Questions to accompany the batch edit programs:

The programs being discussed are out on the BCC network (CIS51U and on the CIS51 Internet page under the names EDITBTH1 and EDITBTH2.


  1. What is the HOLD-BATCH-OF-RECORDS used for? When does it get filled? What goes into it? Are records ever taken out of it? If so, when? Why do you think the occurs was put at 30?
  2. Explain the purpose of DATA-ANS and BATCH-ANS?
  3. What is put into BATCH-AREA? How is this information used?
  4. Explain each of the subscripts - what they modify and what there purpose is.
  5. What is the purpose of VALID-REC-IND?
  6. Explain what is taken in on each of the screens.
  7. Explain the processing that is triggered by the choices on the BATCH-ENTRY-SCREEN?
  8. Explain the processing that is triggered by the choices on the DATA-ENTRY-SCREEN?
  9. What, if anything, comes out on the printed report if a record is invalid?
  10. What, if anything, comes out on the printed report if a record is valid?
  11. What, if anything, comes out on the printed report if the batch balances?
  12. What, if anything, comes out on the printed report if the batch does not balance?
  13. What is written on the EDITED-TRAN-FILE - be very specific?
  14. What is written on the EDIT-ERROR-TRAN-FILE - be very specific?
  15. The processing is different in the B-100-PROCESS and B-200-LOOP paragraphs. Explain exactly what is happening in each instruction in these two paragraphs. I want to know how a batch header is processed, how a transaction is processed when it is not the last transaction in the batch, how a transaction is processed if it is the last transaction in a batch, how canceled transactions and batches are handled and how processing is terminated.
  16. Comparing B-100-PROCESS and B-200-LOOP in the two programs, which code do you think is cleanest and why?
  17. What are the editing checks done on a record? Explain the processing in the B-300-EDIT-ROUTINE.
  18. What processing is done when a batch is complete.
  19. What processing is done at end of file?
  20. What is done in the utility routines?