Experiment with the Microsoft Office Assistant - under HELP you will find the ability to turn the Office Assistant on and off (nothing to pass in)
Click on Options in the Microsoft Assistant and explore the gallery and options. (nothing to pass in)
Set up an experimental database and create a table in Design view, a table by using the wizard, a table by entering data (nothing to pass in)
To pass in using your implementation of the oil database
Explain the primary keys on each table how you set the primary keys for each of the tables
To pass in:
Create a test database and then create a table with a primary key using the following features: Format, Input Mask, Caption, Default Value, Validation Rule, Validation Text, Required, Indexed and Lookup. This work should be done in Design View. Enter data to test the features. Send me the test database.
Experiment with the Lookup Wizard (not to be passed in)
Experiment with the Input Mask Wizard (not to be passed in)