Database Programming and Management with Access - CIS61

Weekly Schedule

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Week #1 Assignments
Week ending May 26th
Please send me an email containing your name, course you are taking, what option you are in and your reasons for taking this course.
Please review the information from CIS11 on Access. You should plan to use your CIS11 text as a reference for the beginning of this course. If you do not have a CIS11 text contact me and I will see if I can find a book for you.
Please order the text for this course (see syllabus). When you receive it, please read chapter #1 in the text - it is a combination review and intro.
Read the notes on Access - Introduction to Access 97 and view the PowerPoint presentation on Introduction To Access and Introduction to SQL in Access.
You should also read information about SQL from the Web or a book. I recommend that you spend time with this tutorial: SQL tutorial
First Access Assignment
Week #2 Assignments
Week of June 2nd
Please read information about the concepts of a relational databases and third normal form. You can use the links provided at this site or another source.
You should also look at the Presentations listed under Relational Databases.
Design tables for an oil company. Send it to me for comments before you do the implementation that is required below! Please view the PowerPoint presentation on a simple Relational Database Order System.
Also view the PowerPoint presentations under Relational Databases and Queries.
I am posting notes for Access 97 on this topic that you might find has some good information.
Implement the oil design due in two weeks
Week #3 Assignments
Week of June 9th
Continue looking at relational databases - it is important to understand!
Find information on the web or in a text relating to SQL to help you understand how to work with it!
Please read the following.
Functions etc with SQL
Maintenance through SQL
Look at the examples in the database shown:
Newdonor.mdb database with advanced SQL
Please review the requirements for the core Access 2000 exam. You should be checking back here as the semester goes on and making sure that you know with the skills required. Make sure that you are comfortable with the things under Planning and Designing Databases, Working with Access and Building and Modifying Tables. More on that next week.
Access 2000 Core
Read chapter #2 in the text. (remember, you need to order this book off the web - you can get the information from the syllabus)
SQL assignment
Week #4 Assignments
Week ending June 16th
Read chapter #2 in the text if you have not read it - you can start chapter #3.
My favorite SQL tutorial is no longer there! Here are some other sources:
SQL Tutorial
SQL Fundamentals
More SQL sources
Please continue to review the requirements for the core Access 2000 exam. Make sure that you are comfortable with the things under Planning and Designing Databases, Working with Access and Building and Modifying Tables.
Access 2000 Core
Please view the following presentation:
Formatting data sheet and basic tools
      Separate speaker notes to accompany Formatting data sheet and basic tools
Please read the following:
Data properties Written for Access97
Building a table Written for Access2000
Table assignment
Week #5 Assignments
Week of June 23rd
This is an interesting reference I came across
Please read chapter #3 in the text.
Look at the following:
textmanipu.mdb Functions etc.
Function examples Written for Access2000
Some sources on function information:
Some basic information
Access tips (functions_
Please view the PowerPoint presentation on importing and linking:
Importing and linking from Access
      Separate speaker notes to accompany importing and linking from Access
The sample database that I used was:
import.mdb Experimenting with importing and linking
Quiz #1
Week #6 Assignments
Week of June 30th
Read chapter #4 and start reading chapter #5 (finish it next week) in the text and start looking at information on forms.
Read the notes on forms and look at the sample database available at this site.
Introduction to forms - written for Access97
More information on forms - written for Access97
Creating a form using studentrel00.mdb in Access2000
studentrel00.mdb Student relational database with forms
Please look at the information on forms, buttons and macros that is posted on the site.
Creating a form with buttons - Written for Access2000
More options on forms - Written for Access2000
Creating a form menu - Written for Access2000
Macros Written for Access2000
Assignment on forms
Week #7 Assignments
Week of July 7th
Please finish reading chapter #5.
Please read the following: Introduction to reports Written for Access2000
Data manipulation in reports Written for Access2000
Start looking at the following information on VBA:
Introduction to VB Access Written for Access97
Continuation of VB Access Introduction Written for Access97
If statements in VB Access Written for Access97
More on IF with nesting Written for Access97
The databases that accompany these examples are at the site.
Macro and Report Assignment
Week #8 Assignments
Week of July 14th
Please read chapter #6 in the text and the following:
Loops in VBAccess
Call and pass in VBAccess
Experiments with VB - calculation, loop, array
This week I would like you to play with VB in Access. Get comfortable with the concepts.
Access, VB Assignment
Week #9 Assignments
Week of July 21st
Please read the following:
Example of Visual Basic in a payroll form
Examples of Visual Basic using option buttons
Examples of navigation using Visual Basic
Quiz #2
Week #10 Assignments
Week of July 28th
Please read chapter #7 in the text.
Also read the following:
Example using VB for menu choices
Example of DoCmd in VB
Example of switchboard
Example of hyperlink and introduction to web
DAO with Access and VB
Web pages
Week #11 Assignment
Week of August 4th
Read chapters #8, #9, and #10 - you should read them to get an understanding of capabilities and web based implementation.
The end is in sight - last big assignment so you will have time to work on the project!
Continue working on the project. Experiment with security including passwords, hyperlinks and data access pages (web). Do examples similiar to the examples in your text - I am not looking for a major project - I am looking for basic examples that show you have an understanding of the basics covered. Test the web components with a browser and a database on your computer - not online.
Pass in the results of your experiments - should be an example dealing with: passwords, hyperlinks, data access pages.
Rest of the semester Clearly there is a problem - get in touch!

Send e-mail to Mrs. Grocer:

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