Quiz Using Exercises from the textbook:


For each of the following you need to show me the search you entered and the modifications you made to the search. You also need to tell me what search engine you used. I want you to use a variety of search engines.


Exercises from page 174 in the text:


  1. Find Buckminister Fullers birthday. Who does he share it with?
  2. Do a search for Thomas Jefferson. Find a list of his inventions. Narrow the search to sites on Jefferson and one of those inventions. Tell me the site.
  3. Do a search for Ernest Hemingway. Locate a primary source, a secondary source and two tertiary sources. Do the sites agree or are there inconsistencies? Tell me the sites.
  4. Do a search for Richard Nixon and his dog Checkers. Then limit the search until there are less than 100 hits. Take a picture of the screen to show that you have less than 100 hits.
  5. Do a search for Alaska and coffee plantation. Then limit the search until there are less than 1000 hits. Take a picture of the screen to show that you have less than 100 hits.
  6. Do a search for Grace Murray Hopper. Find a picture of the first computer bug. Read the story behind it and send me the address where you found the picture.
  7. Explain how you organize the folders/directories on your hard drive and comment on its effectiveness. If you do not have a computer, explain how you would organize the folders/directories on your hard drive.