This web page will be used to explain the concepts of HTML.
To see the comments look at the with comments version of the page.
Notice that I am writing headers - H1, H2, H3 etc. through H6
Note the characteristics of these headers.
Each starts on a separate line.
And there is a blank line between them.
Now I am going to write some regular text. Note that I am writing enough text so that it
will wrap around onto a second line. In HTML, when the text wraps to the next line is
determined by the browser settings. When I write the code, I press enter when I want to
move to another line to write my code. This has no impact on what you see on the screen. To
see the code as I wrote it, look under View/Page Source in Netscape or View/Source in
Explorer. Note that even if I leave multiple spaces when I am entering the code, HTML
will only show one space. Now I am done with this text and so I will use the BR tag to
indicate a break.
When I start writing again it will be on a different line. I moved to a new line when I was
writing this code, but I did not have to.
The BR can be embedded as I write the code.
BR is an example of a tag that does not have a corresponding closing tag.
I can also use paragraph tags to start a new paragraph. Paragraph tags have a closing
tag, but they are not always used - note it is a good idea to use them because of future
versions of web code.
This is another paragraph. Note that the paragraph tag leaves a blank line above the
paragraph. This did not happen with the BR tag. However I could have used two BR tags
to skip a line.