Introduction to Visual Basic Spring 2003


To all evening school students:


Welcome to Introduction to Visual Basic!


My name is Roger Proulx and I have been asked to instruct and help you learn Visual Basic.


This course, as an introductory course, will cover a great deal of topics with regard to VB. Such topics will include program development, commands, database and object-orientated concepts. We will look at numerous tools used in the designing of visual basic programs and, it is my hope to give you a sound foundation on which to build further study and understanding of VB, should you endeavor to do so.


Mrs. Grocer has generously allowed us to share this site with her and the day school students.


We will be covering the same material, as the day school but, there will be differences on when topics are covered and how. There will also be some different assignments and assignment directives.


Any information pertaining to the evening school will be labeled as such. I will try my best to get all evening school directives to you in a timely fashion. All course information will be on the site.


You should look at all sample programs and the Power Point presentations that are on the site, also, the notes pertaining to specific topics. You might also consider checking out the links that are available through the site.


It is on this site that you will find your weekly assignments. Some may be the same as the day school, while some may be different. So, be sure to look at everything labeled for the evening school.


Note also, that there is a separate syllabus for the evening school that, while similar to the day school in many ways, carry some differences for evenings as well.


Method Options:


You have three options by which you can take this course.

        You may choose to come to class on a weekly basis where I will be using the lecture and presentation methods.

        You may choose to come to class when you feel you need to and do the rest of the work on your own via the Internet.

        You may choose to take the course over the Internet using the independent study method.



Note, that whichever way you choose, you are obligated to all conditions,

requirements and responsibilities of the course.


I strongly urge all students to attend the first classroom session. I will give an orientation where I will explain the syllabus, reiterate points on this document, introduce you to the Visual Basic Environment to get you started and, hopefully, begin some programming concepts with you.


Should you want to get a head start, when you get your textbook, read chapters 1 and 2. The rate at which the course will move will be dictated by how quickly or slowly the class, on average, is coming along. There is a great deal of information to cover, so, we will have to keep a steady pace.


Your first programming assignment with directives will be posted separately.


The listing of topics to be covered, as listed on the syllabus, does not necessarily represent the order in which they will be covered. Some topics will be included with others and then, be expanded on with later topics.




I will accept all assignments in one of two ways.

You may hand the assignment on storage media ie floppy disk or CD


You may upload it to me via the internet, which would be my preference.

If you hand it to me, be sure the media is properly labeled. Have your name, and the assignment title on the label.


Also, whichever way you choose to submit an assignment, be sure to label which assignment it is and specify that it is an assignment to be graded. I will not play guessing games. If there are no specifications I will consider it a done deal, and will grade it. DO NOT ASSUME THAT I WILL KNOW YOUR INTENT. PLEASE BE SPECIFIC!


If you are submitting an assignment for me to look at because you are having difficulties or questions, be sure you label it accordingly. For example you could write, Please look at assignment DO NOT GRADE YET or IMPORTANT QUESTION: PLEASE READ A.S.A.P. Something that will let me know that you are not looking for a grade at that point and time but, rather, help.


Be sure, if you are asking for help, to explain to me, as best as you can, what the problem is, where you are having it and list your questions. I will get to questions first and grading second. If I find your questions ambiguous, I will respond with questions and we can communicate until the problem is rectified.



Whichever way you submit an assignment, be sure to include everything ie vbp, frm, etc.


I have a separate account on the internet that I will be using for school matters such as the assignments, that, Ive written below.



Pass in only ONE assignment per e-mail.


Send all your assignments, correspondence etc to:


I will need your e-mail address so, as soon as you receive this message, please send me your name and your e-mail address. I will then write back to you. This way we will both know that we can communicate. If you have sent me this information and I have not gotten back to you within 24 hours, please try again.


For each week that you do not attend a class, I must hear from you. This way Ill know youre still with us. Missing a class in the evening school is equivalent to missing three classes in the day school. In the evening school you are allowed to cut two classes. The equivalent of two cuts via the internet learning is, not touching base with me twice.


Those of you coming to class will be asked to fill out a paper for me with your name and e-mail, if you have not already sent it to me. In this case, I will send you a short test message, hopefully within 24 hours, to ensure that we have a line of communication.


Please know that I will check the assignment account everyday.


You all must have an e-mail address. If you dont have one at present, you can obtain a free address from the college by going to administrative computing room in the middle of the first floor in K-Building. Go up the ramp and ask for the information on an e-mail address. As soon as you have an e-mail address send it to me and Ill respond. There in, our line of communication will be open.


There are also sources for free e-mail on the Web. Juno and NetZero are two examples of free e-mail.


On the second page of the site, there is a link call Postings/Notes. If there is/are any matter(s) pertaining to the evening school I will ask Mrs. Grocer to post it/them there. I would advise you to check your e-mail at least once a day or every other day or so; just in case I need to get a specific message to you; although these events would tend to be rare.


You are also encouraged to use the boardroom on the site.






The internet is one way in which I can offer some help if you are having difficulties. I would encourage you not to procrastinate should you find yourself having a problem. Waiting too long could cause you more substantial difficulties as the course goes on.


As I have stated above, I will make a point of checking my course account every day.


If you have problems that we cannot solve over the internet, then, I would suggest you come to the class. I would be open to setting up an appointment with you to meet at the college on a day and time that is appropriate for both of us.


Please note that I have a fulltime job during the day but, I would be open to meeting with you on either a Friday evening or a Saturday at the school either in the library or in an open lab. I also have a lap-top so the library area would be an option.


Please understand however that for me to use the lap-top, I would need for you to upload to me your problem and all the parts of the program. The lap-top has a CD drive/burner but not a floppy. If you send me the assignment, I can save it to a CD. When we meet, we can work with your program. If you have a CD that would obviously be fine.


If you make an appointment with me, I will expect you to keep it. If you cant make the appointment, I expect you to let me know A.S.A.P. I will look at the e-mail before going to the school. If I cant make it, I will contact you. I would ask you also to check your e-mail before you come to the school, as this is how I will contact you.


If you make an appointment with me to meet with you and you dont make the meeting and dont contact me, I will continue to help you over the WEB, but I will not make future appointments with you.