Payroll Considerations
This is a real overview - look at the specifications on the sheets that I am passing out to see the wide range of available features.
Basic Payroll Processing:
- Get valid time information
- Get employee information
- Get YTD information
- Calculate pay information
- Update employee information and YTD information
- Produce paycheck, paystub and payroll reports
Basic Payroll information:
- Employee #
- Employee Name
- Address and phone
- Sex, birth date, marital status, # dependents etc.
- Date started employee
- Department Code
- Job Code
- Number of tax exemptions
- Exempt status (eligibility/non-eligibility for overtime)
- Type of employee (salaried, hourly etc.)
- Salary or wage if hourly etc.
- Overtime rate
- Vacation accumulation rate
- Sick leave accumulation rate
- Personal time accumulation rate (if any)
- Accumulated vacation
- Vacation used this year
- Accumulated sick leave used this year
- Sick leave used this year
- Accumulated personal time
- Personal time used this year
- If company needs information by project
- Project code
- Current hours for project
- YTD hours for project
- Any other needed accumulation for project
- If payment is based pay plus commission
- Commission rate
- Base numbers needed to calculate commission
- Payment data for this payroll
- Current gross pay
- Current federal tax
- Current state tax
- Current social security
- Current for any other taxes or withholdings (union etc.)
- Current voluntary deductions
- Current net pay
- Current tax-exempt payments
- Current hours (regular)
- Current overtime hours
- Commission information if appropriate
- YTD Accumulation of Payment Data
- Gross pay year-to-date
- YTD federal taxes
- YTD state taxes
- YTD social security
- YTD for any other taxes or withholdings
- YTD for voluntary deductions
- YTD net pay
- YTD tax-exempt payments
- YTD regular hours
- YTD overtime hours
- YTD commission information if appropriate
Detail Information coming in each pay period
- Employee number
- Regular hours
- Overtime hours
- Expenses or commission payments
- Project information
- Sick time
- Vacation time
- Personal time