Editing Examples

Examples of editing using editing characters. For these examples, note that on the output, leading spaces are shown with the ^ symbol (computer output would show a space). When the examples are using negative data, the input data will show the negative sign in the left most position, on a file the negative sign is stored with the unit position.
Input/WS Data      Input/WS Picture      Output Picture      Output Data     
1234567 9(5)V99 ZZ,ZZZ.99 12,345.67
34567 9999V9 Z,ZZZ.99 3,456.70
00003837 9(6)V99 ZZZ,ZZZ.99 ^^^^^38.37
000 999 ZZZ ^^^
0000 9(4) Z,ZZ9 ^^^^0
00043642 9(6)V99 ZZZ,ZZZ.99 ^^^^436.42
6035612 9(5)V99 Z,ZZ9.999 ^^356.120
45420023 9(6)V99 ZZZ,ZZZ 454,200
695026 9(4)V99 Z,ZZZ.9 6,950.2
15485 9(5) $ZZ,ZZZ.99 $15,485.00
000345 9(5)V9 $ZZ,ZZ9.99 $^^^^34.50
60459 9(4) Z,ZZ9 6,045 OR
006489 9(6) $ZZZ,ZZZ.99 $^^6,489.00
00004523 9(6)V99 $ZZZ,ZZZ.99 $^^^^^45.23
4329834 9(5)V99 Z,ZZ9.99 3,298.34
00354345 9(6)V99 $$$$,$$9.99 ^^$3,543.45
0004572 9(5)V99 $$$,$$$.99 ^^^^$45.72
0024685 9(5)V99 $$$,$$$.99 ^^^$246.85
0000034 9(5)V99 $$$,$$$.99 ^^^^^^$.34
0000034 9(5)V99 $$$,$$9.99 ^^^^^$0.34
43579 9(5) $**,***.99 $43,579.00
004932 9(4)V99 $*,***.99 $***49.32
00004334 9(6)V99 ***,*** *****43
305485649 9(6)V99 $***,***.99 $305,485.64 OR
0004567 9(5)V99 **,**9 ****45
007453 9(5)V9 **,***.99 ***745.30