Introduction to Programming (COBOL) CIS12

Weekly Schedule

Schedule by week Information to cover - links are from other locations at this site
Unless the assignment specifies differently, written assignments are due in two class days for the on campus class and within a week for the Internet class. Check the week schedule to determine when the assignment was posted. Assignments over a week late cannot receive an A.
Free viewer for PowerPoint! Students are reporting easier use with Netscape! Note that the speaker notes are provided on a separate Word document if you are having trouble accessing them!
Week #1 (assigned Jan 25th)
Week ending January 25th
You need to get a copy of COBOL if you plan to do the programs at home. The version used at the college is MicroFocus COBOL. It is available at: Information about a student version of COBOL. Note: There are other alternatives - this is compatible with the COBOL installed at BCC.
Introductory material:
Please look at the following notes:
    Notes on Hello World program - HELLO.CBL
And look at the PowerPoint presentation that accompanies the notes (you may want to look at the presentation prior to reading the notes:
    Hello World PowerPoint presentation
    Separate speaker notes to accompany Hello World PowerPoint presentation - HELLO.CBL
This is the sample program (you will see the program best if you look at the version with the .html extension):
Information on downloading from the Web:
    Notes on downloading programs from the Internet
    Download programs from the Internet
    Separate speaker notes to accompany download programs from the Internet
Starting calculations:
Please look at the following PowerPoint Presentations:
Display/Accept program with Add
    Separate speaker notes to accompany Display/Accept program with Add - ADDDA.CBL
Mathematics with Display/Accept program The information in this presentation will be continued next week.
    Separate speaker notes to accompany Mathematics with Display/Accept program
Please read the following Notes:
Notes on ADDDA.CBL
And look at the following programs:
There are other programs that you should also look at under new introduction. You want to look at the variations on the addda program. You will find these programs at Programs to look at.
To be passed in:
Information sheet - must be filled out and submitted
Writing a simple program
Week #2 (assigned Feb 1st)
Week ending February 1st
I am going to a conference this Friday and so I will not be back for class. I want you to continue with the information we started last week. I am also adding some new related material.
Look at all of the programs up through ADDDA6. You will find them at ADDDA programs
Be sure that you have also looked at all of the PowerPoint presentations on this topic.
Read the following notes:
Notes on ADDDA.CBL
Notes on mathematical calculations
Notes on numeric data
Notes on the COMPUTE statement

To be passed in:
Program to write This program does not have to be run on the computer - it simply needs to be written and passed in - there is extra credit if it is run!
Since we do not have class this week, this is due in two weeks - so if you have questions, you will have class time next week to ask them!
Spend the week really getting comfortable with the introductory material - I will talk fast again next week!
Week #3 (assigned Feb 8th)
Week ending February 8th
Instructions if you are using XP or 2000
I am having some problem with email - so if you do not hear back from me in a week (hopefully less), please get back to me! Be sure to keep a copy of everything you pass in!
Please read the notes on looping: Notes on looping
You should have now read all of the notes under Notes and Handouts - New Introduction.
You should also look at all of the PowerPoint presentations under New Introduction to COBOL. Some of the information we covered, some will be dealt with next week. Either way, it will help you to have looked at the material. We looked at the programs through ADDDALP and next week we will finish off the programs under Sample Programs for CIS12 - New Introduction. Make sure you have looked at all of this material for the next class.
To be passed in:
Using the notes on mathematical calculation that I asked you to look at last week, please do the following assignment: Math Assignment
Continue working on the program assigned last week - note that when I say editing in this program I mean use an editing character like Z in your output picture.
Week #4 (assigned Feb 15th)
Week ending February 15th
First we will look at the rest of the programs under Sample programs for CIS12 - New Introduction.
Make sure you have looked at all of these programs and also that you have looked at the PowerPoint presentations under New Introduction to COBOL.
To be passed in:
First data editing/formatting assignment Will be started in class - try to get in my early next week
First program assignment There are two programs in this assignment - the first will be assigned this week and the second will be assigned next week.
Week #5 (assigned Feb 22nd)
Week ending February 22nd
We did not get to the standard introductory programs last week. We will cover them this week.
Note that I will be away this weekend!
Next, we will now start to look at traditional introductory programs that produce a simple report.
Introductory notes on programming in COBOL
Sample program with audio explanation
Sample program (SAMPLE1.CBL) with comments and input/output
xsample1.html This is the program to view and download following the download instructions.
Introductory concepts of programming These notes should be read now and read again later after you have done some programming. Some of the concepts will be easier to understand then.
Be sure that you look at the PowerPoint presentations under Standard Introduction to COBOL.
Please read the notes on headers and look at the sample programs. I have not put the links for the samples here. If you go to sample programs, they are listed under headers.
Notes on headers
Program with input and output
We are going to spend some more time talking about math and editing this week.
Please read the notes on math and editing and look at the sample programs under numeric.
Some of this will be review, but that is good!!!!
Notes on literals
Toys1 program with audio - this program is really an example of headers on page 1 with some numeric data editing
Toys1 program with input/output - covers headers on page one and some numeric data editing
Examples of data editing
Same examples of data editing, but with audio explanation
To be passed in:
Fill practice
Second data editing/formatting assignment
Week #6 (assigned March 1st)
Week ending March 1st
Notes on calculations
Notes on constants
Notes on working with percents
The next topic is totals. Read the notes on final totals, look at the PowerPoint presentation, and look at the sample programs!
Be sure you go over the notes and sample programs for final totals.
These are final total notes for putting final totals on a report
Note that there are two presentations - one under New Introduction to COBOL presentations and one under Standard Introduction to COBOL presentations. Be sure you look at the following programs:
readtot.html putting totals on the screen
final total program
I would like to spend some time on flowcharts and then we will start IF statements. Please read the following flowcharting notes:
Introductory notes on flowcharting
Flowchart for simple read/write program - sample1.cbl
Flowchart with final totals
To be passed in:
Math assignment: Second math assignment.
Look at the other sample programs under Programs with final total lines - you will especially need to look at the fintot series since there is an assignment on them!
Assignment: Assignment on totals
Continue working on the first programming assignment!
Week #7 (assigned March 8th)
Week ending March 8th
Read the notes on IF statements and view the PowerPoint Presentation on IF statements!
Look at the programs - including the ones that put the results of IF statements on the screen (under NEW programs with IF). Continue studying the notes and examples on IF statements. Be sure to look at the PowerPoint presentation on IF statements - it contains lots of examples!
To be passed in:
For in class students we will work on these in class next week, but you should start them now. For Distance Learning students - one of these IF assignment should be passed in this week and one assignment next week.
Assignment on IF statements - start now - we will work on it in class
Look this assignment over - we will start it in class next week:
IF statements - pick correct solutions
Program #2 Assignment - to be written and run on the computer:
Second programming assignment
Data file for the second programming assignment.
Be sure to watch the PowerPoint presentation on the second programming assignment for some pointers on how to do it!
Week #8 (assigned March 15th)
Week ending March 15th
There are two if statement assignments from last week - in class students finished the first one - they still need to do the second one. Distance Learning students need to do them both!
You should continue looking at the if statement and level 88, case structure and implied if statements.
We are going to start looking at the screen section in COBOL. There are two powerpoint presentations, notes on screen sections and programs on screens that should be looked at! Essentially you should find all of the information about screen processing and make sure you understand it.
Notes on screen processing
Screen output from first screen programs
Screen section
    Separate speaker notes to accompany screen section
Be sure to look at this program:
Level 88 with more detailed screens
There is a slide show presentation to accompany this program, you should look at it as well:
Screens using standard DISPLAY/ACCEPT with color or formatting
    Separate speaker notes to accompany screens using standard DISPLAY/ACCEPT
We will look at the program that uses Display and Accept with color next week.
Remember the second programming assignment was assigned last week. The data file is best downloaded using Netscape. If you have problems downloading the file or the program you write does not seem to read the file correctly, let me know and I will send it via email. That seems to work well!
No new assignments this week - but... Be sure to make sure you finish the things from last week!
Enjoy the spring catch up week (otherwise known as Spring Break)!
Spring Break
Week ending March 22nd
Note about the midsemester. If a student has the first two programming assignments done they do not have to take the midsemster.
This means you have to have programming assignment #1 which has two programs in it done and programming assignment #2 done or at least well on well on its way. I will post the midsemester the week after Spring Break so the programs should be in by the end of March to allow you to skip the midsemester - see syllabus if you have questions - or ask me!
Week #9 (assigned March 29th)
Week ending March 29th
Sorry that this is late getting up - I had some uploading problems this weekend!
Note about the midsemester. If a student has the first two programming assignments done they do not have to take the midsemster.
This means you have to have programming assignment #1 which has two programs in it done and programming assignment #2 done or at least well on well on its way. I will post the midsemester the week after Spring Break so the programs should be in by the end of March to allow you to skip the midsemester - see syllabus if you have questions - or ask me! Because I had problems uploading this weekend, we will make the deadline April 8th. That means I will upload the midsemester exam at that time!
Please read the notes about editing, look at the sample programs under editing data and look at the PowerPoint presentations under Topics - Editing.
To be passed in:
Your next programming assignment is: Programming assignment 3 - EDIT program
Week #10 (assigned April 5th)
Week ending April 5th
We will have some time in class to work on programs this week. So bring the programs you are writing to class.
We will cover minor breaks this week. Please look at the notes, the PowerPoint and the sample programs that relate to breaks. Remember, I need programming assignments 1 and 2 to have been passed in by Monday the 8th of April or you need to take the mid-semester which will be posted then.
Continue working on the programming assignments. No new assignments this week.
Week #11 (assigned April 12th)
Week ending April 12th
MidSemester exam for those who have not passed in the first two programming assignments:
MidSemester Exam
I am out sick today so the class will be distance learning.
Please look at the PowerPoint presentations on breaks (there are two of them - one you should have looked at last week) and all of the sample programs under breaks (there are samples using minor breaks (covered last week), major breaks, group printing and group indicating. Also please be sure to read the notes on breaks.
Next week we will review this information and go over the programming assignment in class.
Please be sure that you are passing in the homework assignments as well as the programs. If you are behind, this would be a good time to get caught up!
The next topic will be Tables and so at the end of the week, you should start to look at the material about tables.
To be passed in:
Last Programming assignment:
Break assignment
The .cbl version of the program you need to modify
The .html version of the program you need to modify
The data for the break program
Homework Assignment:
Break questions
Week #12 (assigned April 19th)
Week ending April 19th
Look at the information on major breaks and tables - you need to look at the notes under Breaks and Tables, the PowerPoint presentations under the Topics of Breaks and Tables, and the sample programs under Break processing and Tables/arrays.
Homework Assignment:
Table assignment to work with one table
Continue working on your programming assignments!
Week #13 (assigned April 26th)
Week ending April 26th
Continue working on breaks and tables - I will deal with group indicating and group printing and look at tables a little more. The rest of the class can be devoted to programming so bring your programming projects to class.
Please note that I had a very serious problems with my email today (4/24). I think I finally got everything, but if you sent me something today and I do not get it back to you sometime next week, please send me an email asking if I got it.
Homework Assignment:
Questions and problems dealing with tables
Continue working on your programming assignments!
Week #14 (assigned May 3rd)
Week ending May 3rd
This week we will have an open lab to deal with programming, assignments etc. Please bring work with you if you attend class.
Week #15 - Final Exam Week
Week ending May 10th
You have three choices for the final - the introduction to the final should be read and the three choices should be reviewed. You can then select which final you want to take! The final must be passed in by May 10th at 4:00 PM or you must take choice 3 during the time allocated for the final! The final may be emailed to me or passed in to me. If you email, send it to the usual account and also to
You must pass in the status sheet to complete the course!
The final is given using the honor system - I trust you all not to discuss the final with anyone but me!
I will be on campus on Reading Day to help with debugging! Students who have not completed the course must still take the final and complete the status sheet
The status sheet is a requirement for all students. It must be emailed to me if possible (I will take it if it is handed to me, but I would also like an email copy for a paper trail).
This is the information about the final - it should be read!
Final choices:
    Final - choice #1(colbreak.dat - the data file for choice 1)
    Final - choice #2
    Final - choice #3

Send e-mail to Mrs. Grocer:

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