Availability - Summer 2004
I will list the times when I will be available on campus as soon as I know. I try to keep
my life somewhat free and flexible over the summer, so I will usually not list times
too far ahead! Check back on a regular basis to see
if I have added or changed availablility. Unfortunately sometimes something comes up and
I have to adjust so please check back before you come in. Also, please recognize that
there may be multiple students looking for help so I may not be able to see you immediately.
- On Tuesday, May 25th: I will be on campus from approximately 2:30 to 4:00.
- On Monday, June 7th: I will be on campus from 9:00 to 5:30.
- On Tuesday, June 8th: I will be on campus from 1:00 to 4:00.
- On Wednesday, June 16th: I will be on campus from 5:00 to 6:30.
- On Tuesday, June 22nd: I will be on campus from 12:00 to 3:30/4:00.
- On Monday, June 28th: I will be on campus from 12:00 until 4:30 but I have a committment
around 2:00 for at least an hour.
- On Tuesday, June 29th: I will on campus from 10:00 until 5:00/5:30 but there are some
interviews I am doing so you should check with the secretary about my availability.
- On Tuesday, July 6th: I will be on campus from 11:00 until about 2:00.
- On Tuesday, July 13th: I will be on campus from 9:00 until early afternoon (may stay later - check back)
- On Wednesday, July 21st: I will be on campus from 10:00 until around 5:50.
- On Wednesday, July 28th: I will be on campus from 9:00 until 5:00 but I have a lot of
interviews scheduled so you should check with the secretary about my availability.
- On Tuesday, August 3rd: I will be on campus from around 2:00 until around 4:00/4:30.
- On Tuesday, August 10th: I will be on campus in the morning.
- On Thursday, August 12th: I will be on campus most of the day (I will try to more specific closer)
- On Monday, August 16th: I will be on campus late in the afternoon/early evening.
- On Wednesday, August 18th: I will be on campus from 3:00 until 6:00.
- On Wednesday, August 25th: I will be on campus starting at 11:00 but I have a lot of
committments so you need to email me for an appointment if you want to meet - my regular
email is back and functioning!
I have been having big problems with a crash and email loss and am just getting back with
a new computer. Thanks for your patience! If you want can't get in touch with me, check
with Karen Costa in the office.