Week of January 27, 2003 due by February 3, 2003
This assignment is intended to begin to get you comfortable with working in the visual basic environment.
Design a form that uses at minimum, labels, textboxes and command buttons.
If you know more controls at this point and time, please feel free to use them.
Be sure however, that you can explain what you are using and doing.
Write the code in the command buttons click events that causes something(s) to happen.
Use your own idea(s). Be as original as possible.
You may NOT copy any examples from the web site or the class presentations BUT you may use a site example or presentation example and elaborate on it. Ie you could use even more controls and/or procedures and have it/them do more.
You neednt write a book. Just enough so someone just looking at your program can understand each procedure and/or event and, be sure they are positioned clearly in your code and not jammed into the code.
If you did not come to class and you want me to elaborate for you, e-mail me.
Even though you may not need it at this time, have VB include Options Explicit in your code.
Above the options explicit, include the following documentation in this and all subsequent programs.
Project Name: project name
Date written: date the program was written
Programmer: your name
Assignment #
A brief explanation of the project / program
You can use REM for each comment or documentation line and, there would be no penalty but I prefer you to use the single quote to precede a documentation line.
Example: Project Name: Bank Return
In your project you are to set certain properties.
The name property
The caption property on those controls that support it
The text property on textboxes
Set the form to be centered during run time.
You may do this by using the Form Layout Window or, by setting the forms StartUpPosition property.
Colors are perfectly acceptable but optional.
In doing any calculations, be cautious of the type of data a text box contains.
Hint: the VAL function
If you did not come to class and need further explanation, write to me.
As, I will mention in class, these suggestions are up to you.
I would suggest that you keep a logbook of any run-time errors you encounter in this course and the resolutions. This will serve you as a reference should you encounter the error again and what you did to correct it.
Start this and all projects by deciding what the finished product should be/do.
Once you have this in mind, you can then proceed to design etc