CIS44 - Form and CIS22 syllabus as a Web Page
Set up the syllabus for CIS22 as a Web Page. Use your own design to make the page attractive and professional.
You must include at least two tables, fonts, bold, underlining, color and a variety of alignment to enhance the page.
You should also include an appropriate image somewhere on the page.
At the end of the syllabus, set up a return form that the student can send to the
instructor - instead make it go to your e-mail address so you can test it. This may be a problem if you have AOL. If
you only have access to AOL, send me your assignment with a note about AOL and I will test it and send you the
results. Also please note that the form should be tested using Netscape. This is a simple mail to form that does
not use some of the more advanced features of forms and there are problems with testing it using Explorer. The
form comes up just fine, the problems occur when you try to send it. Therefore, you can develop in either Netscape or
Explorer, but test the sending part using Netscape. Again, it this is a problem, send it to me with a note and I will
test it and send you the results.
The return FORM should include information like major, previous experience with Microsoft Office
products, and at least two other categories so you can try the variety of check boxes,
radio buttons and dialog boxes.
There should also be an area for name, e-mail address of sender and comments.
Fall River, Massachusetts
Janelle Couture Arruda
Office K217
Phone: (508) 678-2811 X2421
Fall 1999
This course will include an in-depth study of a spreadsheet package including its database and graphic capabilities, a study of a leading word processing package, and desktop-publishing features. Students will work with an integrated office package including its database components. The course will include software evaluation techniques and students will learn to analyze which software best meets a particular set of needs. Prerequisite: CIS11 or CIS10, or another introductory computer course with approval of the department or permission of the instructor. Three class hours per week. 3 Credits.
The objective of this course is to build on the packages covered in the introductory course. It should also help CIS and Health Technologies students gain experience working with the advanced features of microcomputer application packages. This course covers the material necessary to sit for several exams in the Microsoft Office User Specialist series. At the completion of this course, the following objectives should have been accomplished:
The student should understand and be able to work with advanced features in a word processor including desk top publishing, merging and basic macro capabilities
The student should understand and be able to work with advanced features in a Windows based spreadsheet package, including database, graphic and basic macro capabilities
The student should understand and be able to work with a Windows based database package including setting up a simple database, modifying the database and querying the database
The student should understand and be able to work with an integrated package including the word processing, spreadsheet, and database capabilities.
The student should be prepared to sit for the Word Proficiency Office User Specialists exam
The student should be prepared to sit for the Excel Proficiency Office User Specialists exam
Microsoft Office 97 User Certification Study Guide
Gini Courter and Annette Marquis
Sybex, Inc., 1998
See Attached.
The student will be required to complete all assignments. The instructor will generate most assignments, however, some may be assigned from the student's book. Students must use Microsoft Office 97 to complete their assignments. Unless otherwise stated, these assignments will be due two weeks from the date assigned. If an assignment is submitted after the due date, there will be a 5-point deduction from the grade for each class period that it is late.
There will be a 10-minute quiz at the start of each class. There are no make-up quizzes. The lowest quiz grade will be dropped when calculating the final grade. A cumulative two-hour final exam will be given at the end of the course.
Weight of exams and lab assignments: Final Exam 20%
Quizzes 35%
Lab Assignments 40%
Attendance, Class Participation 5%
Exams, quizzes and lab assignments will be graded on a percentage basis as follows:
A+ = 97 - 100
A = 94 - 96
A- = 90 - 93
B+ = 87 - 89
B = 84 - 86
B- = 80 - 83
C+ = 77 - 79
C = 74 - 76
C- = 70 - 73
D = 60 - 69
F = Less than 60
The course is given using the lecture method and the student is encouraged to ask questions at any point during the lecture. The "computer on wheels" will be used to demonstrate concepts and packages. Students are responsible for completing computer homework in the computer labs or on other computers that are available to them on their own time.
You are expected to attend all classes. Cuts should be taken only in an emergency situation. If for any reason you are absent it is your responsibility to contact me before the next class meeting to get any missed announcements or hand-outs.
The maximum allowable cuts will follow the college policy of 6 class hours. Any cuts in excess of 6 hours may result in withdrawal from the course.
1 Mastering the Basics of Word Skill 2
2 Applying Advanced Formatting Techniques Skill 3
3 Applying Advanced Formatting Techniques Skill 3
4 Working with Complex Documents Skill 4
5 Working with Complex Documents Skill 4
6 Creating Excel Worksheets Skill 5
7 Taking Excel to the Max Skill 6
8 Taking Excel to the Max Skill 6
9 Tracking Data with Access Skill 8
10 Tracking Data with Access Skill 8
11 Creating and Using Macros in Office 97 Skill 13
12 Creating and Using Macros in Office 97 Skill 13
13 Integrating the Office 97 Products Skill 14
14 Integrating the Office 97 Products Skill 14