Interactive Web Sites - CIS47

Weekly Schedule

Week Information
Assignments due in one week unless otherwise stated. I may add some things during the week, so double check the schedule each week! Please keep copies of all work you submit until you receive your final grade at the end of the semester.
Week #15
Week of May 10th
The college has sent you a survey about the CIS Department, please try to respond! Thanks!
The final will be posted Thursday, check back for details.
Week #14
Week of May 3rd
Activities this week:
Monday, May 3rd (11:00 in K101), speaker from Meditech coming to my 11:00 class to talk about careers, skills etc., you are invited to join us in K101.
Wednesday, May 5th (7PM - 9PM in G Building Atrium), panel discussion about careers in computing and starting a business
Thursday, May 6th (12:30 in C111), Chad Barraford talking about setting up a computer to be your personal assistant
I sent more details to you in an email to your BCC account.
Catch up week!
Week #13 Assignments
April 26th
We will look at some more XML this week.
XMLschema zipped
XML zipped
This week I want you to experiment with schema and XSLT and pass in some examples showing a basic understanding. It would be great if you took what you did in DTD last week and redid in with a schema.
I would also like you to try some of the things with XSLT. Experiment!
Week #12 Assignments
April 19th
Zipped XML examples
We will start XML this week.
I want you to experiment with XML - I need you to make a fairly complex design using DTD - on the idea of the donor, donation, drive.
I would also like you to look into working with JavaScript to show the XML in Firefox the way I did with Explorer. (Extra Credit).
I would also like you to look into using XML to pass data - find some information and experiment with what you find (again Extra Credit).
Week #11 Assignments
April 12th
Advisement starts this week. You can do online advisement with me using the usual email address or you can sign up for advisement with me (K112) I want you to look at databases with ASP this week. There are examples on brinkster, I have given you the address and the code you would see if you logged in.
Database handling
I want you to do some work with ASP.NET and a database. I would like you to write code that will (1) display database data in a grid, (2) display database data one record at a time, (3) allow for maintenance of the database. These should be done on line - my examples are working at the Brinkster site.
Week #10
Week of April 5th
Thursday April 8th at 12:30 in C111: The CIS Department is sponsoring a speech which deals with Crimes against Children with emphasis on the impact of the Internet. The speech is by Paul Graf, Special Agent, US Naval Criminal Investigative Services Specialist and is titled The 'Real' NCIS! Investigating Crimes Against Children.
I have heard him speak and he is very good, so please try to find the time to come, listen and learn!
This certification might be of interest to you or of interest to someone you know.
Free Technology Training Partnership with Microsoft
I have a lot of examples using aspx that are up on brinkster, the list of the beginning ones is located at: List of examples
I told you we were going to be looking at how to do things better in this part of the course, so you can do something similiar to what I have at Brinkster (set up your own brinkster account) or you can would with the Visual tools. Your choice. I would like you to look at my examples and then create some programs that do similar things, make a couple from each of the categories in the list. Make them simple and experiment.
Week #9 Assignments
Week of March 29th
This week I want you to either use Microsoft Visual Basic or Visual Web Developer 2008 Express Edition (can be downloaded from Microsoft) and experiment with ASP. I suggest finding a tutorial and trying some things out, send me the results of some of your experiments. Please check back!
Week #8 Assignments
Week of March 22nd
I am planning to start ASP this week, so please get a free account at Brinkster or some other place that supports using ASP. I have asked Jacksy Dias to send you the account to Microsoft so you can download Visual Studio to work with. What I would like you to do is some reesearch on using ASP.NET and using it through Visual Studio. Find some tutorials and poke around! I will get back to you, but that is a start!
Week of March 15th
Have a nice break and lets all try to get caught up!
Week #7 Assignments
Week of March 8th
Help/support is Thursday at 11 and 3 in K101 and I will be here after your class until around 7.
We are going to continue with Perl including databases and maintenance of databases. We will also look at a few other things in Perl in a little more detail. Check back!
Last week, I looked briefly at the comparison between using a file and a database. This is the example that I went over.
Files versus Databases
Good article on Perl and Databases
Another look at arrays
Maintenance programs
Week 7 examples
I am going to go over updating a database using three separate programs (see above). I want you to write a program to do adds, changes and deletes in one program. Create your own database with a different structure from mine.
Week #6 Assignments
Week of March 1st
We will start looking at MySQL because we need to be able to use Perl with a database.
This week we are going to focus on setting up MySQL on a server and querying and maintaining it. You will be accessing MySQL on the cisweb server. Information about MySQL is available at their web site. MySQL site
Information about using it at BCC is on this handout. Using MySQL on the cisweb server
If you want a copy to work with at home, a copy is available on the CDs accompanying the text book or at this site.
Please look at the presentations under MySQL on using MySQL. Note: You will need your cisweb username and password.
You should also get a copy of PuTTY to use with MySQL if you plan to work from home. PuTTY is available in the labs. Two sites that can be used to download PuTTY are:
Here is an example sheet for use when you are creating databases and tables in putty: Using putty to create a database and table
Here is another example sheet for use when you are maintaining and doing queries similiar to the ones I have assigned. Using SQL with MySQL
You should be looking up tutorials on SQL. Two that I think are good are:
SQL Tutorial (based on MySQL)
A Gentle Introduction to SQL This is especially helpful for someone who has had Oracle because it shows comparisons between the two versions.
You are allowed to have two databases (each can have multiple tables), under your cisweb. I have sent the names of the databases to your BCC accounts.
Perl function assignment
Week #5
Week of February 22nd
Help/support lab Tuesday aat 10:00 in my office and 1:45 in K101.
Be sure to read the chapter on files in your test. I would also like you to look functions in the next chapter.
Some examples for this week: Files and Functions
I would like you to write a quiz where you store the scores on a file. The students should be given questions, the grade should be calculated and stored.
Extra credit if you a can figure out a way to only allow a student to take the quiz once.
Week #4
Week of February 15th
Help/support lab Tuesday at 10:00 in K112 and also at 1:45 in K101. Wednesday I am available at 1:45 in my office or around (check for a note on my door). If you need to see me and these times don't work contact me and we can try to figure something out.
We will look arrays and hash variables this week (chapter #4).
Some examples for this week: Arrays and Hash
Array Hash Assignment
Week #3
Week of February 8th
We are going to continue looking at loops this week and if statements as well.
Please read about if statements and start to read chapter #4 (we will cover #4 next week).
If you are not comfortable with if statements, this presentation will be helpful.
Presentation on logical if structures
    Separate speaker notes to accompany presentation on logical if structures
Some examples for this week: Loops and decisions (if statements)
Loops and decisions assignment
Week #2
Week of February 1st
I will be available for help on Tuesday from 10 to 11 in my office and I will have a help lab Tuesday from 1:45 to 3:00 in K101. On Wednesday I will be available from 1:45 until around 3 in my office. We can go to a lab if you need help.
Read chapter #3. Also started to look at loops this week.
Some examples for this week: Examples using post and get
Examples using for loop
Experiment with the things you read about which included passing data with the get and with the post and the basics of a for loop. You should do a program that uses the get and then change it to use the post. The for can be included or a separate program.
Check back!
Week #1
Week of January 25th
Read chapter #1 and chapter #2 in the CGI/Perl text.
Student downloads
The information below is work I did a few years ago using another site:
Look at the first three PowerPoint presentations under the topic CGI/Perl. Presentations
Look at the code for the programs which can be opened under Printed code to accompany examples for week #1. You can also download many (not all) of the examples from the beginning cgi/perl and beginning HTML. Examples
The examples I am going over in class are zipped.
If you have a login from CIT32, please use it. If not, you will be receiving a login soon.
Using the web site: Using WinSCP3
Do one of the hands on projects from chapter #1 and one of the case projects from chapter #2. If you do not have a site yet, write them and put them online when you get a site.
If you do not have a user id and password, contact me. Also, when you make cgi files, you need to go into rights and set the properties to 755.


Send e-mail to Mrs. Grocer:

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