Weekly Schedule

Remember RE-SUBMIT. If you get back a homework with errors and without a grade it means it has not been graded - you need to fix and resubmit to get a grade. Remember, all assignments including inclass assignments must be done by everyone - that includes online students and students who missed the class..

Remember that the Smartboard notes I take in class and the audio I record are avalable under Smartboard notes and Audio notes under HTML5.

If you contact me and we work out a plan, I will accept a few things over the weekend of May 11th and May 12th.

Week Information
Schedule Session Assignments due in the week after the assignment is given unless otherwise stated.
Note that the audio and Smartboard presentations for each class are posted within a couple of days.
I may add some things during the week, so double check the schedule each week!
Inclass exercises are still assignments and must be done by everyone if they appear under assignments.
Please keep copies of all work you submit until you receive your final grade at the end of the semester. Remember that I record all my classes and capture notes on the Smartboard. These are available to you under Audio and Smartboard.

Final Exam Your final exam is being posted on 5/5/2019. You need to send it to me by email by Monday, May 13th at 10:30AM. Send it to the usual address you use for homework and send a back up to my Bristol address (
Final Exam
Required status sheet The status sheet is a required part of the final and is to assure that all your work is credited to you.
You can pass in the status sheet this week so I can confirm that your records match mine. A revised version of the status sheet must be passed prior to or with the final.
Week #14/#15
Week of April 29th/May 6th
Monday will be the last day of new material classes. Thursday will be an open lab. Next week will also have open labs on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.
Thursday, May 2nd will be an open lab from 9:30 until 6. I will be there most of the time as will Lindsey.
Monday, May 6th will have an open lab from 11:00 until 4:00 with me the first part and Lindsey after 2.
Tuesday, May 7th will have an open lab from 9:30 until 3:00 with me.
Thursday, May 9th will have an open lab from 9:30 until 6:00 with me there until 3:00 and Lindsey until 6:00.
Dave will be available 4:00 until 9:00 on Tuesday, May 7th and Wednesday, May 8th.
Look at animation under W3 schools.
I want you to research and read about object-oriented JavaScript. Here are some articles I suggest:
Javascript objects
Object-Oriented JavaScript
Extra Credit:Extra credit if you do an animation project working with HTML/CSS/JavaScript.
Week #13
Week of April 22nd
Thursday I will not be in class. On Thursday, Lindsey will be available from 11:00 to 12:15 and then again from 2:00 - 6:00. The lab will be open for 8:30 so please use Thursday as a catch up date. I am available Monday at 10 in K112 and Tuesday (when I am not doing advisement) from 2:00 to 3:00. Lindsey is available 2-4 on Monday and Thursday 2-6. Dave will be available 4:00 - 7:00 on Wed (and he will stay later if someone requests it from him or me) and 10:30 -2:30 on Saturday. Jayson (from the tutoring center) is available 9-12 on Mon and Tues in New Bedford.
Some websites to look at about marketing your website:
Promote your website
Marketing strategy 2016
Marketing your Web Site
From webmarketingtoday
From SBA
30 Free Ways to Market your Web Site
Market your online business for free
33 Free Places to Promote Your Website Online
10 ways to market your new website
Some of these articles will help you prepare for the final. There will probably be a question about placement, about searching, about attracting people to your site about evaluating a site etc. Some research now will help when you attack the final next week. Let me know if you find some dead links.
One of the topics to consider is getting good placement of your page. Here are some resources I have found, but you should do some searching for other links:
Promoting web site
Promote your web site
Less obvious ways to promote
Techniques for placement (Ceasar Cabral)
Using articles to promote
Search Engine Watch
SEO Guide
SEO on Wiki
SEO Google
Placement (old but still some interesting information)
For information, read:
about robots.txt
Other things to look at for this week:
1)Web ethics:
Resources on Web and computer ethics
Yahoo advanced search
Google searching
I would also like you to look at some sites that deal with evaluating the information you find at a web site:
Evaluation from Cornell
Evaluation from Berkeley
Evalution from Ohio
Evaluation from Maryland
Interesting coding notes/example: Cake example
We will continue working with JavaScript.
Assignments to turn in:
The web page I want you to make is partially outlined in the Smartboard for today. I want you to make something like a Bakery with lets say a cake choice, frosting choice, decorations, and size choice all made with different things like a drop down box, a radio button and a checkbox. You want to figure out the price. I suggest displaying the different price things like decorations in a list box. You also need an image on the page.
DOM assignment
Check back!
Week #12
Week of April 15th
No classes on Monday. I will be around Tuesday and Thursday when I do not have advisement at 2ish. Lindsey is available Thursday 2-6. Dave will be available 4:00 - 7:00 on Tues and Wed and 10:30 -2:30 on Saturday. Jayson (from the tutoring center) is available 9-12 Tues in New Bedford.
Week #11
Week of April 8th
I am available at 10 in K112. I will be around Tuesday after class. Lindsey is available 2-4 on Monday and Thursday 2-6. Dave will be available 4:00 - 7:00 on Tues and Wed and 10:30 -2:30 on Saturday. I will be available at 2 on Tuesday (but double check). Jayson (from the tutoring center) is available 9-12 on Mon and Tues in New Bedford.
On Tuesday at 11:00 in K101, a group of CIS graduates who are working in IT will come to class to talk about their work and answer questions. You are invited to attend.
The last day for student withdrawal is April 11th. Let me know if you have questions.
Looking at DOM examples under JavaScript and also previous JavaScript.
Assignments to turn in:
Next I want you to set up a quiz of 5 questions following the structure in this example - the first page of the Quiz assignment notes gives a good picture of the layout as does the pdf. You can change the questions but I want two true/false and the rest multiple choice. For one of the multiple choice I want check boxes where all are true, for one I want radio buttons with one true and the last one is your call. Extra credit if you use some DOM.
Quiz assignment notes
The quiz assignment is due on the 22nd of April so we can go over it in class.
Second Web Site Check back!
Week #10
Week of April 1st
I am available at 10 in K112. I will be around Tuesday after class. Lindsey is available 2-4 on Monday and Thursday 2-6. Dave will be available 4:00 - 7:00 on Tues and Wed and 10:30 -2:30 on Saturday. I will be available at 2 on Tuesday (but double check). Jayson (from the tutoring center) is available 9-12 on Mon and Tues in New Bedford.
We will continue looking at DOM this week. Some more examples we will go over are in this zipped file.
Assignments to turn in:
payrollasgnF15.doc Note you can decide on the penalty you want to charge and how you want to handle it - just let me know what you did.
Check back!
Week #9
Week of March 25th
I am available at 10 in K112. I will be around Tuesday after class. Lindsey is available 2-4 on Monday and Thursday 2-6. Dave will be available 4:00 - 7:00 on Tues and Wed and 10:30 -2:30 on Saturday. I will be available at 2 on Tuesday (but double check). Jayson (from the tutoring center) is available 9-12 on Mon and Tues in New Bedford.
Some CSS to look at:
Two columns
Two columns (another)
Three columns
Three columns (with header)
Three columns (header and footer)
We will be working more with JavaScript and DOM.
Guess Game Logic
Debug tool in Firefox
Presentation on logical if structures
    Separate speaker notes to accompany presentation on logical if structures
Assignments to turn in:
JavaScript if coding assignment We will start in class
Calculate Total we will start in class
Bill problem to solve with JavaScript, forms and functions
Fix one of these programs so that you do not leave a problem unitl you get it right. Then fix one of these programs so the user only gets 3 chances to get it right before you move on to the next problem.
Check back!
Week #8
Week of March 18th
Thursday is an open lab day from 9:30 or 10:00 until 6 in K101. Come for as many hours as you can and work to get caught up with Lindsey or myself to answer questions.
I am available at 10 on Monday in my office K112 and Tues at 2:00 in K101/K112. Lindsey is available 2-4 on Monday and 10-12:30 and 2-6 on Thursday. Dave will be available Tues and Wed from 4-7 and on Saturday from 10:30 to 1:00. Jayson (from the tutoring center) is available 9-12 on Mon and Tues in New Bedford.
This week we will emphasize JavaScript and move into using DOM.
This class we looked at Looking at Basic DOM..., More DOM from previous JavaScript, JavaScript Functions, JavaScript Events and a quick look at check boxes and radio buttons that will be revisited next class.
Check back! Catch up week!
Week of March 11th
Dave is available for help on Tues and Wed from 4-7 and Sat from 10:30 to 2:30. He will probably be in K101 or K118 but if not, the help desk will know where he is.
Week #7
Week of March 4th
I am out sick today. Lindsey is available 2-4 on Monday and Thursday 2-6. Dave will be available 4:30 - 7:30 on Tues and Wed and 10:30 -2:30 on Saturday. I will be available at 2 on Tuesday (but double check). Jayson (from the tutoring center) is available 9-12 on Mon and Tues in New Bedford.
We will continue with JavaScript and embedded logic this week. We will also look at a little more CSS. Check back for an assignment.
I want you to look at the three guessing game examples. Check back for a JavaScript assignment on this.
L00k at the CSS3 samples.
Assignments to turn in:(All exercises must be done by everyone)
I want you to try 10 things under CSS3 or things you find on the web described as CSS3. If you use my examples, you have to tell which ones and if you use things on the Web I need the address.
You will need to work with iframes and forms in the Syllabus assignment and mapping as well.
Validator for CSS
Syllabus Assignment The page should be written in HTML5. All style should be done with CSS. Include an iframe on the page. Validate your work (both HTML5 and CSS). Please do not use pre.
Week #6
Week of February 25th
I am available at 10 on Monday in my office K112 and on Tues and Thurs at 2 in either K101 or K112.. Lindsey is available 2-4 on Monday and 2-6 on Thursday. Dave will try to be available on Saturday from 10:30 to 2:30 on Saturday (he has some family health problems). Jayson (from the tutoring center) is available 9-12 on Mon and Tues in New Bedford.
We will continue with CSS and JavaScript.
We looked at CSS examples last week. Here are some more references that will help you experiment.
Please check out this site:
Selectutorials on CSS
CSS tests to go with Selecttutorial:
Style descendants
Style child
Style more
CSS tests to go with Selecttutorials
We will talk a little about what makes a good site: A starting point for thought and discussion
Then we will pick up with JavaScript starting with basic loops.
Assignments to turn in:(All exercises must be done by everyone)
I would like you to take the MathFacts program and modify it so that you check the user entry against the correct answer and give the user feedback about whether they were correct or not.
Sorry for the late posting - I have been having some tech problems.
First JavaScript assignment
Check back!
Week #5
Week of February 18th
I am available at 2 on Tues and Thurs. Lindsey is available 2-4 on Wednesday (Monday classes) and 3-6 on Thursday. Dave is available 4-7 on Tues and Wed and 10:30 to 2:30 on Saturday. Jayson (from the tutoring center) is available 9-12 on Mon and Tues in New Bedford.
This week we will continue with CSS and also look at an intro to JavaScript. We will continue with all three topics throughout the semester.
Specifically, we looked at:
CSS examples
We looked at Beginning JavaScript up until the while loop examples
Assignments to turn in:
First project now assigned: First web project Note that a working web site is required for this course. You cannot pass the course if you do not have a working website written using HTML5 and CSS. I would like the project by the end of March.
Week #4
Week of February 11th
I am available at 10 on Monday and 2 on Tues and Thurs. Lindsey is available 2-4 on Monday and 3-6 on Thursday. Dave is available 4-7 on Tues and Wed and 10:30 to 2:30 on Saturday. Jayson (from the tutoring center) is available 9-12 on Mon and Tues These notes review the examples of tables and images that are on line at my site under HTML5 sample code:
Table examples explained
Image examples explained
This is Enrollment Verification week and I have to verify you are in the class. If you have not passed in work or the email a week verifying you are in the class, then you need to contact me now to make sure you are not withdrawn from the class.
Remember, if you want to download WINSCP at home, you can find it at this address.
This week we will look at mapping, forms, frames and iframes.
Please look at these examples of embedded lists:
Embedded lists HTML
Embedded list example XHTML
embeddedlists5.html (embedded lists) - passed
Assignments to turn in:(All exercises must be done by everyone)
Exercise: First: I want you to work on circle, rectangle and polygon. I want you to download an image - you can use something from my site or find something yourself. Once you have downloaded and sized it to the size you want to work with, I want you to map the image. The mapping should send control to an area within your page so we can keep this local. I want a minimum of three different mappings.
Second: I want you to experiment with frames.Try a nested frame with one row on the top and one row on the bottom and the bottom one divided into 3 columns.
Exercise we will start in class if we have time I want you to also add an image to the page and center it.
Assignment on tables, images Note that I decided to make the XHTML copy something you are not required to do but can do for extra credit.
Week #3
Week of February 4th
I will be available Monday at 10 in my office K112 and Tuesday at 2 in K101. Lindsey will be available 0n Monday from 2-4 and Thursday from 2-6, Dave is available Tues and Wed from 4-7 and Sat from 10:30 to 2:30. There is a lot of support and you should definitely use it if you have questions or encounter a problem. We are hear to help you succeed! Please take advantage of that.
To repeat: If you need help with something, now would be the time to ask your questions!
Uploading to the Web: We got to this this week - earlier than usual. So here are notes on using cisweb.
The goal this week is to look at uploading to the server, Links and start Tables. The information about Links and tables is under HTML5/HTML5 sample code.
Here are the HTML examples including links and tables
Some notes that I did a while back because of snow days:
introCSSandHTML.pdf Introduction to CSS embedded in HTML
introlinks.pdf Introduction to links
We will also look at uploading to cisweb.
Assignments to turn in:
Note that inclass exercises must be turned in by everyone in the class whether you are inclass or online.
In class CSS exercise
In class link exercise
CSS, link and table assignment Be sure you get this assignment to validate
Check back!
Week #2
Week of January 28th
I will be available for help Monday at 10:30. At 2:00 Tuesday and Thursday there will be a help lab in K101 (we hope - may have to find a different room) with either me or Lindsey (my SI and tutor). Lindsey will also be available 2 -4 on Monday in K101 and on Thursday from 2 - 6 (I need to check the room). Dave will be available from 4 to 7 on Wed and Saturday from 10:30 until 2:30 in K101. Room numbers are not definite, the help lab will know where Lindsey and Dave are.
This semester we will cover HTML5, CSS and Javascript/JavaScript. We will start to add CSS3 features to our CSS and then we will look at adding the power of JavaScript (including DOM)to our web pages.
Just to be sure you are comfortable with the various ways of searching the web, I would like you to look at the information at this site.
Searching effectively
Search ideas
Search Engine Watch
Beginners Guide to SEO
Please browse my website and become familiar with what is there.
Here are the HTML examples we will look at for the next few weeks
Since we will be looking at both HTML5 and a little bit at XHTML, I am giving you a basic example of of both styles:
Code for a basic example of HTML5 Note that a lot of pages are now including the language in the html tag. So they would write <html lang="en">
Code for a basic example of XHTML
I want you to look at HTML5 sample code and then go to the examples under HTML5 - intro. Because I do the Smartboard, I have stopped doing the presentations and focused on the Smartboard explanations.
We will also look at validation in HTML5. The validator is located at W3. If you validate by File Upload and browse to find your file and then click on check, the validator will give you feedback.
Assignments to turn in:
Please browse my website and become familiar with what is there.
Survey of past experience - must be completed by all students
First Assignment using HTML5
Second Assignment using HTML5 and CSS: Take the page you created and sent me and add some CSS to it. The CSS should be in the head and in the tags. Try at least five different things. Resend with the CSS.
Week #1
Week of January 21st
Because classes start on Tuesday, January 22nd your first class will be on Monday, January 28th. There is no required book for this course, but you might find it helpful to look up some resources and tutorials on HTML5 and CSS as well as JavaScript (later in the course) because we will start to look at using HTML in its various versions when we start the course. Please do not change any of the passwords we have given you. I need to be able to get to your site as does the IT staff if there is a problem.

Send e-mail to Priscilla Grocer:

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