The information at this site is in draft form and is the property of Priscilla Grocer. The information may not be duplicated or distributed without her permission. ©Copyright 2000
Category | Information |
Syllabus |
Introduction to CIS12 - methods, expectations etc. Syllabus for CIS12 |
Resources | Notes and handouts for CIS12 Presentations for CIS12 CIS12 Chat Room CIS12 Board Room Sample programs for CIS12 Sample programs and files that you can copy and run on a computer - many are also available in the CIS12U directory on the K building computers - no password is needed to access these files. Note: moved to new page so click here to get to them. |
Work |
Schedule for CIS12 Assignments for CIS12 Programs for CIS12 Test information for CIS12 |
COBOL Links |
Information about a student version of COBOL. Note: There are
other alternatives - this is compatible with the COBOL
installed at BCC. - another site offering information and links - MicroFocus COBOL home page offering links and information on compiler Objectz COBOL site another site for COBOL COBOL Tutorial COBOL Style Forum |
Presentations | Link to retrieve |
PowerPoint Presentations Free viewer for PowerPoint |
Final Totals IF statements Edit Program notes Table Program notes Two and Three Dimension Table notes Minor Break Logic notes Minor, Intermediate and Major Break Logic notes |
Programs to write | Link to retrieve |
Due dates and specifications | Unless specified differently on the program, programs are due
in three weeks. When a program is passed in, it should include
the logic flowchart, the rough code or notes that you made prior
to writing the program, a print out of the program code, a print
out of the output that the program produced. For web students,
the flowchart and rough code should be mailed, put under my door,
or put in my box unless you have access to a scanner. |
Program #1 |
First programming assignment with
extra credit Data file for the first programming assignment. |
Program #2 |
Second programming assignment Data file for the second programming assignment. |
Program #3 |
Third programming assignment - edit program Data file for the third programming assignment. |
Program #4 |
Fourth programming assignment - break and tables Data file for the fourth programming assignment. |
Program #5 |
Fifth programming assignment - using screens |
Test Information | Link to retrieve |
Midsemester Exam Due April 6th |
Midsemester Exam Take-home exam - individual work with no discussion or help from others! 5 points subtracted for every class day late! Modification: 5 extra credit points if in on due date, no point loss on April 7th, 5 pts off if passed in on Tuesday etc. Note: The max I subtract is 25 points, so passing it in beats not passing it in! |
Alternative to the final exam. Due at the Final |
Alternative to the final exam Read instructions on the exam carefully - if you have any questions, contact me! |
Status sheet Must be passed in at the final |
Status sheet for the semester If the status sheet is missing, you will lose points on the final. |