Programming Concepts - CIS52

Weekly Schedule

Schedule by week Information to cover - links are from other locations at this site
NOTE: This page will be updated during the week - the information posted should be checked multiple times during the week.
Week #1 Assignments
Week of January 20th
Read the notes and view the PowerPoint presentation on name flip (data manipulation).
Name flip assignment
I will send you possible solutions when I get yours.
Review the use of functions in the languages you have taken - if your CIS51 did not cover functions, please read the notes on COBOL functions etc. They are under reference modification notes, notes on string and unstring, language features and especially functions. Be sure to review functions in C++, SQL and/or VB (whatever languages you have taken).
Review of COBOL PERFORM - look at the sample program under misc. Also look at COBOL sample programs using COPY and CALL. Notes also available under CIS51.
Review subroutines in VB (Notes under CIS56) and/or C++ and/or Oracle (Notes under CIS50).
Name flip assignment using functions
Week #2 Assignments
Week of January 27th
Keep working on the two name flips - let me know if you are having problems and I will send you some help.
I try to get a large number of the assignments to you early to give you time to work on them, so here is the first major assignment.
If you would like to arrange a time to get together to go over some of the material let me know your availability. My best times would be late Tuesday, Thursday or Friday afternoons - what is your schedule?
Label assignment: To be written in the language of your choice
Label Assignment
Data for the label assignment you need to create the file
Be sure to look at relevant notes and Powerpoint presentations!
Week #3 Assignments
Week of February 3rd
Instructions if you are using COBOL with XP or 2000
Start looking at the notes, presentations and samples for two and three file matching. Note that there is information for COBOL, VB and Oracle.
Note - I messed up on some of my title codes in the label assignment - Miss Donald for example. Your choice, fix it when you create the data file or fix the table or stick with Miss Donald!
No new assignment to be written - continue working on the label assignment.
Week #4 Assignments
Week ending February 10th
Continue looking at the notes, presentations and samples for two and three file matching.
Note, both assignments can be written in the language of your choice.
Be sure you look at the examples on looping vertically through the files that I have added under COBOL and VB and the PowerPoint presentation.
If you are willing for me to give your email to other students taking the course, let me know. I think you will find it helpful to communicate with each other.
Assignments: Please make the corrections to the program called one many that is noted to have errors. Some of the logic concepts are shown in the PowerPoint presentation on onemany. The running program should be passed in. Modify the files as needed to test completely - be sure that you test 111 on both files, 111 missing on the first file, 111 missing on the second file!
Three file assignment!
The next topic is going to be internal sorts. Please go to the following web site to see the algorithm for the bubble sort given in Java or C++:
Bubble Sort more information at: Bubble Sort
You should also look at the solutions I put out which use the DO until rather than the FOR loop to give you a different approach.
Week #5 Assignments
Week ending February 17th
You need to review file handling in the languages that you know - especially C++.
Internal sort/module program:
Sort program specifications
sortdata.dat Data to use with sort program.
Week #6 Assignments
Week of February 24th
Please review notes on random files with indexes and relative files in at least two languages.
Please look at the program examples on multiple files with random access (in COBOL only).
Review information on relational databases, normalization etc. You will find information under CIS50 and CIS61 since these are the two database courses.
Relational database notes and examples Goes with notes Introduction to multiple tables (relational) - joins - uses donor, donations and drive tables
      Separate speaker notes for relational database presentation
Normalization - information on third normal form
      Separate speaker notes for normalization presentation
Relational database examples - order system
      Separate speaker notes for relational database examples - order system
Student system relational database example
      Separate speaker notes for student system relational database example
Introduction to third normal form
Contribution system notes
Student data system notes
Notes on basic order entry
Payroll data notes
Medical clinic notes
Text book notes
Notes on contribution or donation database design
Notes on very basic student database design
Relational database using donor
      Separate speaker notes to accompany relational databse using donors presentation
Relational Database Student System
      Separate speaker notes to accompany relational database student system presentation
Relational database order system example
      Separate speaker notes to accompany relational database order system example
Also start to look at the information about screens. This is COBOL only since languages handle screens so differently!
Review how to handle forms/screens in another language.
Week #7 Assignments
Week of March 3rd
Continue to look at relational databases.
Order entry programming assignment
Be sure to look at the PowerPoint on screens with multiple lines of entry (COBOL) and the PowerPoint on this assignment.
Week #8 Assignments
Week of March 10th
If you know VB, please review ADO this week. If you are in C++ or Java please review and research how to work with files. If you are in COBOL, please review VSAM. The Order Entry program is best done in COBOL or VB unless you are heavily into files.
We will spend some time on COBOL this week - mostly asking you to look at things. Finish looking at the sample COBOL programs on screens - I suggest you download and run some of them to get a true view of how the screen looks.
We will also look at variable length records this week so look at the sample COBOL programs on that topic.
On the subject of variable length records, please read the following:
Interesting explanation of variable length records and their practical application
I have given out a handout on unstructured programming in COBOL - if you are taking this course via Distance Learning send me an email with your address and I will send you a copy.
The best I could find on the web dealing with unstructured programming:
some notes on unstructured
Other notes on unstructured (note it is a .pdf)
Look at the information about COBOL Report Generators and relate to report generators you have seen in other languages and databases.
For information about the report generator in VB, please go to CIS67 and look at the sample programs dealing with data environment and reports and the sample PowerPoint presentations dealing with this topic.
Also review the notes on generating reports in Oracle and/or Access depending which course you took.
Finally, please look at this information about Crystal Reports:
Crystal Reports
Another on Crystal Reports
And (one more) Look at the PowerPoint Presentations on date conversion and the sample programs on date conversion. You will find samples at this site on COBOL and VB.
Vacation Week
Week of March 17th
Hope you are enjoying vacation and getting caught up - hope you have been more successful than I have been!
Week #9 Assignments
Week of March 24th
We will now spend some time looking at systems analysis and design. Please read the notes under Systems Analysis and Design for Programmers and Business systems - notes for discussion.
Programming wise you should be working on the order entry project.
Week #10 Assignments
Week of of March 31st
Some more on systems analysis and design.
Check out the following site for drawing software:
There are also tutorials at this site - for example, the tutorial for DFDs is:
DFD Tutorial
And examples:
DFD Examples
Looking at Entity Relation Diagrams:
Entity Relation Diagrams
Looking at Systems Flowcharts (variety of styles):
Variety of Systems Flowcharts styles
Interesting information on flow
Assignment: Dairy System Assignment
What I need is for you to analize the dairy system, determine the output, input, files and processing that needs to be done. You are essentially responsible for giving me a plan - you can do a written analysis and a data flow diagram or a systems flowchart etc. You should also give me the layout of the files in a relational database. If you are doing this over the web we will probably need to go back and forth multiple times so be sure to say Dairy in the subject so I deal with it quickly!
Week #11 Assignments
Week of April 7th
We are going to deal with object-oriented COBOL and an introduction to CICS in COBOL this week.
Information on object-oriented COBOL
More information on COBOL included object-oriented
Look over the information at this site and sent you address to me at both my home and so that I can mail you some handouts.
If you want to set up an evening or late afternoon class in one of the labs to go over any programs/assignments, please let me know and let me know possible meeting times. I am willing to set up one or more problem solving session.
Week #12 Assignments
Week of April 14th
This week we will cover lists, stacks and queues and linked lists. Examples in COBOL using stacks and queues are on the site.
The end is in site. Last programming assignment! Assignment:
Game assignment
Week #13 Assignments
Week of April 21st
Continue working on your projects.
Week #14 Assignments
Week of April 28th
Continue working on your projects.
Week #15 Assignments
Week of May 5th
The final exam must be passed in by May 15th. It must be accompanied by a status sheet.
The final and status sheet should be emailed to me at the standard address you have used this semester and also to
Note that the final is given using the honor system - you may not discuss the final with anyone but me - I trust you to do the right thing! Also note that the final and the status sheet have to be done by everyone - even if you plan to take an incomplete in the course unless we have made other arrangements.
Status sheet - required

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