www.hotbot.com Look at the advanced search specifications then answer the following questions. The answer should include a picture of or an explanation of a test you made using that option.
- What is the difference between all of the words and any of the words. Which is an AND relationship and which is an OR relationship?
- Explain the word filter?
- Explain the date specification?
- If the domain was entered as .edu, what does this mean?
- Explain stemming.
www.snap.com Look at the power search specifications and then answer the following questions. The question should include a picture of or an explanation of a test you made using that option. Use the words Easter Island in your test unless the question specifies something else or lets you pick the test.
- Test any of the words, and all of the words and the exact phrase. Compare the results.
- Use the Boolean phrase and test Easter OR Island and then test Easter AND Island and compare the results to each other and to the test in #1.
- Use the Boolean phrase and test Easter AND (Sunday OR Island). What is the logic that this phrase uses?
- Now use the Boolean phrase and test "Easter Sunday" OR "Easter Island". What is the logic that this phrase uses? Compare to the results in #3.
- Test for page title
- Using your own words (explain what you did), test the various choices in more search terms.
- What is the difference between search all pages and search only top level pages. Make up your own test and explain.
- Explain domain, extension, web site and country code.
www.excite.com Look at the advanced web search specifications and then answer the following questions. The question should include a picture of or an explanation of a test you made using that option. Use the words Mount Everest in your test unless the question specifies something else or lets you pick the test.
- Figure out how to get either Mount OR Everest.
- Try to get Everest and either Mt OR Mount
- Explain the must contain, must not contain, should contain and word or phrase choices.