognized in the context of the record.

The output below shows a second pay raise given to the employees based on the logic in pay_raise_4.


SQL> @ pay_raise_4
Input truncated to 1 characters

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

SQL> SELECT * FROM employeez;

----------- --------------- --------------- ---------- ---------
       7369 SMITH           JOHN                  7902    832.32
       7499 ALLEN           KEVIN                 7698   1664.64
       7505 DOYLE           JEAN                  7839    3448.5
       7506 DENNIS          LYNN                  7839    3327.5
       7507 BAKER           LESLIE                7839      2662
       7521 WARD            CYNTHIA               7698    1300.5
       7555 PETERS          DANIEL                7505    1300.5
       7557 SHAW            KAREN                 7505    1300.5
       7560 DUNCAN          SARAH                 7506    1300.5
       7564 LANGE           GREGORY               7506    1300.5
       7566 JONES           TERRY                 7839   3599.75
       7569 ALBERTS         CHRIS                 7839      3630
       7600 PORTER          RAYMOND               7505    1300.5
       7609 LEWIS           RICHARD               7507   1872.72
       7654 MARTIN          KENNETH               7698    1300.5
       7676 SOMMERS         DENISE                7507   1924.74
       7698 BLAKE           MARION                7839    3448.5
       7782 CLARK           CAROL                 7839    2964.5
       7788 SCOTT           DONALD                7566      3630
       7789 WEST            LIVIA                 7506    1560.6
       7799 FISHER          MATTHEW               7569      3630

----------- --------------- --------------- ---------- ---------
       7820 ROSS            PAUL                  7505   1352.52
       7839 KING            FRANCIS                         6050
       7844 TURNER          MARY                  7698    1560.6
       7876 ADAMS           DIANE                 7788   1144.44
       7900 JAMES           FRED                  7698    988.38
       7902 FORD            JENNIFER              7566      3630
       7916 ROBERTS         GRACE                 7569   2991.15
       7919 DOUGLAS         MICHAEL               7799    832.32
       7934 MILLER          BARBARA               7782   1352.52
       7950 JENSEN          ALICE                 7505     780.3
       7954 MURRAY          JAMES                 7506     780.3

32 rows selected.

Fourth example of the code:

This example is really superior in efficiency, but it doesn't illustrate some of the points I wanted to go over as well, so I saved it for last. The manager table is defined first and will again hold unique manager_id numbers. Note that this program uses only one cursor to store the employee id, the salary and the manager id for that employee. The key to the efficiency is that the cursor is ordered by manager_id. This means that the managers will be placed in the table in order, so I can make assumptions about whether they are there or not.

The initial cursor FOR loop is building the table. If there is nothing in the table or if the manager id on the record that was just read by the FOR is not equal to the manager id in the table that COUNT is pointing to then the current manager id is put in the table with COUNT + 1.

The next loop is checking to see if the employee is a manager. This loop is basically the same as the loop in the previous version except that since everything is being done in one cursor, it refers to the same cursor. To review. The FOR sets the flag to false and the count to 1. Then the embedded/inner while loop is entered and it is performed until either the loop count becomes greater than the number of elements in the table or the flag gets set to false. Inside the loop the employee id on the current record is compared to an element in the table depending on the current value of loop count. If the employee number matches a value in the table then the flag is set to true. After the if the loop is incremented by 1. If when control returns to the WHILE the loop count is greater than the number of elements in the table indicating everything has been checked or the flag has been changed indicated a match was found, the loop will end.

The next paragraph checks the flag. If a match was found (flag is true) then the person gets a 10% raise. If a match was not found (flag is false) then the person gets a 2% raise. The if calculates the salary change. Then the code drops to the update which actually makes the salary change on the record. Again, the where current makes the update to the current record.


SQL> edit pay_raise_5


	TYPE t_ManagerTable IS TABLE OF employeez.manager_id%TYPE

	v_ManagerIdTable t_ManagerTable;

	CURSOR c_Employee1 IS
	  SELECT employee_id, salary, manager_id FROM employeez
          ORDER BY manager_id
          FOR UPDATE OF salary;

	v_Salary employeez.salary%TYPE;
	v_FoundFlag BOOLEAN;

	-- Build a table of manager ID's

	FOR v_EmployeeData1 IN c_Employee1 LOOP
	  IF v_ManagerIdTable.COUNT = 0
           OR v_EmployeeData1.manager_id != 
             v_ManagerIdTable(v_ManagerIdTable.COUNT) THEN
	    v_ManagerIdTable(v_ManagerIdTable.COUNT + 1) :=  
	  END IF;     

	-- Look in manager ID table to determine if employee is a manager
	-- If employee is a manager increase pay by 10% else increase pay by 2%

	FOR v_EmployeeData2 IN c_Employee1 LOOP
	  v_FoundFlag := FALSE;
	  v_LoopCnt := 1;
	  WHILE (v_LoopCnt <= v_ManagerIdTable.COUNT) AND
	   (v_FoundFlag = FALSE) LOOP
	    IF v_EmployeeData2.employee_id = v_ManagerIdTable(v_LoopCnt) THEN
	      v_FoundFlag := TRUE;	
	    END IF;
	    v_LoopCnt := v_LoopCnt + 1;
	  IF v_FoundFlag = TRUE THEN
	    v_Salary := 1.1 * v_EmployeeData2.salary;
	    v_Salary := 1.02 * v_EmployeeData2.salary;
	  END IF;
	  UPDATE employeez
	    SET salary = v_Salary
	    WHERE CURRENT OF c_Employee1;



SQL> @ pay_raise_5

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

Input truncated to 20 characters
SQL> SELECT * FROM employeez;

----------- --------------- --------------- ---------- ---------
       7369 SMITH           JOHN                  7902    848.97
       7499 ALLEN           KEVIN                 7698   1697.93
       7505 DOYLE           JEAN                  7839   3793.35
       7506 DENNIS          LYNN                  7839   3660.25
       7507 BAKER           LESLIE                7839    2928.2
       7521 WARD            CYNTHIA               7698   1326.51
       7555 PETERS          DANIEL                7505   1326.51
       7557 SHAW            KAREN                 7505   1326.51
       7560 DUNCAN          SARAH                 7506   1326.51
       7564 LANGE           GREGORY               7506   1326.51
       7566 JONES           TERRY                 7839   3959.73
       7569 ALBERTS         CHRIS                 7839      3993
       7600 PORTER          RAYMOND               7505   1326.51
       7609 LEWIS           RICHARD               7507   1910.17
       7654 MARTIN          KENNETH               7698   1326.51
       7676 SOMMERS         DENISE                7507   1963.23
       7698 BLAKE           MARION                7839   3793.35
       7782 CLARK           CAROL                 7839   3260.95
       7788 SCOTT           DONALD                7566      3993
       7789 WEST            LIVIA                 7506   1591.81
       7799 FISHER          MATTHEW               7569      3993

----------- --------------- --------------- ---------- ---------
       7820 ROSS            PAUL                  7505   1379.57
       7839 KING            FRANCIS                         6655
       7844 TURNER          MARY                  7698   1591.81
       7876 ADAMS           DIANE                 7788   1167.33
       7900 JAMES           FRED                  7698   1008.15
       7902 FORD            JENNIFER              7566      3993
       7916 ROBERTS         GRACE                 7569   3050.97
       7919 DOUGLAS         MICHAEL               7799    848.97
       7934 MILLER          BARBARA               7782   1379.57
       7950 JENSEN          ALICE                 7505    795.91
       7954 MURRAY          JAMES                 7506    795.91

32 rows selected.