Math Assignment:

    05  ITEM-NO                 PIC XXX.
    05  ON-HAND			PIC 9(5).
    05  ON-ORDER	  	PIC 9(4).
    05  REORD-PT  		PIC 9(4).
    05  COST			PIC 999V99.
    05  PRICE			PIC 9(4)V99.
    05  ANS1-WS			PIC 9(6)		VALUE 0.
    05  ANS2-WS			PIC 9(5)		VALUE 0.
    05  ANS3-WS			PIC 9999		VALUE 0.
    05  ANS4-WS			PIC 9(4)V99   	        VALUE 0.
Using the data names defined above, write the math statements to accomplish the following (be sure to pick an answer field big enough to hold the answer):
  1. Add the number on hand and the number on order and store the answer in one of the fields defined under WORK-AREAS.
  2. Subtract the number on hand from the reorder point and store the answer in one of the fields defined under WORK-AREAS.
  3. Subtract the cost from the price and store the answer in one of the fields defined under WORK-AREAS.
  4. Add on hand and on order and store the answer in one of the fields defined under WORK-AREAS. Then take this answer and subtract it from reorder point and store the answer in one of the fields defined under WORK-AREAS.
For the following problems, assume that the fields I name have been defined appropriately in the DATA DIVISION. Just write the called for math statement:
  1. Multiply FLD1 times FLD2 and store the answer in RSLT1-WS.
  2. Divide AMT1 by AMT2 and store the answer in RSLT2-WS. Use the DIVIDE...INTO to accomplish this.
  3. Divide AMT 1 by AMT2 and store the answer in RSLT2-WS. Use the DIVIDE...BY to accomplish this.
  4. Multiply FLD1 by 500 and store the results in RSLT3-WS. Round the answer.
  5. You are counting the number of records. Every time you read a record you want to add 1 to the field called TOT-CT-WS.
  6. You are accumulating the total of the SALARY field. Every time you read a record you want to add the salary to the accumulator called TOT-SAL-WS.