The information at this site is in draft form and is the property of Priscilla Grocer. The information may not be duplicated or distributed without her permission. ©Copyright 2001
Category | Information |
Information | Introduction to CIS51 - methods, expectations etc. Syllabus |
Resources | Notes and handouts for CIS51 Sample programs for CIS51 Presentations for CIS51 Reference books for CIS51 Bulletin Board for CIS51 |
Work |
Programs for CIS51 Test information for CIS51 Weekly schedule for CIS51 |
COBOL Links | Information about
a student version of COBOL. Note: There are
other alternatives - this is compatible with the COBOL
installed at BCC. Wealth of current COBOL information Lots of information and links - offers information and links - another site offering information and links - MicroFocus COBOL home page offering links and information on compiler view on COBOL more views on COBOL another site for COBOL |
Notes and handouts | Link to retrieve |
Tables |
Notes on one dimensional tables Notes on two and three dimensional tables |
Information on using screens | Notes on using screens |
Table search | Searching a table for a match More information on searching a table More detail on options discussed above |
Table fill | Filling an
empty table with data Listing of data for soup programs |
Searching | Binary search notes |
Search verb | Notes on using
the search verb |
Editing |
Notes on editing data Notes on the MOD11 check digit Notes on another check digit |
Sorting a file | Notes on the sort verb |
Sequential update | Notes on sequential updates |
Indexed files | Introductory notes on indexed files More notes on indexed files |
Concepts, features, functions | Notes on inspect Notes on STRING and UNSTRING COBOL Concepts COBOL Features Reference modification notes COBOL Functions |
The program with the .html extension can be saved as .cbl and then opened in the COBOL compiler. The PRE or the HTML PRE and the /PRE or the /HTML /PRE (note there are greater than and less than symbols around these commands) have to be deleted before compiling. The program with the cbl can be loaded into the compiler but you will see a symbol that looks like a music note which is the carriage control. These usually are not a problem unless you make changes and then you have to delete them. | |
Sample programs | Link to retrieve |
Direct subscript - 1 & 2 dimension tables | TWODIM (html) TWODIM (cbl) Data for TWODIM - twodim.dat |
Using screens | SCR1FROM (html) SCR1FROM (cbl) Data for SCR1FROM - scr1.dat TABLESCR (html) TABLESCR (cbl) |
Indirect subscript - searching a table | TABLSOUP (html) TABLSOUP (cbl) Data for TABLSOUP - stutran.dat TABLNIND (html) No indicator TABLNIND (cbl) No indicator TABLEMBD (html) Embedded perform TABLEMBD (cbl) Embedded perform TABLEEX1 (html) Early exit #1 TABLEEX1 (cbl) Early exit #1 TABLEEX2 (html) Early exit #2 TABLEEX2 (cbl) Early exit #2 LINSRCHX (html) Linear search LINSRCHX (cbl) Linear search |
Fill an empty table and search it |
Inventory programs with data - examples below INVFILL (html) INVFILL (cbl) INVFILLA (html) INVFILLA (cbl) INVFILLB (html) INVFILLB (cbl) Data for inventory programs above TBLSOUP1 (html) TBLSOUP1 (cbl) Data for TBLSOUP1 - emptsoup.dat TBLSOUP2 (html) TBLSOUP2 (cbl) TBLSOUP3 (html) TBLSOUP3 (cbl) Another data file for TBLSOUP3 - souponly.dat |
Binary search | BINARY |
Using the search verb | SEARCHVB (html) - Linear use of search verb SEARCHVB (cbl) - Linear use of search verb SEARCHAL (html) - Binary use of search verb - Search All SEARCHAL (cbl) - Binary use of search verb - Search All |
General create program | GENCREAT.CBL - General program to use creating a data file -
needs to be modified to the file specifications |
Editing data |
MOD11CHK - Coding mod 11 check digits PAYEDIT - Sample edit program EDITCHK - Another sample edit program EDITINTR - And yet another with minor modifications EDITBTH1 - Batch editing EDITBTH2 - A second batch editing example |
Sorting files |
SORTVB1 - Basic sort verb SORTVB2 - Sort verb with input procedure SORTVB2A - Sort after processing SORTVB3 - Sort verb with output procedure |
Sequential updating | MYUPDATE - Sample sequential update program |
VSAM Programs |
CRMSVSAM - Create a VSAM file SEQREAD - Sequentially read an indexed file SEQSTART - Sequentially read from a START point START - Sequentially read from multiple START points RANKEYRD - Randomly read from a VSAM file RANKNIRD - Another random read from a VSAM file CALTVSAM - Create VSAM with alternate key SEQALTRD - Sequentially read on alternate key path RANALTRD - Random read using primary and alternate keys DYNSTART - Reading VSAM file when access is dynamic MYRANUPD - Random update using disk files FILESTA - File status with invalid key FILESTAT - File status only |
Some data files | MSTRVSAM.DAT
COPY and CALL | COPYPRG - Program containin COPY statements CRSDESC - Data division code being copied ADDROUT - Procedure division code being copied COPYCALL - Program containing CALL statement CALLED - Code being called |
Programs to write | Link to retrieve |
Search program to complete | YOURSRCH Data for YOURSRCH program - ins.dat |
Fill program to complete |
Complete fill table program: Fill assignment YOURFILL Due in three weeks Data for YOURFILL program - stuuour.dat |
Search verb program | Modify the search program (YOURSRCH) to use the search verb.
Sequential update |
Sequential Update assignment Old Master data file Transaction data file |
VSAM Programs | VSAM project VSAMCREA PROGRAM1 PROGRAM2 PROGRAM3 PROGRAM4 PROGRAM6 PROGRAM7 & PART OF THE FINAL SEQFILE.DAT Data to use with vsamcrea - this will create an indexed file to use in the other programs |
Test Information | Link to retrieve |
These are some of the books that I use for reference. There are many others, but look for advanced topics. |
Application Programming File Processing in COBOL Yuksel Uckan Heath Advanced Structured COBOL Gerard A Pacquette Wm C Brown Publishers Advanced Structured COBOL Gary Popkin Kent Publishing Co Advanced Structured COBOL Mike Murach and John Padgett SRA Advanced Structured COBOL Khan, Martin Boyd and Fraser |