Information Technology Fluency II - CIT12

Weekly Schedule

Week Information
Assignments due in one week unless otherwise stated. I may add some things during the week, so double check the schedule each week!
Week #1 Assignments
Week of January 19th
Read the chapter on Algorithmic Thinking that we skipped last semester.
We are going to start out this semester looking at StarLogo. You will find a presentation under presentations and you will find a list of StarLogo commands under notes.
If you do not want to work in the labs, you will need to download and install a version of StarLogo which is available at:
On campus, StarLogo is available in K130 and in K205.
Your assignment is to download or get access to StarLogo and experiment with making the turtle draw. Experiment with one turtle and with many turtles. The MIT StarLogo site has additional information on using the product. Send me a one experiment with one turtle and one experiment with many turtles.
Week #2 Assignments
Week of January 26th
Read the information about StarLogo procedures under notes.
Under Postings/Notes on my home page, there is a link to some new scholarship information.
Logo assignment
Week #3 Assignments
Week of February 2nd
Read chapter #12 on Computers in Polite Society.
Look at the following PowerPoint Presentation that talks about loops:
Presentation on structure (focus on loops)
    Separate speaker notes to accompany presentation structure (focus on loops)
Look at the following PowerPoint Presentation that talks about if statements:
Presentation on logical if structures
    Separate speaker notes to accompany presentation on logical if structures
Do the exercises on pages 286 and 287 in chapter #10.
Week #4 Assignments
Week of February 9th
We are going to start databases next. You should start to read chapter #13 Getting to First Base.
Continue working with LOGO.
I had some email problems this morning and lost some email (mainly things delivered on the morning of the 11th), if you did not get a response or you suspect something did not get through, please send it again.
Week #5 Assignments
Week of February 16th
Start to get acquainted with Access. If you do not have a book about Access, contact me and I will find one for you.
Continue working with LOGO. We are going to build on this as the chapters go along.
First Access Assignment
Week #6 Assignments
Week of February 23rd
Read about Access and let me know how you are doing. Assignments:
No new assignments this week!
Week #7 Assignments
Week of March 1st
Read chapter #14 A Table with a View. Look at the presentation on if queries in Access.
Check back and let me know how it is going!
Access IF Assignment
Keep in touch - especially about the logic flowchart and pseudocode. We have not done a lot with this and I want to go back and forth.
Week #8 Assignments
Week of March 8th
Continue working with Access. I want you to do some reading and play with some tutorials etc. Assignments:
No new assignments this week!
Week #9 Vacation
Week of March 15th
Enjoy and be productive!
Week #10 Assignments
Week of March 22nd
Read chapter #15.
Student database assignment
Week #11 Assignments
Week of March 29th
We will continue working with the concepts of databases. This time I want you to set up a database for payroll following the steps I outline.
Payroll database assignment
Week #12 Assignments
Week of April 5th
Read chapter #16.
eCommerce assignment: eCommerce
Include information on why you found the sites you used reliable and why you trusted the information you were getting.
I have been sick since the weekend, so I have accomplished little or nothing. I am starting to feel better so I am hoping to get some correcting down this afternoon and this evening.
Week #13 Assignments
Week of April 12th
Read chapter #17.
Catch up week!
Week #14 Assignments
Week of April 19th
Read chapter #23.
We are not going to use JavaScript for this course so we are skipping those chapters.
Go back to your payroll database and your student database and write and execute 10 queries of information you think would be useful. Tell me what you are trying to find out and then tell me the query that you used to get the information.
Week #15 Assignments
Week of April 26th
Read chapter #24.
We are now going to revisit Logo.
I want you to prepare a handout and a lesson plan to introduce a class of elementary school kids to LOGO.
Week #16 Assignments
Week of May 3rd
Your final exam has been sent to you - let me know if you do not get it. I will post or send the status sheet so check back here. The final should be finished by Friday May 14th and sent to me at the usual web address. Let me know if you want any clarification

Send e-mail to Mrs. Grocer:

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