Assignment on computing and word processing:


During the semester I will be asking you to do writing based on articles you read.  In addition to researching and reporting on the information, I will be incorporating word processing skills that I want you to master and embed in your writing.


Topic:  Why do we need software and how has software evolved over time with the advances of hardware.


I want you to use references that you find on the Internet (be sure to site the references that you used). You can use references from my site or ones that you find on your own. The references at my site are at: (  I apologize for the fact that there may be some dead links here – it is hard to keep them out of the links section.


The paper you write should be approximately two pages double-spaced.  This is not a limit, just an attempt to give you an idea of what I am looking for.


The paper should be written on line using Google Docs & Spreadsheets. This allows you to write a paper and save it on line so you can access it from home or work or school.  You can also pick someone to collaborate with you on your work. You will have to create a Google account. I want you to figure out how to navigate and create using Google Docs & Spreadshets. Information about Goggle documents and spreadsheets is available at:

Note: In the past this service was owned by Writely and so in later assignments I may refer to Writely (I may not catch the fact that it should be Google Docs & Spreadsheets). 


The paper should be written using Google Docs and Spreadsheets (contact me if this is a problem).  In using the specified features, do not be concerned if they do not fit in the way you would normally right a paper, just figure out a way to use them so I can see your mastery. The paper should include the following word processing features:


Word Processing Features that must be used: 


You need to specify me as a collaborator using my account.  Please be sure to use this account for this assignment. I will correct when I get notification so please do not make me a collaborator until you are ready for me to correct.