In this example I used ct to clear the turtles and crt1 to create 1 new turtle. Note that I did this in the observer section. Now I am going to go back to the turtle side and move the turtle over and have it point to 60 degrees. To do this I turned left 90, went fd 10.
Then I turned rt 90 and then rt 60 more - clearly I could have turned rt 150.
Then I drew a triangle by first doing pd to put the pen down and then going fd 20 to move the turtle forward 20, then I turned 120 to the rt with rt 120 and drew the second line by going fd 20 and then I moved 120 to the right with rt 120 and then when forward 20 with fd 20 to complete the triangle.
Now, if I want to do another triangle, and have it not on top, I need to take the pen up move the turtle and then redraw the triangle.
I played around here, first I turned 150 to the right and went forward 10. I did not like where the turtle was pointing so I decided to try turning left 30 using lt 30. Now I am going to draw another triangle, so I need to repeat the instructions to draw the triangle from this point.
Now I have drawn another triangle using the same instructions from a different starting point. Looking at this, I decided to take those instructions I was repeating and put them into a procedure so I could just tell it to do the procedure one I had repositioned myself.
These are the instructions I used to get to this point incase it is difficult to read:
left 90
fd 10
rt 90
rt 60
fd 20
rt 120
fd 20
rt 120
fd 20
rt 150
fd 10
lt 30
fd 20
rt 120
fd 20
rt 120
fd 20
Now I am going to start all over.
I entered the first four commands the way I did last time.
But the difference is that I then made a procedure.
To do this, I simple went down to the procedure area and wrote to triangle, then I entered the commands followed by end.
Then I went back up to the command center and wrote triangle. I did the procedure and drew the triangle.
Then I entered the three commands to reposition as shown below:
Next, I am going to tell it to do triangle again so I will draw the second triangle.
It now did the second triangle. If I want to do another I can reposition and draw another. However I am too close to the right hand side of the screen and this would take me off the screen.