A subquery is a SELECT within a select (also called nested, sub, and inner). When the SELECT is executed, the inner SELECT is executed and the results are used to resolve the outer SELECT. Subqueries can be based on multiple tables where the result of the query on one table are used to extract data from another query. Subqueries can also be based on the same table when you want to select data in the table based on an initial conditional check of the table. The subquery can be located in a FROM, WHERE or HAVING clause and can use the tests of >, <, = , !=, >=, <=, ANY, ALL, IN. The structure of the subquery calls for the inner query which is resolved first to be enclosed in quotes. It is also important to note that the value returned from the inner select is the value that the outer select is testing on - the code must reflect this fact. The examples below show a variety of uses of the select within a select.

In the first example, I want to find out what the year goal is for someone with the last name of Ash. Once I find that out, I want to display everyone that has a year goal greater than the year goal of Ash. Notice the structure: the inner select is retrieving a yrgoal and the outer select is testing against yrgoal.


SQL> SELECT idno, name, yrgoal, contact
  2  FROM donor
  3  WHERE yrgoal >
  4      (SELECT yrgoal
  5       FROM donor
  6       WHERE name LIKE '%Ash');

----- --------------- --------- ------------
11111 Stephen Daniels       500 John Smith
12121 Jennifer Ames         400 Susan Jones

In the second example, the inner select comes up with all of the drive numbers where the contribution amount is greater than 20. The outer select shows information for all rows where the drive number is in the list of drives that resulted from the inner select. It is important to note the use of IN in the outer select. The inner select has a chance of returning more than one value and the outer select has to be able to deal with multiple returns. A good way of handling this is with the IN.


SQL> SELECT idno, driveno, contdate, contamt
  2  FROM donation
  3  WHERE driveno IN
  4     (SELECT driveno
  5      FROM donation
  6      WHERE contamt > 20);

----- --- --------- ---------
11111 100 07-JAN-99        25
23456 100 03-MAR-99        20
22222 100 14-MAR-99        10
12121 200 23-FEB-99        40

In the third example, the inner select finds the average yrgoal from the donor file and then the outer select finds all donors where the yrgoal is greater than or equal to the average. Again the inner select is returning the average for yrgoal and the outer select is testing against yrgoal.


SQL> SELECT name, yrgoal
  2  FROM donor
  3  WHERE yrgoal >=
  4     (SELECT AVG(yrgoal)
  5      FROM donor);

NAME               YRGOAL
--------------- ---------
Stephen Daniels       500
Jennifer Ames         400
In the fourth example, I am using two tables. I am using the inner select to look at the donation table and select all idno where the contamt is greater than 20. The outer select than prints the name and yrgoal from the donor table for those donors that were selected by the inner select. Again, the inner select is coming up with one or more idno and the outer select is testing for a idno in the list that was retrieved.


1  SELECT name, yrgoal
  2  FROM donor
  3  WHERE idno IN
  4     (SELECT idno
  5      FROM donation
  6*     WHERE contamt > 20)
SQL> /

NAME               YRGOAL
--------------- ---------
Stephen Daniels       500
Jennifer Ames         400

In the fifth example, I am only using the donor table. In the inner select I am finding the average of yrgoal and then in the outer select I am showing the groups by state and contact within state where the sum of the yrgoal is greater than the average yrgoal.


SQL> SELECT state, contact, SUM(yrgoal)
  2  FROM donor
  3  GROUP BY state, contact
  4  HAVING SUM(yrgoal) >
  5     (SELECT AVG(yrgoal) 
  6      FROM donor);

-- ------------ -----------
MA John Smith           500
RI Susan Jones          400

In the sixth example, I want to see information where two criteria are met. The criteria are in an AND relationship. Each of the and relationships is an inner select. For clarity, I have put selects similar to the inner selects as stand alone selects below. You will see that Stephen Daniels is the only person that meets both of the AND criteria and is therefore the only one that the outer select displays.


1  SELECT name, city, state, yrgoal, contact, datefst
  2  FROM donor
  3  WHERE datefst IN
  4     (SELECT datefst
  5      FROM donor
  6      WHERE yrgoal > 100)
  7  AND state =
  8     (SELECT state
  9      FROM donor
 10*     WHERE city = 'Seekonk')
SQL> /

NAME            CITY       ST    YRGOAL CONTACT      DATEFST
--------------- ---------- -- --------- ------------ ---------
Stephen Daniels Seekonk    MA       500 John Smith   03-JUL-98

The examples below are showing the inner select statements from above (I added name in the select to help show which rows would be selected in each of the inner selects.


SQL> SELECT name, datefst
  2  FROM donor 
  3  WHERE yrgoal > 100;

NAME            DATEFST
--------------- ---------
Stephen Daniels 03-JUL-98
Jennifer Ames   24-MAY-97

SQL> SELECT name, state
  2  FROM donor
  3  WHERE city = 'Seekonk';

NAME            ST
--------------- --
Stephen Daniels MA


In the seventh example, I what to select all colums from donor in the outer select where the contact is in the list that the first inner select comes up with OR the contact is in the list that the second inner select comes up with. Again I showed the two inner selects separately below to show what contact would be selected by each.


  2  FROM donor
  3  WHERE contact IN
  4    (SELECT contact
  5     FROM donor
  6     WHERE state = 'RI')
  7  OR
  8    contact IN
  9    (SELECT contact
 10     FROM donor
 11     WHERE yrgoal > 100);

IDNO  NAME            STADR           CITY       ST ZIP   DATEFST      YRGOAL CONTACT
----- --------------- --------------- ---------- -- ----- --------- --------- ------------
11111 Stephen Daniels 123 Elm St      Seekonk    MA 02345 03-JUL-98       500 John Smith
12121 Jennifer Ames   24 Benefit St   Providence RI 02045 24-MAY-97       400 Susan Jones
22222 Carl Hersey     24 Benefit St   Providence RI 02045 03-JAN-98           Susan Jones

The two selects below are the same as the inner selects in the example above.


SQL> SELECT contact 
  2  FROM donor
  3  WHERE state = 'RI';

Susan Jones
Susan Jones

SQL> SELECT contact 
  2  FROM donor 
  3  WHERE yrgoal > 100;

John Smith
Susan Jones

In the eighth example, I am using ALL in the outer select. The inner select comes back with the minimum yrgoal grouped by state. The outer select then gives the information about any donor that is greater than the minimum in ALL of the states.


  2  FROM donor
  3  WHERE yrgoal > ALL
  4     (SELECT MIN(yrgoal)
  5      FROM donor
  6*     GROUP BY state)
SQL> /

IDNO  NAME            STADR           CITY       ST ZIP   DATEFST      YRGOAL CONTACT
----- --------------- --------------- ---------- -- ----- --------- --------- -----------
11111 Stephen Daniels 123 Elm St      Seekonk    MA 02345 03-JUL-98       500 John Smith

In the ninth example, I am using ANY in the outer select. The inner select comes back with the minimum yrgoal grouped by state. The outer select then gives the information about any donor that is greater than the minimum of ANY one of the states.


  2  FROM donor
  3  WHERE yrgoal > ANY
  4     (SELECT MIN(yrgoal)
  5      FROM donor
  6      GROUP BY state);

IDNO  NAME            STADR           CITY       ST ZIP   DATEFST      YRGOAL CONTACT
----- --------------- --------------- ---------- -- ----- --------- --------- ------------
11111 Stephen Daniels 123 Elm St      Seekonk    MA 02345 03-JUL-98       500 John Smith
12121 Jennifer Ames   24 Benefit St   Providence RI 02045 24-MAY-97       400 Susan Jones
23456 Susan Ash       21 Main St      Fall River MA 02720 04-MAR-92       100 Amy Costa

In the tenth example, I am again using two tables. Here I am displaying all of the information from the donation table where the contamt than any of the amounts selected by the inner select. The inner select divides yrgoal by 3 and then takes the minimum of these for each state group.


  2  FROM donation
  3  WHERE contamt > ANY
  4     (SELECT MIN(yrgoal/3)
  5      FROM donor
  6*     GROUP BY state)
SQL> /

----- --- --------- ---------
11111 100 07-JAN-99        25
12121 200 23-FEB-99        40
23456 100 03-MAR-99        20