SQL and Conditions

Additional records were added to the database before doing these examples. The donor database now contains the following:



IDNO  NAME            STADR           CITY       ST ZIP   DATEFST      YRGOAL CONTACT
----- --------------- --------------- ---------- -- ----- --------- --------- ------------
11111 Stephen Daniels 123 Elm St      Seekonk    MA 02345 03-JUL-98       500 John Smith
12121 Jennifer Ames   24 Benefit St   Providence RI 02045 24-MAY-97       400 Susan Jones
22222 Carl Hersey     24 Benefit St   Providence RI 02045 03-JAN-98           Susan Jones
23456 Susan Ash       21 Main St      Fall River MA 02720 04-MAR-92       100 Amy Costa
33333 Nancy Taylor    26 Oak St       Fall River MA 02720 04-MAR-92        50 John Adams
34567 Robert Brooks   36 Pine St      Fall River MA 02720 04-APR-98        50 Amy Costa

6 rows selected.

One of the major things that needs to be done in a query is setting certain criteria and only retrieving rows that meet the specified criteria. In SQL, this is accomplished with the WHERE clause.

For example, let's say I want to show only information for donors that live in Rhode Island. For this selection, I decide that I want to see the identification number, the name, the city and the state.

SELECT idno, name, city, state
FROM donor
WHERE state = 'RI';

The where clause lets me test each record in the table against the criteria state = 'RI'. If the state does not equal RI, the record will not be displayed. Notice that the string literal RI is enclosed in single quotes.


SQL> SELECT idno, name, city, state
  2  FROM donor
  3  WHERE state = 'RI';

IDNO  NAME            CITY       ST
----- --------------- ---------- --
12121 Jennifer Ames   Providence RI
22222 Carl Hersey     Providence RI

The comparison operators that are used in SQL are:

Operator Definition
= Equal to
> Greater than
< Less than
<> Not equal to
>= Greater than or equal to
<= Less than or equal to

SELECT idno, name, yrgoal
FROM donor
WHERE yrgoal >= 100;

In the example above, I want to show idno, name, yrgoal for all records where the yrgoal is either = to or greater than 100. Notice that because yrgoal is a numeric field and this is numeric data, the 100 is not enclosed in quotes.


SQL> SELECT idno, name, yrgoal
  2  FROM donor 
  3  WHERE yrgoal >= 100;

IDNO  NAME               YRGOAL
----- --------------- ---------
11111 Stephen Daniels       500
12121 Jennifer Ames         400
23456 Susan Ash             100

As in all languages, comparisons should be of like data types. String values and date values are enclosed in the single quote marks and the information enclosed is case sensitive. Numeric data can be enclosed in quotes if the field be compared to is a character/string field. In other words, if I define idno as character or string data then I can put the number I am comparing in single quotes. The example below is comparing a date field to a specific date. Notice that the default format for dates is DD-MON-YY.


SQL> SELECT idno, name, datefst
  2  FROM donor
  3  WHERE datefst > '01-JAN-96';

----- --------------- ---------
11111 Stephen Daniels 03-JUL-98
12121 Jennifer Ames   24-MAY-97
22222 Carl Hersey     03-JAN-98
34567 Robert Brooks   04-APR-98
In the next example, I want to get all donors who live in Fall River. My problem is that I am not sure how the data has been keyed in: Fall River, FALL RIVER, fall river. Since the data inside the single quotes is case sensitive I need to use the upper or lower case function to temporarily convert the data for a balanced comparison. In the example below, I am converting the data in the table to upper case and then comparing that against FALL RIVER. This guarantees that I am comparing like data. In the following example, I am converting the data in the table to lower case and then comparing that against fall river.


SQL> SELECT idno, name, city
  2  FROM donor
  3  WHERE upper(city) = 'FALL RIVER';

IDNO  NAME            CITY
----- --------------- ----------
23456 Susan Ash       Fall River
33333 Nancy Taylor    Fall River
34567 Robert Brooks   Fall River

SQL> SELECT idno, name, city 
  2  FROM donor
  3  WHERE lower(city) = 'fall river';

IDNO  NAME            CITY
----- --------------- ----------
23456 Susan Ash       Fall River
33333 Nancy Taylor    Fall River
34567 Robert Brooks   Fall River

SQL allows the testing of a field for NULL. Remember NULL means that no value has been assigned to the field and therefore the field cannot be equal to anything or unequal to anything, it is just plain null. The test that will be used in the WHERE clause is the IS NULL test. In the example below, the output shows the row where there is no entry in the yrgoal field, the field is null.


SQL> SELECT idno, name, city, yrgoal
  2  FROM donor
  3  WHERE yrgoal IS NULL;

IDNO  NAME            CITY          YRGOAL
----- --------------- ---------- ---------
22222 Carl Hersey     Providence
SQL supports the logical operators AND, OR and NOT. As you know, with AND all conditions in the AND relationship must be true to select the record and with OR only one of the conditions in the OR relationship has to be true to select a record. With NOT, the condition must not be true to select the record.

In the example below, I am testing for state = 'MA' (note that because MA is a character string it must be enclosed in single quotes) and yrgoal that is either > or = to 100. The greater than or equal to has to be expressed as >=. All rows from the table where both of these conditions are true will be displayed.


SQL> SELECT idno, name, state, yrgoal
  2  FROM donor
  3  WHERE state = 'MA' AND yrgoal >= 100;

IDNO  NAME            ST    YRGOAL
----- --------------- -- ---------
11111 Stephen Daniels MA       500
23456 Susan Ash       MA       100

In the next example, I am displaying all records where the yrgoal is < 400 and the datefst is > then January 1, 1995. Again notice the data is enclosed in single quotes and it is in the default format of DD-MON-YY.


SQL> SELECT name, state, datefst, yrgoal
  2  FROM donor
  3  WHERE yrgoal < 400 AND datefst > '01-JAN-95';

NAME            ST DATEFST      YRGOAL
--------------- -- --------- ---------
Robert Brooks   MA 04-APR-98        50
The next example uses the logical operator OR. In this case, if either of the two conditions are true then the row/record will be displayed. The first example is looking for donors that either live in RI or have yrgoal < 100. Again, if either condition is true the row will be displayed. If both conditions happen to be true, that is fine and the row will be displayed. Only if both conditions are false will the row not appear.


SQL> SELECT name, state, yrgoal 
  2  FROM donor
  3  WHERE state = 'RI' OR yrgoal < 100;

NAME            ST    YRGOAL
--------------- -- ---------
Jennifer Ames   RI       400
Carl Hersey     RI
Nancy Taylor    MA        50
Robert Brooks   MA        50
The second example of the logical OR tests the contact column for each row to see if the name is either Susan Jones or John Adams. If either name is in the contact column than that row will be displayed.


SQL> SELECT name, state, yrgoal, contact
  2  FROM donor
  3  WHERE contact = 'Susan Jones' OR contact = 'John Adams';

--------------- -- --------- ------------
Jennifer Ames   RI       400 Susan Jones
Carl Hersey     RI           Susan Jones
Nancy Taylor    MA        50 John Adams
In the third example, I am again testing the same field. I want to display all records where the yrgoal is either < 100 or null.


SQL> SELECT name, yrgoal, contact
  2  FROM donor
  3  WHERE yrgoal < 100 or yrgoal IS NULL;

--------------- --------- ------------
Carl Hersey               Susan Jones
Nancy Taylor           50 John Adams
Robert Brooks          50 Amy Costa
When working with NOT, AND, and OR, it is important to remember the order in which the processing occurs:

Parenthesis can be used to change this order because parenthesis are resolved before things that are not contained in parenthesis.

For example:

Condition A AND Condition B OR Condition C can be read as Condition A AND Condition B or just 
Condition C and resolves as:

            Condition A AND Condition B
            Condition C

Condition A AND (Condition B OR Condition C) can be read as Condition A AND either Condition B 
OR Condition C and resolves as:

                                  Condition B
           Condition A AND            OR
		                  Condition C
An example of this in Oracle SQL is shown below. In this example I want yrgoal greater than 100 and state = 'RI' or just contact = 'Amy Costa', and that is what I will get. However, if what I wanted was that yrgoal always had to be greater than 100 and then either the state had to be 'RI' or the contact had to be 'Amy Costa' then the first example below would not work. Parenthesis would have to be included to group state = 'RI' and contact = 'Amy Costa'.


SQL> list
  1  SELECT name, city, state, datefst, yrgoal, contact
  2  FROM donor
  3* WHERE yrgoal >100 AND state = 'RI' OR contact = 'Amy Costa'
SQL> /

--------------- ---------- -- --------- --------- ------------
Jennifer Ames   Providence RI 24-MAY-97       400 Susan Jones
Susan Ash       Fall River MA 04-MAR-92       100 Amy Costa
Robert Brooks   Fall River MA 04-APR-98        50 Amy Costa
When you look at the results of the SQL query above, the first record meets the criteria yrgoal > 100 and state = 'RI', the second and third record meet the criteria contact = 'Amy Costa'.

In this second example the parenthesis are included so I will get records where yrgoal is always greater than 100 and either the state = 'RI' or the contact = 'Amy Costa'. In this case, only one record met the criteria. It had yrgoal > 100 and state = 'RI'.


SQL> list
  1  SELECT name, city, state, datefst, yrgoal, contact
  2  FROM donor
  3* WHERE yrgoal > 100 AND (state = 'RI' OR contact = 'Amy Costa')
SQL> /

--------------- ---------- -- --------- --------- ------------
Jennifer Ames   Providence RI 24-MAY-97       400 Susan Jones

Note that if the criteria had been changed to yrgoal > 50 rather than 100, a second record would display (Susan Ash).


SQL> SELECT name, city, state, datefst, yrgoal, contact
  2  FROM donor
  3  WHERE yrgoal > 50 AND (state = 'RI' OR contact = 'Amy Costa');

--------------- ---------- -- --------- --------- ------------
Jennifer Ames   Providence RI 24-MAY-97       400 Susan Jones
Susan Ash       Fall River MA 04-MAR-92       100 Amy Costa

Another example of a combined AND and OR is shown below. In this example I want state of Rhode Island with a date of first contribution greater than January 1, 1998 or the state of Massachusetts with a date for first contribution greater than January 1, 1996. Notice that no parenthesis are needed because the two ANDs get resolved first and then the results hit the OR test. Parenthesis could have been inserted around the two AND combinations for clarity.


SELECT name, city, state, datefst, yrgoal, contact
FROM donor
WHERE state = 'RI' AND datefst > '01-JAN-98' OR state = 'MA' AND datefst > '01-JAN-96';

--------------- ---------- -- --------- --------- ------------
Stephen Daniels Seekonk    MA 03-JUL-98       500 John Smith
Carl Hersey     Providence RI 03-JAN-98           Susan Jones
Robert Brooks   Fall River MA 04-APR-98        50 Amy Costa

SQL also supports the NOT operator. Remember that in the hierarchy, the NOT is resolved before the AND which is resolved before the OR. In the example below, I want to print out information on all donors who do not have Amy Costa as their contact.


SQL> SELECT name, state, contact
  2  FROM donor
  3  WHERE NOT contact = 'Amy Costa';

NAME            ST CONTACT
--------------- -- ------------
Stephen Daniels MA John Smith
Jennifer Ames   RI Susan Jones
Carl Hersey     RI Susan Jones
Nancy Taylor    MA John Adams
Another example of the use of NOT is in this compound AND statement where each of the clauses contain a NOT. In this case I want all donors who do not have Amy Costa as their contact and do not live in the state of Rhode Island. The NOT has priority, so the NOT gets resolved first and then the AND combines the two NOT conditions to say not Amy Costa and not Rhode Island. This means neither Amy Costa nor Rhode Island can appear in the row. Another way to say it is, anyone who is not Amy Costa and any state that is not Rhode Island.


SQL> list
  1  SELECT name, state, yrgoal, contact
  2  FROM donor
  3* WHERE NOT contact = 'Amy Costa' AND NOT state = 'RI'
SQL> /

--------------- -- --------- ------------
Stephen Daniels MA       500 John Smith
Nancy Taylor    MA        50 John Adams

In the next example, the AND was put inside parenthesis so it got resolved first. The NOT got applied to this resolution. The final result was all rows that did not contain Amy Costa AND Rhode Island. Since there are no records for Amy Costa and Rhode Island all the records are displayed.


SQL> SELECT name, state, yrgoal, contact
  2  FROM donor
  3  WHERE NOT(contact = 'Amy Costa' AND state = 'RI');

--------------- -- --------- ------------
Stephen Daniels MA       500 John Smith
Jennifer Ames   RI       400 Susan Jones
Carl Hersey     RI           Susan Jones
Susan Ash       MA       100 Amy Costa
Nancy Taylor    MA        50 John Adams
Robert Brooks   MA        50 Amy Costa

6 rows selected.

To help clarify this, I am now asking for all rows that did not contain Amy Costa and Massachusetts. There were two rows for Massachusetts that had Amy Costa as the contact person and those rows are not displayed.


SQL> SELECT name, state, yrgoal, contact
  2  FROM donor
  3  WHERE NOT (contact = 'Amy Costa' AND state = 'MA');

--------------- -- --------- ------------
Stephen Daniels MA       500 John Smith
Jennifer Ames   RI       400 Susan Jones
Carl Hersey     RI           Susan Jones
Nancy Taylor    MA        50 John Adams



Oracle SQL provides several other operators that can be used to retrieve specific records. The BETWEEN and the IN simplify asking for several things. BETWEEN deals with a range and IN deals with a list.

In the example below, I want to display all rows where the datefst column contains a date between January 1, 1997 and July 3, 1998. Notice that July 2, 1998 appears on the list which tells us that the BETWEEN is inclusive meaning it includes the two dates that are the beginning and end of the range.


SQL> SELECT name, datefst, yrgoal 
  2  FROM donor
  3  WHERE datefst BETWEEN '01-JAN-97' AND '03-JUL-98';

NAME            DATEFST      YRGOAL
--------------- --------- ---------
Stephen Daniels 03-JUL-98       500
Jennifer Ames   24-MAY-97       400
Carl Hersey     03-JAN-98
Robert Brooks   04-APR-98        50

The IN clause sets up a list and checks to see if the field is included in the list. In the first example, I am looking to see if yrgoal is in the list 50, 100, 500. Only rows that where the yrgoal column has one of those values will be displayed.


SQL> SELECT name, datefst, yrgoal 
  2  FROM donor
  3  WHERE yrgoal IN (50, 100, 500);

NAME            DATEFST      YRGOAL
--------------- --------- ---------
Stephen Daniels 03-JUL-98       500
Susan Ash       04-MAR-92       100
Nancy Taylor    04-MAR-92        50
Robert Brooks   04-APR-98        50

In this example, I am checking to see if the contact is IN the list which includes John Adams and Amy Costa. Those rows where the contact column contains those names are displayed.


SQL> list
  1  SELECT name, datefst, yrgoal, contact
  2  FROM donor
  3* WHERE contact IN ('John Adams', 'Amy Costa')
SQL> /

--------------- --------- --------- ------------
Susan Ash       04-MAR-92       100 Amy Costa
Nancy Taylor    04-MAR-92        50 John Adams
Robert Brooks   04-APR-98        50 Amy Costa

The LIKE operator lets the user look for something when they aren't sure of the exact spelling or format. For example, I can look for all fields that start with S or all fields that contain a J in the fourth character. The % symbol is used to indicate any number of characters and the _ symbol is used to indicate one character. If either of these characters appear in the column that is being checked the \ can be used as the ESCAPE identifier to indicate that the exact character % or _ is to be looked for and that they temporarily do not have the meaning usually associated with them.

For example: WHERE name LIKE '%S\_DE%' ESCAPE '\' means that you are looking in the name field for the string S_DE and there can be letters before the S and after the DE.

In the example shown below, I am looking in the contact column for all contacts with the first name of John. The % after the John means that John can be followed by any number of other letters.


SQL> list
  1  SELECT name, stadr, city, contact
  2  FROM donor
  3* WHERE contact LIKE 'John%';
NAME            STADR           CITY       CONTACT
--------------- --------------- ---------- ------------
Stephen Daniels 123 Elm St      Seekonk    John Smith
Nancy Taylor    26 Oak St       Fall River John Adams

In this example, I am looking for a lower case a in the second character followed by any number of other characters. The _ at the beginning indicates one character then the a in the second character and the % indicates any number of characters following.


SQL> SELECT name, stadr, city
  2  FROM donor
  3  WHERE name LIKE '_a%';

NAME            STADR           CITY
--------------- --------------- ----------
Carl Hersey     24 Benefit St   Providence
Nancy Taylor    26 Oak St       Fall River