Advanced Visual Basic - CIS67

Professor: Priscilla Grocer

Office: K-112
Phone: 508-678-2811

Course Description (from catalog):

In the second semester of Visual Basic, the students will learn to program with the advanced features available in Visual Basic and will focus on thelogic involved in developing professional programs. The features covered will include user interfaces, controls including ActiveX controls, databases, object-oriented programming, VBScript and the Internet.

Course Objectives:

The primary objective of this course is to teach the student to program effectively in Visual Basic. At the completion of this course, the following objectives should have been accomplished:


Advanced Programming Using Visual Basic 6
Julia Case Bradley and Anita C. Millspaugh

Material to be Covered:

  1. Review of topics and enhancement of those topics will be an ongoing activity
  2. object-oriented programming will also be developed in applicable topics
  3. Interfacing with the User
  4. ADO
  5. Class Modules
  6. ActiveX
  7. Internet
  8. Other topics as determined by the instructor


Requirements and Grading: The student will be expected to complete all assigned work. This is an advanced course and debugging is the responsibility of the student. Learning to effectively debug your own work is a critical programming skill. Homework assignments will be due in a week, programs will be due in two weeks. There will be approximately one assignment per week (occasionally two). Quizzes, when given, will count as a homework assignment. In addition there will be a final exam. Grading percents are:

Evaluation:Assignments, programs and exams are graded using either number grades or letter grades based on the following (A=90-100, B=80-89, C=70-79, D=60-69, F=below 60). The student's grade for the course will use the same scale and will be based on the percentages explained in the grading section. Plus and minus grades will be given.
Many of the assignments in this class are open ended - the grading will be based on how well the project demonstrates mastery of the material. Students who do a minimum of work will be graded accordingly. Resubmission is allowed on open-ended projects to improve grades.
Note: Non open-ended assignments that are completed accurately, with no errors, according to the parameters of the assignment will be graded as A. To achieve an A+, students must have done sufficient extra work in design or implementation that makes the assignment standout. In doing assignments, students must do their own work. Relying too heavily on my examples or working too closely with someone else will be penalized.

Attendance:The student is allowed to cut six one hour classes.

Methodology: This course is offered as an in-class course or as a Distance Learning, Web based course. For in-class students, it is a traditional lecture based class with supplementary information available on the Web. Web based students will be relying on the information at the Web site for the information being presented in class. Web based students are invited to attend class at any time if they feel that hearing a lecture would be valuable (if an in-class version of the course is being offered that semester). All students should read the assigned notes, study the presentations available and avail themselves of other resources in mastering the course material. In addition, students will be working independently on projects designed to give them additional computer skills and practical experience in analyzing and solving problems and debugging their work. When appropriate, exercises and problem solving techniques are used.
This SYLLABUS is not to be construed as a CONTRACT in any way, shape, manner or form. This SYLLABUS is a SUGGESTED course OUTLINE and will be GENERALLY followed, subject to change according to the INSTRUCTOR'S discretion and needs. Academic FLEXIBILITY is important!

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