Need help or support?

Virtual labs

For help, contact me at or one of the tutor at the tutoring center. Tutoring will be available for open labs at Zoom and for tutoring. Days and hours will be sent to you.

A message from the Advising Center.

If you feel overwhelmed and need help or support at any time, please know that Bristol faculty & staff are here for you and we can address your needs or refer you to the appropriate resources necessary! While we always encourage students to seek assistance from their instructor for academic challenges, for other concerns, or if they are not available, we recommend you reach out to the Advising Center digitally by visiting or by emailing "". In Fall River, call 774.357.2777. We are here to help you succeed. Reach out today!

Tutoring help is available in virtual labs that students can attend for help. Ask your CIS/CIT instructor about the details.