SQL assignment #2 for MySQL - CIT32
For this assignment you should take a picture of the screen for each question
that shows what you entered and the results.
- Create a table with at least a varchar field, a char field, a number field with
decimal places, an integer and a date. The table should have at least two fields
that you can group on: things like dept or state. The table should include a name field
where the name is entered in the format last name slash first name middle name or
initial if any. For example: Doe/John or Smith/Mary S or Adams-Costa/Susan A.
Populate the table with at least 5 records, one of the records should contain NULL
in an amount field. Show me the table with data and the
- Do a query using single row functions that flip the name so that it displays as
first middle (if any) last instead of last/first middle. For example: Doe/John
should be flipped so it displays as John DOe, Smith/Mary S should be flipped so
it displays as Mary S Smith, Adams-Costa/Susan A should be flipped so it displays
as Susan A Adams-Costa.
- Do a query where you find the count of the records.
- Do a query where you have the count, sum and average on a numeric field (use
the numeric field that has NULL in at least one record)
- Do a query and group on a field and show the sum and average as well as the count.
- Do a query where you group and eliminate a record from the group based on
your choice of criteria. You can also decide what you are showing for the group.
- Modify the query above so that you eliminate certain groups from the display.
- Do a query that involves a sort on two fields (be sure to tell me which is
the primary field and which is the secondary field).
- Do a query that involves a nested function (a function within a function)
- Explain the difference between a query that involves using the function upper
and a query that involves using the function sum. I am looking for an explanation
about what each query acts on and the results.
- Do a query that requires that condition A be true and either condition B or
condition C be true
- Add a record to your table.
- Change information on a record on your table.
- Delete a record from your table.