Weekly Schedule

Week Information
Assignments due in one week unless otherwise stated. Note, you are encouraged to move faster to leave yourself some extra time at the end. I may add some things to weeks before they end so double check the schedule each week!
Week #1 Assignments
Week ending September 7th
Read introductory notes and notes/examples for web1 through web5. You will find them under Notes and Handouts.
Introductory notes
First web page example - web1.html
Intro formatting - web2.html
Color etc. - web3.html
Branching in page - web4.html
Block quotes and lists etc. - web5.html

View both INTRODUCTION PowerPoint demonstrations. One is on getting started and one is on web1 through web 5. You will find them under presentations.
Presentation covering getting started writing code and seeing it in Netscape or Explorer - topic INTRODUCTION
      Separate speaker notes to accompany covering getting started writing code and seeing it - topic Introduction
Presentation covering Web1.html through Web5.html - topic INTRODUCTION
      Separate speaker notes to accompany covering Web1.html through Web5.html - topic Introduction
survey of past experience - must be completed by all students
First search engine assignment Do not use examples from Help etc. - make up your own!
First HTML assignment
Log book - 3 entries per week required - due at midsemester for check, at end of semester for grade
Week #2 Assignments
Week ending September 14th
Read notes/examples for web6, web7, web7a, web9, and web9a. You will find them under Notes and Handouts.
More color and formatting - web6.html
Links to another page at the site - web7.html
Page link to - web7a.html
Linking - web9.html
Link to - web9a.html
View the PowerPoint demonstration on Web 6, 7 and 9 - Topic Links and Color and the PowerPoint demonstration on links.
Presentation covering Web6.html, Web7.html and Web9.html - topic LINKS & COLOR
      Separate speaker notes to accompany covering Web6.html, Web7.html, Web9.html - topic LINKS & COLORS
Presentation on using links (reference Web7 and Web9) - topic LINKS
      Separate speaker notes to accompany using links - topic LINKS
Be sure you locate one or more good HTML tutorials out on the Web. You should also start to read some articles on HTML for the log book.
Second search engine assignment - Due in two weeks
Second HTML assignment In class students should start in lab - please bring a disk to class
Week #3 Assignments
Week ending September 21st
Note: Apparently there is a problem with one of the sites in the second search assignment. See my note at the board room.
Read notes/examples for: Tables - web8, Use of tables in my schedule, Graphics with the web site, more on alignment, making your own graphics, more on images with link, image being linked to, Snow in 1996.
Tables - web8.html
Use of tables in my fall schedule
Graphics with the web site - web11.html
More on alignment - align.html
Making your own graphics - web12.html
More on images with link - moreim.html
Image being linked to - bigim.html
Snow in 1996 - snow.html
View the PowerPoint demonstrations on Web8.html and My Spring Schedule - topic TABLES and Web11, Web12 and misc other pages using graphics - topic GRAPHICS.
Assignment on tables and images.
Week #4 Assignments
Week ending September 28th
Read the notes and view the presentation on forms
Forms in HTML - web10.html
More on forms in HTML - web13.html
Presentation covering Web10.html and Web13.html - topic FORMS
      Separate speaker notes to accompany presentation covering Web10 and Web113 - topic FORMS
Start reading about frames - we will work on frames more next week!
Left and right frames
Top and bottom frames
Using multiple frames
Another multiple frames
You can start to look at the presentation on frames - the first part of the information has been covered - the rest may not be covered next week! Targets are the topic!
Assignment on forms etc.
Introductory assignment on frames
Extra credit: Can you set up frames so that you do not see the borders? Send me the answer plus an illustration if you are successful before the Tues class!
Week #5 Assignments
Week ending October 5th
Read the notes and view the presentations on the rest of frames. I got through some of them last week!
We will also cover mapping so those notes and presentations should be read and viewed as well.
Left/right frame set with right to be replaced
Left/right frame set with right to be shown in full screen
Left/right frame set with right to go into new window
Design to put into specified frame
Example without resizing and scrolling
Mapping an image
Example of a mapped flowchart
Presentation covering frames - topic FRAMES
      Separate speaker notes to accompany presentation covering frames - topic FRAMES
Presentation covering image mapping in Web14.html - topic MAPPING
      Separate speaker notes to accompany presentation covering image mapping in Web14 - topic MAPPING
Frame assignment
Be careful that you do not have a situation where frames start opening unintentionally within frames!
Mapping assignment
NOTE: When I say in class assignment that is telling in class students not to do it before class - everyone has to do all assignments!!!
Week #6 Assignments
Week ending October 12th
Look at the following pages because I actually got to them last week:
Layout of a page using tables and width percents
Layout of a page using tables and width pixels
Look at the first set of images - the BCC pages under images - the pattern ones we will save for later after we have had JavaScript.
Note the meta tag in the HEAD section and see how it causes the pages to load automatically.
Start reading some information on design - your 3 log book entries for this week and next week should be on design issues.
Read these notes on some things to consider when evaluating sites
Look at the following presentations involving the setup of a site:
Presentation on using links (reference Web7 and Web9) - topic LINKS
      Separate speaker notes to accompany using links - topic LINKS
Presentation on structure of page - topic Page Structure
      Separate speaker notes to accompany presenation on Structure of Page - topic Page Structure
Twelve sites to evaluate
I am not looking for an indepth analysis - make a couple of points about each site!
First web project - should be done in a month
Start looking at information on Cascading Style Sheets.
Week #7 Assignments
Week ending October 19th
Sites to check and evaluate
Read the information about Cascading Style Sheets. I strongly suggest that you find a couple of sites on the Web and read additional information.
Presentation introducing Cascading Style Sheets - topic CSS
      Separate speaker notes to accompany presentation introducing Cascading Style Sheets - topic CSS
Presentation pointing out some support problems in CSS - topic CSS
      Separate speaker notes to accompany presentation Pointing out some support problems in CSS - topic CSS
Cascading Style Sheet assignment
Week #8 Assignments
Week ending October 26th
Please continue going over Cascading Style Sheets. This week we will start JavaScript. You should be finding a tutorial on the Web or acquiring a book on JavaScript. Start looking at the examples (we will cover at least the first three on Tuesday) and start looking at the first PowerPoint presentation on JavaScript. Look at the next seven exampls - through font2.html.
Assignment: CSS and JavaScript assignment
Week #9 Assignments
Week ending November 2nd
We will continue with JavaScript.
Please look at the examples down through the time series that uses IF statements. Also look at the PowerPoint presentations on JavaScript that relate.
You should devote time to getting your web site established. In order to help with this, there is no homework assignment this week!
Week #10 Assignments
Week ending November 9th
We are continuing with JavaScript. Please be sure you look at the examples and the PowerPoint presentations. You are also strongly encouraged to find a source of JavaScript tutorials and read them.
This week you should go up to the animation example - through the calculating grade example!
JavaScript assignment
Please continue working on developing your Web site!
Week #11 Assignments
Week ending November 16th
You should be telling me your web site location!!!!
We will continue looking at JavaScript. Go through the examples on the Web Site through Searching your page. Also look at the pattern pages under Images.
Advisement starts next week - please go to the second page of my site and under Advisement - Spring 2001 you will find the check list for your option and other advisement information that you should read! For people who have me as an advisor, we will deal with it at the end of class Thursday or via email!
Assignment: JavaScript quiz assignment
Week #12 Assignments
Week ending November 23rd
I will be on campus at 9:00 on Monday for advisement so office hours will be either on campus during the day Monday or Monday evening over the web!
We will review the JavaScript samples at the web site!
Week #13 Assignments
Week ending November 30th
Second web assignment (can be modification of first)
We will be looking at questions about JavaScript on Tuesday and finishing looking at the examples!
Information on design and implementation of the site
When you take the final, you will find a lot of these sites useful references to go to for information in answering the questions!
Research information about attracting people to your site etc. - you will find the references above very helpful!
Look at Composer (in Netscape) or FrontPage.
You need to spend no more than two hours playing with one of these packages. Pass in the results!
Week #14 Assighments
Week ending December 7th
Tuesday we will talk about attracting people to your site etc. and Thursday will be an open lab to work on projects.
Next Thursday is the day when everyone is invited to show their sites to the rest of the class, so... If you are taking the class over the Web, you might find this an interesting class to attend!
Listserv sign-up
I suggested these two because I am quite confident they are not selling names. Another site that I have had no bad experiences with is the one at Poor Richard's. In fact, I am looking for a sign up for a listserv so if you have one you want to sign up for, go ahead and send me a copy of the confirmation.
Week #15 Assignments
Week ending December 14th
Final and status sheet have been posted.
The status sheet MUST be passed in with the final!
The final and status sheet are due at 1:00 on Wednesday, December 19th.
All homework should be in by the last day of classes, I will accept with points off through the final! The Web Site(s) should be available for demonstration the last day of classes. They may be finished up and passed in at the final. If you need extra time, that must be negotiated with me!
Remember, I need the web address of your site and I also need you to send me all of the files and images so I can look at the code without the added attractions that happen at the free site!
If you have questions about the final, we will disuss them on Tuesday. On Thursday, the time will be spent showing other people your site.
Week #16 Final Exam
December 19th at 1:00
If I have not received the Final and the Status Sheet by 1:00 on Wednesday, December 19th you must report to K219 to take the final!
Final Exam
Status Sheet

Send e-mail to Mrs. Grocer:

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