Introduction to Programming (COBOL) CIS12

Weekly Schedule

Schedule by week Information to cover - links are from other locations at this site
Unless the assignment specifies differently, written assignments are due in two class days for the on campus class and within a week for the Internet class. Check the week schedule to determine when the assignment was posted. Note, you are encouraged to move faster than this schedule to leave yourself some extra time at the end. A sixth program will be available as an alternative to the final!
Week #1
Week ending June 1st
You need to get a copy of COBOL if you plan to do the programs at home. The version used at the college is MicroFocus COBOL. It is available at: Information about a student version of COBOL. Note: There are other alternatives - this is compatible with the COBOL installed at BCC.
Introductory concepts of programming These notes should be read now and read again later after you have done some programming. Some of the concepts will be easier to understand then.
Introductory notes on programming in COBOL
Sample program with audio explanation
Sample program (SAMPLE1.CBL) with comments and input/output
Downloading programs from the Internet
xsample1.html This is the program to view and download following the download instructions.
Information sheet - must be filled out and submitted
Week #2
Week ending June 8th
Fill practice I suggest you pass it in to be checked, not graded!
First assignment using FDs
Finish program - this assignment should be started after I cover the PROCEDURE DIVISION.
Read about flowcharts and look at the sample flowchart for the sample1.cbl.
Read the information on Microfocus COBOL and on using COBOL:
The information in the notes section and the information in the PowerPoint presentations provides valuable supplements to what we do in class. You should be sure you look at it and then decide what information would be helpful to you.
Week #3
Week ending June 15th
First makeup assignment If you don't like your grade on the first assignment, you may do this makeup and submit it!
Program to write - run for extra credit
c12toys.dat    This is the data file for the program above.
If you decide to run this program, you can take several weeks to do it. The printed version should be passed in next week for a grade. The extra credit will be given when I received the version that you ran on your computer.
Practice work:
Practice work - not to be handed in. Distance learning students can hand in for feedback - no grade will be given.
Read the information about headers and look at the sample programs.
Start reading the information about numeric data. We will look at this through next week. The handout you should be reading now is: Notes on numeric data.
Edit assignment #1 Should be passed in next week.
Week #4
Week ending June 22nd
Edit assignment #2 Should be passed in this week.
Read notes on literals and notes on calculations.
First programming assignment with extra credit
Data file for the first programming assignment.
Note we have not covered the information on two of the extra credit options yet. We will cover one of them next week and one on the following week. My suggestion is that you write the basic program, include the extra options that we have covered if you want to and then revise the program to include the rest of the extra credit if you want to!
If you have trouble with the data file, you may email me and I will send it to you - that has always worked successfully!
This is the time to make an appointment to see me if you are having problems or to make an appointment with the COBOL tutor at TASC. If we can get you through the first program, the rest of the semester will be much easier!
Week #5
Week ending June 29th
Third edit numeric data - with signs
Editing data assignment #4    MAKEUP assignment - not required
Please read the notes under numeric data.
Math statement assignment
Week #6
Week ending July 6th
Math Assignment
We will start final totals this week so you will have enough to consider the last extra credit on the first programming assignment - speaking of which, if you haven't started it by next week you should definately make an appointment with a tutor or myself!!!!
Read the notes on final totals, look at the PowerPoint presentation, and look at the sample programs!
Assignment on totals
The next topic will be IF statements.
Week #7
Week ending July 13th
Read the notes on IF statements and view the PowerPoint Presentation on IF statements!
This assignment will be started in class Must be done by all students!
Program #2 - to be written and run on the computer:
Second programming assignment
Data file for the second programming assignment.
Be sure to watch the PowerPoint presentation on the second programming assignment for some pointers on how to do it!
Continue studying the notes and examples on IF statements. Be sure to look at the PowerPoint presentation on IF statements - it contains lots of examples!
Week #8
Week ending July 20th
IF statements - pick correct solutions
Please look at the notes under the heading IF conditions, level 88 and case structure. Also start looking at the notes under Editing data for accuracy.
Look at the sample programs under Programs with IF statements, level 88 and case structure. There is also a PowerPoint presentation!
Week #9
Week ending July 27th
Read the information about editing. Look at the sample programs for editing. Be sure to read the notes that contain the flowchart for the first sample editing program. If have put the links to some of the important things below.
Flowchart and related code for payedit.cbl
payedit.html Edit program with .html extension - includes sample input and output
payedit1.html Edit program with .html extension - includes sample input and output - edit routine broken down
You should also view the PowerPoint presentation that deals with editing in payedit1.cbl.
QUIZ on editing data
Due in one week
Questions on edit program
Here is the next programming assignment:
Third programming assignment - edit program
Data file for the third programming assignment.
Week #10
Week ending August 3rd
Remember the quiz from last week is due this week!
Please read the notes on tables, look at the sample programs and look at the slide presentation on PowerPoint.
Table assignment to work with one table
Questions and problems dealing with tables
Our next topic (which I hope to hit at the end of the week is on breaks). Please start reading the notes on minor breaks, looking at the sample programs and viewing the slide presentation!
We will deal with major and intermediate breaks next week!
Important: I am going away to Europe for two weeks. Continue to send assignments to the usual account. Needless to say I will not be correcting until I get home! If you have questions, then use my email account I will check this account from the Internet cafes when I can. I have also asked my workstudy Wendy and Tess to be available for questions and help while I am gone. The information to contact them is:
Wendy can be reached at or
Tess can be reached at or
You can also set up an appointment with Wendy via email or you can contact Tess in the K building lab Monday,Tuesday and Thursday nights from 4 till 9.
Week #11
Week ending August 10th
Please read the notes on minor breaks and minor, intermediate and major breaks and look at the accompanying PowerPoint presentations. You should also look at the sample programs that are being discussed in class.
Questions on breaks
Fourth programming assignment on breaks:
Fourth programming assignment - breaks
breakasg.cbl Break program to be modified - cbl version
breakasg.html Break program to be modified - html version
break00.dat Data for the break program
See note under Week #10 about contacting me!
Week #12
Week ending August 17th
Please read the notes and look at the programs on screen processing. Your last programming assignment is to write a program using a screen to create a file and then a second program to read that file and process.
Fifth programming assignment
I will be home mid week! There have been requests to post the final early, so here it is. Please read notes for next week!
Final exam
Data for the final program (colbreak.dat)
Status sheet
Week #13
Week ending August 24th
The final exam has been posted: Final exam
Data for the final program (colbreak.dat) If you have problems with the data file, let me know and I will send it to you.
You must pass in the status sheet at the time you pass in the final or before. If you are concerned about what I have, the status sheet can be passed in and I will use it to check and let you know if you are missing anything. The status sheet is for me and you. It is your chance to make sure that our records match!
Status sheet
Week #14
Week ending August 31st
Your final and status sheet are due on Tuesday, August 28th at 6:30.
If you have not finished the course or if you would like to improve your grade, please get in touch with me. Remember, an A can only be earned on time!

Send e-mail to Mrs. Grocer:

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