Advanced COBOL - CIS51

Weekly Schedule

Schedule by week Information to cover - links are from other locations at this site
NOTE: This page will be updated during the week - the information posted should be checked multiple times during the week. When you send me programs, send me the program itself and the output that you generated.
Week #1 Assignments
Week ending January 25thth
Review the notes on 1, 2 and 3 dimension tables.
Review the notes on screens.
Review the sample programs under tables and screens.
Look at the PowerPoint presentations on tables: Tables Presentation
New material - table searching:
Read the notes on table search: Table Search Notes
More Notes on Table Search
Follow-up on Notes on Table Search
Look at the sample programs under Indirect subscript - searching a table. Look at the PowerPoint presentation on table search: Tables Presentation
Direct Table pgrogramming assignment - Review of tables from last semester
Data for DIRSOUPT program - soupdir.dat
Week #2 Assignments
Week ending February 1st
You should look at the information about table fill or filling an empty table - this includes notes, programs and presentations. If you have problems navigating the site, let me know!
YOURSRCH assignment You may NOT use the search verb for this assignment! Note we have not covered the search verb yet, but in case you find it you cannot use it for this assignment!
Data for YOURSRCH program - ins.dat
If you do an early exit, I will give extra credit!
Week #3 Assignments
Week ending February 8th
Instructions if you are using XP or 2000
I am having some trouble with my email so keep track of questions and assignments - make sure you keep backups!
Read the information about the binary search. Try to code the routine that would do the binary search for your own benefit. I will simply check this off as tried. I will go over the solution in class on Friday. If you run this and get a working solution to me before I go over it, extra credit! I would take the linear program and modify it!
LINSRCHX (html) Linear search
LINSRCHX (cbl) Linear search
Read the notes on the search verb and start looking at the examples.
Assignments: Fill program to complete
Complete fill table program: Fill assignment
YOURFILL Due in three weeks
Data for YOURFILL program - stuuour.dat
Week #4 Assignments
Week ending February 15th
Review your notes on edit programs from CIS12 (they are available under Editing).
Read the Notes on MOD11 check digit and the notes on another check digit. Look at the MOD11 sample under sample programs.
Look at the two programs called EDITCHK and EDITINTR under sample programs/editing data.
Modify the search program (YOURSRCH) to use the search verb. SRCHVBDO
Write the code for another check digit - we will start this in class. I want a copy of your attempt - if you get it running you will get extra credit. This is located at: Another check digit

Week #5 Assignments
Week ending February 22nd
Be sure that you have looked at the programs EDITCHK and EDITINTR and the programs on batch editing.
Read the notes on the sort verb and look at the program examples.
We may get to these topics on sequential updates but this will probably be the beginning of next week:
Read the notes on sequential updates and look at the PowerPoint presentation on the logic of the sequential update.
Look at the PowerPoint presentation on an example of the sequential update - includes logic flowchart and code.
It would be a good idea to check books in the library and information on the Web for additional writeups on sequential updates.
Edit questions I posted the wrong set of questions - the batch ones will be posted next week - these are the ones for this week! Sorry!
Extra credit: Write a program that uses the SORT verb to sort an existing file. Send me the program, the before file and the after file.
Week #6 Assignments
Week ending March 1st
Please be sure to go over the programs in batch editing - they are similiar - the control paragraph is the main difference. Note that these are watered down versions of the real things and some of the choices I made in coding would or should not be the choices you or I would make professionally!
I will be away this weekend so I will not be available for any help or questions.
If we did not finish the SORT verb last week, we will do it this week and then move on to sequential updates.
Check back to see how much progress we made and if the sequential update assignment has been assigned.
Batch edit questions It is okay, and in fact I think more beneficial if two or three people get together and do this assignment - in that case one copy with multiple names works!
Sequential Update Program:
Sequential Update assignment
Old Master data file
Transaction data file
Be sure to view the PowerPoint presentation on the sequential update assignment for notes on this assignment.
I will be spending time on this assignment next week, I would like you to start looking it over this week.
Week #7 Assignments
Week ending March 8th
Check back after each class to see where we are - I am going to have you start coding the basics of the sequential update assignment to pass in and get checked off!
Start working on the update program:
By Friday (Thursday for students who were in class on Tuesday), please email be the layout for the master file as you would set it up in working storage and the layout of each of the transaction records as you would lay them out in working storage.
Please send me the if statement in the B-200-LOOP where you compare MID=TID by Friday as well.
By Tuesday, also please send me the Add Course routine.
The goal here is to get you coding some of the routines, me commenting on them (not grading just commenting and checking off), and you making progress in the update program!
Checking off does count when I calculate your final grade!!!!
Week #8 Assignments
Week ending March 15th
Pass in the Change Course routine for Thursday.
Continue working on the sequential update and ask questions anytime you are having problems.
We will start looking at indexed or VSAM files. Please read the first handout on indexed files: Introductory notes on indexed files
Also start looking at the sample programs under VSAM Programs.
Spring Break
Week ending March 22nd
Please try to get some of the sequential update coded over vacation!!!!
Week #9 Assignments
Week ending March 29th
The presentation on VSAM indexes covers information we will be learning this week and beyond. The presentation on VSAM with sequential read covers the first four programs that we looked at the week before vacation.
Vsam Quiz - this is a quiz that you may discuss with others
Week #10 Assignments
Week ending April 5th
We are going to be looking at the structure of indexed files - specifically VSAM. If you would like the handouts - send an email requesting them that includes your address and I will mail them to you!
VSAM project
SEQFILE.DAT Data to use with vsamcrea - this will create an indexed file to use in the other programs
Week #11 Assignments
Week ending April 12th
Class will be held in the lab on Tuesdays until I tell you otherwise - this will give people a chance to work on their programs with help!
Advisement is here! I have your pin so if you send me a list of the courses you plan to take, I will review them and get back to you with your pin so you can register for classes when registration starts on April 17th.
You can also set up an appointment for advisement if you want to talk about it.
We will spend time looking at features available in COBOL for the rest of the semester - you have all of your major assignments!
Start by looking at the notes under concepts, features, functions.
From this point on, I want you to send me a copy of the sequential update on Wednesday of each week so I can see how you are doing. The grade for this will be the fact that you are working on it and the progress made week to week.
True/False quiz on indexed VSAM files due next week
Week #12 Assignments
Week ending April 19th
This week and next we will finish the notes under concepts, features, functions, the notes and examples under subroutines(external) and the notes and examples under Report Generator. Tuesday classes will be in K-104.
Week #13 Assignments
Week ending April 26th
Class will be in K-104 on Tuesday and Thursday. On Friday we will really do external subroutines and start the report generator!
Please note that I had a very serious problems with my email today (4/24). I think I finally got everything, but if you sent me something today and I do not get it back to you sometime next week, please send me an email asking if I got it.
Week #14 Assignments
Week ending May 3rd
Class will be in K-104 on Tuesday and Thursday. Friday we will do report generator.
Check back over the weekend for information about the final.
I will be on campus during reading day if there are problems with programs.
Week #15 Assignments
Week ending May 10th
Assignments must be in by the last day of classes - programs can be passed in during the weekend of the 11th and 12th - a few programs can be passed in by the final.
The final is May 15th at 1:00 - the final that is posted here must be passed in by that time or you must come to the scheduled final and write it there. The final should be passed in to the usual email address and to
The status sheet is required to get a grade in this course!
Please note that the final is given using the honor system - you may not discuss the final with anyone but me - I trust you to respect this system!
Final Exam
Final Exam modification This written portion of the exam may be substituted for the modifications to VSAM#7 if you have not gotten there yet!
Status Sheet - required

Send e-mail to Mrs. Grocer:

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