Order Entry Program

This program will:

File Layouts:

Inventory File

Customer File

Order Header File

Order Line Item (Detail) File

Back Order File

Item Num

Customer Num

Order Num

Order Num

Order Num

Item Name

Customer Name

Customer Num

Item Num

Item Num

On Hand

Cust Street Adr

Date Order

Line Num

Num Back Ordr

On Order

Cust City

Shipping Name



ReOrder Point

Cust State

Shipping St Adr

Num Ordered

Next Order Num File


Cust ZIP

Shipping City

Num Avail

Order Num

Warehouse Loc


Shipping State

Num Back Ordr




Shipping ZIP

Warehouse Loc




The order entry screen should take in all of the information needed to create records on the Order Header File and the Order Line Item (Detail) File. Information available on the Inventory File or the Customer File that will be used to create the two Order files should be retrieved and displayed on the screen. In the case of shipping name and address information, the customer name and address information should be displayed as the default and the data entry person should have the ability to change the information to produce the shipping information.

When the program is started, the user should get the next order number from the Next Order Number File. This number should be used for the first order, all additional orders should be incremented by one. At the end of file, the next available order number should be written out to the one record on the Next Order Number File.

The first detail in an order is assigned line number of 1 and all additional details are assigned a line number one higher.

Number available and number backordered is determined by checking the on hand and the committed fields on the inventory file. If the number on hand minus the number committed is greater than or equal to the number ordered then committed should be increased by the number ordered and number available should equal the number ordered. If the difference between the on hand and the committed is less then the number ordered then number available should pick up what is available (on hand - committed) and committed should be increased by the number put in number available. The number back ordered would be the difference between the number ordered and the number available.

Extra Credit: Picking Slip Program

At the end of each day, the Daily Order File should be processed and a picking slip created. A picking slip should be for a single order and should contain information from the Order Header File and information from the Order Detail File. The detail information from the order detail file should be sorted by warehouse location.