XHTML Assignment:

You should create two web pages - you do not have to put them out on the web - you can test them on your hard drive. The pages should be created using Notepad and tested in your browser - extra credit if you test in more than one browser!

Your web pages should include the following:
  1. head with a title
  2. headers - at least two different ones from h1, h2 etc.
  3. bold
  4. italics
  5. break
  6. paragraph
  7. background color
  8. text color
  9. change the font color and size for a particular line or lines
  10. hroizontal line
  11. anchor reference to your second page and another back to the first
  12. anchor reference to an XHTML tutorial on the web
  13. image
  14. table
Your pages must be written in XHTML with CSS. The pages must validate strict.
The four lines I recommend for the top of the page are at the top of the source in this page.
The validator to validate your page is at:
Validate with W3 You should send me your pages two ways: first the pages with the html or htm extension and second the pages saved in notepad with a txt extension. Sometimes there is a problem with sending pages and sending them with .txt usually works. Don't forget, you also need to send me the image or images that you use as a separate file.