Presentations for CIS56 - Visual Basic
Powerpoint presentations of material. These presentations can be opened or downloaded for future viewing.
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VB Introductory Presentations
Starting in Visual Basic
Separate speaker notes to accompany Starting in Visual Basic
Introduction to Visual Basic
Separate speaker notes to accompany Introduction to Visual Basic
Settings in VB
Separate speaker notes to accompany settings in VB
Pay examples (projpay)- basic calculations
Separate speaker notes to accompany pay examples
PFirst98 which includes basic pay
Separate speaker notes to accompany PFirst98
IF statements calculations etc.
including one on style with lines
and shapes
Style with lines and shapes
Separate speaker notes to accompany style with lines and shapes
Inventory programs (inven1, inven2, inven3 etc.)
Separate speaker notes to accompany inven1, inven2, inven3 etc.
Bill examples - using IF
Separate speaker notes to accompany bill examples
Calculate examples
Separate speaker notes to accompany calculate examples
Inventory example (inveasy)
Separate speaker notes to accompany inventory example (inveasy)
Introduction to graphics/images
Introduction to graphics/images
Separate speaker notes to accompany introduction to graphics/images
For loops examples
For loop examples
Separate speaker notes to accompany for loops
Read and Write - I/O
Read and Write - I/O
Separate speaker notes to accompany Read and Write - I/O
Separate speaker notes to accompamy muffins
Break processing
Separate speaker notes to accompany break processing
DO Loops
Working with do loops
Separate speaker notes to accompany working with do loops
More on do loops (interest)
Separate speaker notes to accompany more on do loops (interest)
Functions and Procedures
Separate speaker notes to accompany functions
Separate speaker notes to accompany subroutines
Introduction to arrays
Separate speaker notes to accompany introduction to arrays
Topdown sort
Separate speaker notes to accompany topdown sort
Bubble sort
Separate speaker notes to accompany bubble sort
Arrays continued
Separate speaker notes to accompany arrays continued
Date Conversion
Separate speaker notes to accompany date conversion revised 3/21/01
More on arrays and introduction to menus
Separate speaker notes to accompany more on arrays and introduction to menus
Maximum Profit explanation
Separate speaker notes to accompany maximum profit explanation
Random processing
Separate speaker notes to accompany random processing
Two forms
Two form processing
Separate speaker notes to accompany two form processing
Combo boxes etc.
List combo information
Separate speaker notes to accompany list combo information
Note that I have left old
presentations on DAO out here
in case anyone is interested
in this information
Introduction to Access 2000
Separate speaker notes to accompany introduction to Access 2000
Using an Access 97 database
Separate speaker notes to accompany using an Access 97 database
Using ADO data control in Access 2000
Separate speaker notes to accompany using ADO data control in Access 2000
Examples with DAO and Access 97
Separate speaker notes to accompany examples with DAO and Access 97
Introduction to SQL in Access
Speaker speaker notes to accompany introduction to SQL in Access
Introduction to using SQL with a ADO in VB
Separate speaker notes to accompany introduction to using SQL with a ADO in VB
VB with Access 97 - basic code
Separate speaker notes to accompany VB with Access 97 - basic code
ADO controls and grids
Separate speaker notes to accompany ADO controls and grids
Using multiple tables etc. with ADO and Access 2000
Separate speaker notes to accompany using multiple tables etc. wtih ADO and Access 2000
DAO and ADO and VisData
Separate speaker notes to accompany DAO and ADO and VisData
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