Math Assignment
Write the math statement to accomplish the following:
- Write the statement to add two fields called AMT1 and AMT2 together and store the answer in AMT-WS.
- Assuming the following pictures for AMT1 and AMT2, what should you use as a picture for AMT-WS.
05 AMT1 PIC 999V99.
05 AMT2 PIC 99V99.
- Write the statement to subtract AMT-PAID from AMT-OWED and store the answer back in AMT-OWED.
- Write the statement to multiply PAY-HR by HRS-WK and store the answer in GROSS-PAY-WS.
- Continuing with #4, write the statement to subtract DEDUCTIONS from the field called GROSS-PAY-WS and store the results in NET-PAY-WS.
- Write the statement to divide a field called AMT-DUE by a field called NUM-PAY and store the answer in a field called PAYMENT-WS. Write the command using DIVIDEBY. Round the results
- Rewrite the statement in #6 using the DIVIDEINTO.
- Write a divide statement of your own (you make up the data names) that uses REMAINDER.
- Write an ADD statement of your own design that adds three fields together and sotres the answer.
- Write an add statement that adds 1 to a field called TOT-AMT-WS.