Week | Information Assignments due in one week unless otherwise stated |
Week #1 Information Week ending September 8th |
Read introductory notes and notes/examples for web1 through web5. You
will find them under Notes and Handouts. Introductory notes First web page example - web1.html Intro formatting - web2.html Color etc. - web3.html Branching in page - web4.html Block quotes and lists etc. - web5.html View both INTRODUCTION PowerPoint demonstrations. One is on getting started and one is on web1 through web 5. You will find them under presentations. Presentation covering getting started writing code and seeing it in Netscape or Explorer - topic INTRODUCTION Separate speaker notes to accompany covering getting started writing code and seeing it - topic Introduction Presentation covering Web1.html through Web5.html - topic INTRODUCTION Separate speaker notes to accompany covering Web1.html through Web5.html - topic Introduction |
Week #1 Assignments Week ending September 8th |
survey of past experience -
must be completed by all students First search engine assignment First HTML assignment Will be started in lab for in class students - required of all students Log book - 3 entries per week required - due at midsemester for check, at end of semester for grade |
Week #2 Information Week ending September 15th |
Read notes/examples for web6, web7, web7a, web9, and web9a. You will find them
under Notes and Handouts. More color and formatting - web6.html Links to another page at the site - web7.html Page link to - web7a.html Linking - web9.html Link to - web9a.html View the PowerPoint demonstration on Web 6, 7 and 9 - Topic Links and Color and the PowerPoint demonstration on links. Presentation covering Web6.html, Web7.html and Web9.html - topic LINKS & COLOR Separate speaker notes to accompany covering Web6.html, Web7.html, Web9.html - topic LINKS & COLORS Presentation on using links (reference Web7 and Web9) - topic LINKS Separate speaker notes to accompany using links - topic LINKS Be sure you locate one or more good HTML tutorials out on the Web. You should also start to read some articles on HTML for the log book. |
Week #2 Assignments Week ending September 15th |
Second HTML assignment In class
students should start in lab - please bring a disk to class Second search engine assignment |
Week #3 Information Week ending September 22nd |
Read notes/examples for: Tables - web8, Use of tables in my spring schedule,
Graphics with the web site, more on alignment, making your own graphics, more on
images with link, image being linked to, Snow in 1996. Tables - web8.html Use of tables in my fall schedule Graphics with the web site - web11.html More on alignment - align.html Making your own graphics - web12.html More on images with link - moreim.html Image being linked to - bigim.html Snow in 1996 - snow.html View the PowerPoint demonstrations on Web8.html and My Spring Schedule - topic TABLES and Web11, Web12 and misc other pages using graphics - topic GRAPHICS. |
Week #3 Assignments Week ending September 22nd |
Assignment on tables and images. Third search engine assignment - Due in two weeks |
Week #4 Information Week ending September 29th |
Read the notes and view the presentation on forms Forms in HTML - web10.html More on forms in HTML - web13.html Presentation covering Web10.html and Web13.html - topic FORMS Separate speaker notes to accompany presentation covering Web10 and Web113 - topic FORMS Start reading about frames - we will work on frames more next week! Left and right frames Top and bottom frames Using multiple frames Another multiple frames You can start to look at the presentation on frames - the first part of the information has been covered - the rest will be covered next week! Targets are the topic that has not been covered yet! |
Week #4 Assignments Week ending September 29th |
Assignment on forms etc. Introductory assignment on frames |
Week #5 Information Week ending October 6th |
Read the notes and view the presentations on the rest of frames. We will also
cover mapping on Thursday so those notes and presentations should be read and
viewed as well. Left/right frame set with right to be replaced Left/right frame set with right to be shown in full screen Left/right frame set with right to go into new window Design to put into specified frame Example without resizing and scrolling Mapping an image Example of a mapped flowchart Presentation covering frames - topic FRAMES Separate speaker notes to accompany presentation covering frames - topic FRAMES Presentation covering image mapping in Web14.html - topic MAPPING Separate speaker notes to accompany presentation covering image mapping in Web14 - topic MAPPING |
Week #5 Assignments Week ending October 6th |
Frame assignment Be careful that you do not have a situation where frames start opening unintentionally within frames! Mapping assignment |
Week #6 Information Week ending October 13th |
Look at the first set of images - the BCC pages under images - the pattern ones
we will save for later after we have had JavaScript. bccpage1.html bccpage2.html bccpage3.html bccpage4..html bccpage5.html bccpage6.html Note the meta tag in the HEAD section and see how it causes the pages to load automatically. Start reading some information on design - your 3 log book entries for this week and next week should be on design issues. Read these notes on some things to consider when evaluating sites |
Week #6 Assignments Week ending October 13th |
Twelve sites to evaluate I am not looking for an indepth analysis - make a couple of points about each site! The main assignment for all of us is to get caught up!!!!! |
Week #7 Information Week ending October 20th |
Look at the following pages: Layout of a page using tables and width percents Layout of a page using tables and width pixels Look at the following presentations involving the setup of a site: Presentation on using links (reference Web7 and Web9) - topic LINKS Separate speaker notes to accompany using links - topic LINKS Presentation on structure of page - topic Page Structure Separate speaker notes to accompany presenation on Structure of Page - topic Page Structure |
Week #7 Assignments Week ending October 20th |
Sites to check and evaluate First web project - should be done in a month There are several handouts that I have given to the class. If you would like a copy, you can stop by and get them from me or you can send me your USMail address and I will send them to you. The topics are designing a Web site using tables and frames. |
Week #8 Information Week ending October 27th |
Read the information on Cascading Style Sheets and view the presentations on
cascading style sheets. I recommend you find a site on the Web or information in a text to supplement. |
Week #8 Assignments Week ending October 27th |
Cascading Style Sheet assignment |
Week #9 Information Week ending November 3rd |
Finish Cascading Style Sheets and we will start JavaScript. Mouse event Event example #1 Event example #2 Navigating in javascript I suggest you find a good web site for JavaScript or buy a very basic book on the topic. |
Week #9 Assignments Week ending November 3rd |
Sites to check and evaluate Do this
assignment again, checking out 6 more sites in each category. In class this Thursday, I am going to have the class play around with some of the things in the advanced Cascading Style Sheet examples and experience the frustration first hand - nothing to pass in. We will also start playing with JavaScript and we will do a mouse over example in class. Again nothing to pass in but Distance Learning students should also play with this. Major assignment is to continue working on your site! |
Week #10 Information Week ending November 10th |
JavaScript examples to look at: Introduction to javascript with fonts If and time - example #1 If and time - example #2 If and time - example #3 Flickering load #1 Flickering load #2 Function example Another function example Function calculating price While loop For loop Another for loop Please do some outside reading on JavaScript from sources on the Web or a text. You should also view the PowerPoint presentations on JavaScript. Please be sure to see your advisor this week for advisement. We are trying to advise as many second year students as possible before advisement starts. Networking students should see Janelle Arruda, Multimedia and Internet students should see Mike Vieria, other students should see me. The sign up sheet for Monday and Tuesday is on my door, other CIS faculty will be posting their sheets on Monday. |
Week #10 Assignments Week ending November 10th |
First JavaScript assignment. Continue working on your web site! |
Week #11 Information Week ending November 17th |
You should start working your way through the rest of the JavaScript examples - we
will finish them next Tuesday. |
Week #11 Assignments Week ending November 17th |
Second web project - must be available by the last day of classes Please note that all work is due the last day of classes. Any work passed in after that point will have points subtracted!!!! |
Week #12 Information Week ending November 24th |
Finish looking at the JavaScript examples! |
Week #12 Assignments Week ending November 24th |
No assignments this week! |
Week #13 Information Assignments Week ending December 1st |
Listserv sign-up Information on search engine requirements, attracting to sites, making good sites, list sources etc. This information need to be reviewed only - spend about an hour and a half! |
Week #14 Information Assignments Week ending December 8th |
Spend about and hour and a half working on Composer in Navigator or FrontPage in
Explorer. You should be playing with the features and developing a page! I will be in K Building labs to give help this Sunday (December 10th) from 10:00 until around 4:00. |
Week #15 Information Assignments Week ending December 15th |
I will not be on campus on The 12th of December, so there will be no class. This Thursday please be prepared to show your web site/sites to the class! The final exam has been posted - it is due to me via email by 10:15 on Monday, December 18th. Final Exam Required status sheet Must be turned in by the day of the final! |