Database Design - CIS161/39

Weekly Schedule

Homework is due by May 5th. Next week is open lab week. I will be in the lab from 11 to 1:40 or 2ish on Monday, 9:30 to 2 and off and on until 4 or 5 on Tuesday and Thursday.

Week Information
Assignments due in one week unless otherwise stated. I may add some things during the week, so double check the schedule each week! Please keep copies of all work you submit until you receive your final grade at the end of the semester.
Week #15
Week of May 2nd
Your final: Write a paper explaining the process that you would go through if you were asked to develop a database including the steps you would take and why and the tools you would use and why.
Be specific and detailed!
Week #14
Week of April 25th
Design writeup
Design the tables for a silent online auction. To participate in the auction, you need to register in the customer database which would contain all contact information including email. The items that are auctioned off must also be in the database. The information about the item should include the data and time it is posted for the action and the data and time the action will end and the winner will be declared. An item may be posted with a minimum value that will be accepted. Other basics should be included including information to declare the winning bid. For bids to know the date and time of the bid as well as the amount and other information to relate.
Add information that you feel would make the system more workable.
Develop a data model and the normalized database.
Week #13
Week of April 18th
I will be around Tues after 3:30 and Thursday between advisement.
A good overview/summary article for review
Documenting an Access database
Another article on Documentation
Read these articles and do some research on documenting a database.
Rental agency
Week #12
Week of April 11th
I will be around Tues after 3:30 and Thursday between advisement.
Please read chapter #11 and chapter #12.
Another reference to look at:
More design
Please do the testing your understanding at the end of chapter #11 and chapter #12.
I want you to go to this site and look at and explain the nursery/child playgroup database and one other of your choosing.
Model databases
Again, I want a careful analysis of why these tables contain the data they contain, what the keys are and how the tables relate. If you see anything you might have done differently, let me know.
Week #11
Week of April 4th
Please read chapter #10.
I would like you to also read the explanation that accompanies the model examples below. Explanation
Please do the testing your understanding at the end of chapter #10.
I want you to analyze and explain the two models below. Then I want you to pick two others and explain them as well (the address of the model list is below). I want a detailed description of the tables and how they interact - what the keys are, what the relationships are and how it ties together. If you see anything you might have done differently, let me know.
Pet Shelter
List of models
Week #10
Week of March 28th
Catch up week!
Week #9
Week of March 21st
The week of March 14th was vacation/catch up week.
Please read chapter #9.
I am waiting to get some of the project assignments.
I want you to do a complete job on the project for this unit.
Please do the testing your understanding at the end of chapter #9.
I want you to think about a problem that needs data stored in a database, this could be something associated with business or school. Then I want you to write up the problem (clearly stating), what you want to accomplish and the things that need to be considered in designing the database. Then I want you to use the tools that the book uses to analyze the problem and develop a database design solution.
Week #8
Week of March 7th
Try to get caught up on the reading!
Limousine db
Please send me your thoughts and we will discuss if you are unclear on this.
Week #7
February 29th
I want to start meeting with you as we go into actually doing designs. How about Tues at 2 or Thurs at 3.
Read chapter #8.
For chapter #8 do the test understanding and send it to me for a check off.
First do a writeup of the considerations that need to be addressed in doing this database and discuss how you arrived at the design you did. I want to see the tools I listed above and any others you feel would be helpful in your analysis and design.
Dog store database to design and implement
Week #6
February 22nd
Read chapter #7 in the text book.
I found a good group of lectures on YouTube that I think really do a good job of laying out the concepts. I would like you to listen to the first two lessons this week. The lecturer is Dr. Daniel Soper.
Database Lesson #1 of 8 Introduction to Databases
Lesson #1
Database Lesson #2 of 8 The Relational Model
Lesson #2
For chapter #7 do the test understanding and send it to me for a check off.
Credit Union design
You should be doing the design of the tables that will make this database. No implementation is required. Again, it should be a back and forth with me and you may also decide to work together.
Week #5
February 15th

Read chapter #6 in the text book.
Please do some more reseach on ERDs.
For chapter #6 do the test understanding and send it to me for a check off.
This is a review of work I have given in another class.
Design the tables and the relationships for this problem
The design will be a back and forth process between us I suspect. That will apply to most design assignments.
Week #4
February 8th
I will be available at 2:00 on Tuesday hopefully in K101.
Read chapter #5 in the text book.
Please do some more reseach on ERDs.
For chapter #5 do the test understanding and send it to me for a check off.
Week #3
February 1st
I will be available at 10:00 on Monday in K112 and at 2:00 on Tuesday and Thursday hopefully in K101.
Read chapter #4 in the text book.
I want you to take a look at Entity-Relationship Diagrams as well. Entity-Relationship Diagrams
ERD Example
For chapter #4 do the test understanding and send it to me for a check off.
Week #2
January 25th
I will be available at 10:00 on Monday in K112 and at 2:00 on Tuesday and Thursday hopefully in K101.
Read chapter #3 in the text book.
Be very, very sure to listen to this video - it is really good: Introduction to Database Design under SQL Server How do I?Note that the address takes you to a list of videos and this is the one I want you to listen to.
There are also a couple of articles I want you to read:
Developing a Database Plan
Designing Databases
Database Basics
As I listened to the video, I was not sure you would know what a clustered index was.
Clustered and Nonclustered Indexes Described
For chapter #3 do the test understanding and send it to me for a check off.
Right now we are focused on learning the concepts - we will practice later!
Week #1
January 18th
We are going through the book at a fairly fast pace so you will have time to do some design and to look at other tools that are widely used.
This week I want you to read the first two chapters of the book Beginning Database Design by Clare Churcher (2nd edition). I also want you to read some introductory material from the web. It is a quick overview and we are going into the concepts it presents in more detail as the course continues.:
This is a nice introductory series
I want you to read the first two parts (you can go on if you find it interesting).
At this link, I would like you to read through and take the first quiz on your own.
Example and quiz
For each chapter I want you to do test understanding and send them to me for a check off. Check your answers in the back of the book - but please do them before checking!


Send e-mail to Mrs. Grocer:

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