Weekly Schedule

Remember RE-SUBMIT. If you get back a homework with errors and without a grade it means it has not been graded - you need to fix and resubmit to get a grade.

Week Information
Schedule Session Assignments due in the week after the assignment is given unless otherwise stated.
Note that the audio and Smartboard presentations for each class are posted within a couple of days.
I may add some things during the week, so double check the schedule each week!
Inclass exercises are still assignments and must be done by everyone if they appear under assignments.
Please keep copies of all work you submit until you receive your final grade at the end of the semester.
Week #15
Week of May 4th
We will meet this Monday and the rest of the week will be open labs in K101 on Tuesday from 10 to 2 and then we will move to K118 hopefully for an hour or so and Thurs from 9:30 until 2 and then we will move to K118 for an hour. This is a time to get some more things in to finish off the semester.
Your online final will be posted by Monday, May 4th and it is due by 10:30AM on Monday, May 11th via email. Remember that the status sheet is part of the final and I do not correct the final until I have both the exam answers and the status sheet.
Final Exam
The required status sheet: REQUIRED Status Sheet
Week #14
Week of April 27th
I will be doing registration and helping this week so Monday at 10 and Tuesday and Thursday around 2. Pat is available Tuesday and Thursday around 2 and Wednesday between 2 and 4. Don't forget to sign up to see your advisor!
We will continue with DOM this week and also look at some of the key support aspects of web page development.
Some websites to look at about marketing your website:
Marketing your Web Site
From webmarketingtoday
From Forbes
From SBA
30 Free Ways to Market your Web Site
33 Free Places to Promote Your Website Online
10 ways to market your new website
Some of these articles will help you prepare for the final. There will probably be a question about placement, about searching, about attracting people to your site about evaluating a site etc. Some research now will help when you attack the final next week. Let me know if you find some dead links.
One of the topics to consider is getting good placement of your page. Here are some resources I have found, but you should do some searching for other links:
Promoting web site
Web site promotion
Promote your web site
Less obvious ways to promote
Techniques for placement (Ceasar Cabral)
Promoting a site
Using articles to promote
Search Engine Watch
SEO Guide
SEO on Wiki
SEO Google
Placement (old but still some interesting information)
For information, read:
about robots.txt
Other things to look at for this week:
1)Web ethics:Ten Commandments of Computer Ethics
Bloggers code of ethics
Search tools chart
Yahoo advanced search
Google searching
I would also like you to look at some sites that deal with evaluating the information you find at a web site:
Evaluation from Cornell
Evaluation from Berkeley
Evalution from Ohio
Evaluation from Maryland
Check back!
Assignments to turn in:
Alternative to payroll if you did not get it in by the time I went over it in class: Alternative to payroll assignment
DOM assignment: I would like you to write a program using DOM - basically I want you to experiment, you can take and existing program and replace some JavaScript as it is written with DOM, you can explore one of the things we did last Monday and write a program using DOM or you can come up with your own plan. Just experiment at a level you are comfortable with!
Week #13
Week of April 20th
I will be doing registration and helping this week so Monday at 10 and Tuesday and Thursday around 2. Pat is available Tuesday and Thursday around 2 and Wednesday between 2 and 4. Don't forget to sign up to see your advisor!
Information about upcoming events through STEM under Posting/Notes on my home page.
We will start looking at DOM this week. Please check back!
Assignments to turn in:
Quiz assignment notes
DOM assignment
Week #12
Week of April 13th
I will be doing registration and helping this week so Monday at 10 and Tuesday and Thursday around 2. Pat is available Tuesday and Thursday around 2 and Wednesday between 2 and 4. Don't forget to sign up to see your advisor!
Penalty and Point example
The STEM club on campus has set up a Facebook page. STEM Club
Assignments to turn in:
Second web project assignment
Payroll problem We will go over this in class next week, so you need to pass in your best effort by Wed April 22nd. I changed this due date because we worked on it for an hour in class and I really want to look at the code next week. So... your best effort must be passed in before class.
Week #11
Week of April 6th
This week is online (no in class classes). If you want help on anything Pat will be available from 9:30 until around 2:30 mostly in K101 but moving to K118 at 1:45ish on both Tuesday, April 7th and Thursday, April 9th.
I want you to spend time going over the JavaScript examples we have looked at. Please be sure you work on the assignments from last week if you have not already done them.
I decided to make it a review week! It looked like a lot of students had catch up work to do!
Week #10
Week of March 30th
I am available at 10 on Monday in my office and Pat is available from 2-4 on Wed and both of us are available on Tues and Thurs at 2 in K118. Remember, the week of April 6th is an online week. Pat will be available from 9:30 until around 2:30 mostly in K101 but moving to K118 at 1:45ish on both Tuesday, April 7th and Thursday, April 9th.
We will continue with JavaScript starting with functions.
Notes to help with the function assignment: Function assignment notes
Please check back!
Assignments to turn in:
Basic Payroll Assignment
Function assignment
Week #9
Week of March 23th
I am available at 10 on Monday in my office and Pat is available from 2-4 on Wed and both of us are available on Tues and Thurs at 2 in K118 (actually Pat is available at 12:30).
We will continue looking at JavaScript this week and I will post the assignment after I see how far we will get. You need to look at JavaScript samples under HTML5 - we looked at Beginning and are part way through Continuing beginning, we will look at Events and start working our way through Functions under Some examples. Please check back.
Assignments to turn in:
JavaScript Assignment #2
Catch up week
Week of March 16th
This is catch up week - I am hoping that a lot of you will get caught up with assignments that you owe me.
If you are having problems Pat will be coming in on Tuesday and Thursdayfrom 10 to 3. He is planning on K101 but if other people are using it you may have to look for him or ask at the help desk. You can also email me with questions and problems as well as homework for me to check.
Week #8
Week of March 9th
I will be available Mon at 10 in my office, Pat will be available from 11 to 3 on Tuesday and Thursday and I will be available with him around 2, Pat will also be available Friday from 11 - 1. We will probably be in K-118, if you can't find us check with the help desk.
We will continue with JavaScript this week. Check back to see how far we got.
Assignments to turn in:
JavaScript Assignment #1
Check back!
Week #7
Week of March 2nd
I will be available Mon at 10 in my office (snow permitting), Pat will be available Tues and Thurs from 11 to 3 and Wed from 2-4. If you can't find him ask at the help desk. I will be available Tues and Thurs at 2 for at least an hour (I come and go a little but Pat is there.
This week we will look at some more of the information from last week for CSS and we will start JavaScript. For you who have taken CIS120 with me, the JavaScript the first week will be largely a review.
On your own, please look at the neat tricks I show in CSS3.
We are going to look at Beginning JavaScript embedded in HTML5.
Assignments to turn in:
1) Exercise: Exercise that everyone must do, we will start in class.This was originally posted last week. We will look at it this week.
I have some try things out things I would like you to experiment with:
2)This week I want you to find two different templates for doing columns. One should do two columns and one should do three columns. I want you to use the template and create your own basic page with a little information. Note you can look at my links to templates or find your own. You need to tell me the template address and you need to use sources other than my code.
3)I want you to experiment with 5 things from my CSS3 examples or you can find other new things from CSS3 to experiment with. You can put them together on a page or do separate pages. The focus is on experimenting with CSS3 so do not get too carried away (unless you want to).
Week #6
Week of February 23rd
The plan is for a normal week with me available at 10 on Monday in my office, Pat and I available 2ish in K118 on Tues and Thurs and Pat available Wed from 2-4.
We will continue with CSS this week - some of the things listed below we will look at, you should spend time checking out the listings/topics.
Check these CSS references:
CSS reference - first
CSS reference - second
CSS reference - third
CSS reference - fourth
CSS reference - fifth
CSS reference - sixth
CSS reference - seventh
CSS reference - eighth
CSS reference - ninth
CSS reference - tenth
Visual example on CSS positioning:
Interest CSS positioning experiment
Other recommendations from classes:
CSS reference
CSS reference
Please look at these examples of embedded lists:
Embedded lists HTML
Embedded list example XHTML
embeddedlists5.html (embedded lists) - passed
Some examples to look at:
Please check out this site:
Selectutorials on CSS
CSS tests to go with Selecttutorials
This week we are going to look at a little more CSS including how to set up columns - a fairly basic approach.
Center one column page
Center two column page
Two columns
Two columns (another)
Three columns
Three columns (with header)
Three columns (header and footer)
And then look at this collection:
Zipped set of CSS experiments This is definitely postponed.
Refering to setting up a web site, please look up information on storyboarding, wireframing and prototyping.
Sample form
We will talk a little about what makes a good site: A starting point for thought and discussion
To load things up on the Internet, we use WINSCP. Please read the WINSCP and cisweb information: (note that in my examples I use as the host, we are now using as the host although the old one is still supported).
Here is information about using cisweb and WINSCP at BCC
Talks more specifically about portfolio We will be looking at making a portfolio later in the semester.
If you want to download WINSCP at home, you can find it at this address.
Assignments to turn in:
Exercise: Exercise that everyone must do, we will start in class. Ended up postponing until next week.
CSS Assignment If you have problems validating, upload the project to your cisweb site and try again. It has trouble seeing linked files on the hard drive.
First project now assigned: First web project Note that a working web site is required for this course. You cannot pass the course if you do not have a working website written using HTML5 and CSS. I would like the project by early April. This project needs to be of professional quality so you could show it at an interview and should incorporate most of the things you have learned.
Week #5
Week of February 16th
Pat from 8 - 4 on Friday and I am around after class on Thursday (1:40) and hopefully at 10AM (snow driving assumed ok) in my office. Hopefully we will be in K101 or K118 but if we are not there check with the help desk - we will be sure to report any changes.
We need to look at mapping, forms and iframes and take questions from the weeks we mixed. If we have time we may be able to move on to more CSS.
We will look at the CSS validator: CSS Validator
Assignments to turn in:
Inclass exercise that must also be done and submitted by the people at home as well: I want you to download an image - you can use something from my site or find something yourself. Once you have downloaded and sized it to the size you want to work with, I want you to map the image. The mapping should send control to an area within your page so we can keep this local. I want a minimum of three different mappings.
Syllabus Assignment The page should be written in HTML5. All style should be done with CSS. Validate your work (both HTML5 and CSS).Please include an iframe! Please do not use pre.
Week #4
Week of February 9th
Since the college is closed, we will have another online class. Someday I hope to see you again - lets hope for next Thursday! Pat will be available for help from 11 - 3 in K101 and then K118 on Tuesday, from 2-4 on Wednesday and hopefully we will be around on Thursday after 1:45.
We will move on to tables, images and frames in HTML5 and XHTML. As I did last week, I am putting together notes for you to look at as you look at the examples have put up exercises as well.
The topic of entities came up in homework. Here is a link to help with that: Entities at W3 schools
Please listen to the audio and look at the Smartboard from 9/22/2014. You will find that some of the examples have changed but that is minor. The examples that I was planning to use today are explained in the notes below.
The audio and Smartboard for 9/29/2014 has a section on frames as well as sections on the topics we will look at next week.
Please look at these examples of embedded lists - we will look at them next week:
Embedded lists HTML
Embedded list example XHTML
embeddedlists5.html (embedded lists) - passed
tablesSpring2015.pdf Introduction to tables
imagesSp2015.pdf Introduction to images
framesSp2015.pdf Introduction to frames located under XHTML
Check back! Assignments to turn in:
In class assignment on tables (to do at home)
In class frame assignment (XHTML) - (to do at home)
Assignment on tables and images
Week #3
Week of February 2nd
Since BCC is closed, we will work on line for this weeks class. I will put together coverage of what I was going to go over and post them later today. In addition, I recommend that you look at the Smartboard notes and audio from 9/15/2014 since I went over the material that I want you to go over in that class.
Pat and/or I will be available Tuesday and Thursday at 1:45. We think it will be K118 but if we are not there, check with the help desk.
If you need help with something, now would be the time to ask your questions!
The goal this week is to look at CSS(style) - Intro, Links and start Tables. These are all under HTML5/HTML5 sample code. We will also look over at some of XHTML, but our focus is on HTML5. Note, we will leave tables for next week.
Be sure you look at these Smartboard presentations, they cover the topics that I planned to cover this week and you need to either be comfortable with the information or have questions next week when we meet.
introCSSandHTML.pdf Introduction to CSS embedded in HTML
introlinks.pdf Introduction to links
Assignments to turn in:
In class CSS exercise
In class link exercise
Assignment on basic CSS and links Note that this should validate!
Week #2
Week of January 26th
I will be available for help Monday at 10:00, Tuesday from 1:45 until 3ish (later if I get a request) and on Thursday from 1:45 until 2:45 in my office (K112) - if we need a lab we can go look for one.
This semester we will cover HTML, CSS and Javascript/JavaScript. In looking at HTML, we will focus on HTML5 but spend time on XHTML as well. We will start to add CSS3 features to our CSS and then we will look at adding the power of JavaScript to our web pages.
Just to be sure you are comfortable with the various ways of searching the web, I would like you to look at the information at this site.
Searching effectively
Search ideas
Search Engine Watch
Beginners Guide to SEO
Please browse my website and become familiar with what is there.
Since we will be looking at both HTML5 and XHTML, I am giving you a basic example of of both styles:
Code for a basic example of HTML5 Note that a lot of pages are now including the language in the html tag. So they would write <html lang="en">
Code for a basic example of XHTML
I want you to look at HTML5 sample code and then HTML5 - intro and XHTML sample code and then XHTML - intro. You can also look at getting started under XHTML. There are presentations to accompany XHTML. Because I do the Smartboard, I have stopped doing the presentations and focused on the Smartboard explanations.
We will also look at validation in both HTML5 and XHTML. The validator is located at W3. If you validate by File Upload and browse to find your file and then click on check, the validator will give you feedback.
Assignments to turn in:
Please browse my website and become familiar with what is there.
Survey of past experience - must be completed by all students
First Assignment using HTML5 and XHTML
Check back!
Week #1
Week of January 19th
Because classes start on Wednesday, January 21st, your first class will be on Monday, January 26th. There is no required book for this course, but you might find it helpful to look up some resources and tutorials on HTML5 and XHTML because we will start to look at using HTML in its various versions when we start the course.


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