This assignment is to manipulate data using an online word processor in Google . The data you are going to work with is currently in a document named tofixwpF06.doc.


First you should go in to your google account and go to docs & spreadsheets and upload the document.


Then you should make the following changes:


  1. Fix the spelling errors in the document that you just uploaded..
  2. Delete the phase a deeper understanding of information technology from the first paragraph (including the –s).
  3. Add the words “which met in Washington, DC” after “National Research Council” in the first paragraph.
  4. Copy the phrase “A professor of computer Science at the University of Washington” from the first paragraph to the second paragraph right after the words “Lawrence Snyder”. Fix any problems you see resulting from the copy.
  5. Find and replace the words “500-pound gorilla” with “elephant in the living room”.
  6. Make elephant in the living room have an Arial Black font and a color of red.
  7. Underline Chronicle of Higher Education
  8. Change the order of the paragraph: The paragraph that start with “Think of fluency…” and the paragraph that starts with When asked…
  9. Count the number of words in the article and enter a comment telling me the number.
  10. Make me a collaborator so I will get an email at This will tell me when you are ready for me to correct.