Please write one program where you incorporate the following:
  1. Click on a button to go to a subroutine which asks for on hand, on order and re order point. Call a function to figure out whether you need to order (on hand + on order is less than the reorder point increased by 20%. Return the number to order. Then perform another function that return a message saying need to order or do not need to order.
  2. Click on a button to do a routine which will perform a procedure. Take in grade for homework, projects and exams and figure out the grade based on equal values for each of the three. Pass the information back. Then call a second routine and if the grade is above 80 add 5 bonus p points to the grade. Decide whether to do it ByRef or ByVal.
  3. Redo #2 - if you used ByRef, use ByVal and if you used ByVal use ByRef. Are there differences, if so explain.
  4. Write a program to take in a name in the format Last/First Middle (for example Doe/John M) and return the name in the format First Middle Last (for example John M Doe). I want you to do this using functions that exist in VB to do the flip. Modify this to select a title/form of addressing from a radio button and put the title in front of the flipped name. One of the possibilities should be no title in which case you will not add a title. Create a file that contains a record with each flipped name and also display the flipped name on the screen.