Systems Analysis and Design - CIS54

Professor: Priscilla Grocer

Office: K-112

Course Description: Systems analysis and design from the programmer's perspective is the focus of this course. Emphasis is placed on today's tools for analyzing business problems, designing solutions and documenting the results. The student will learn the effective use of systems tools, the use and integration of microcompute applications, and develop an understanding of the analysis and design process.

COURSE OBJECTIVES: The objective of this course is to teach the student about the area of systems analysis and design and to develop abilities in this area. At the completion of this course, the following objectives should have been accomplished:

Systems Analysis and Design - 4th edition
Shelly, Cashman and Rosenblatt
Shelly Cashman Series
Course Technologies
  1. Introduction to Systems Development
  2. Preliminary Investigation
  3. Systems Analysis
  4. Analyzing Requirements
    1. Data Flow Diagrams
    2. Data Dictionaries
    3. Logic tools - emphasis on decision tables
  5. Completing the Systems Analysis Phase and Considering Alternative Tools
    1. Prototyping
    2. Application generator as a prototyping tool
  6. Output Design
  7. Input Design
  8. File Concepts
  9. File and Database Design
  10. Software Design and Completing the Systems Design Phase
  11. Project Management and Costs
  12. Programming, Testing and Documentation
  13. Systems Implementation and Evaluation
  14. Systems Operation
PROJECTS: Projects will be assigned in the following areas:
  1. e-commerce
  2. relational database design
  3. SQL
  4. Presentation Graphics
  5. Accounting Package
  6. Other Business Packages
  7. Software Projects
  8. Systems Projects
  9. Internet Projects


The student will be expected to complete all assigned work. Homework assignments will be due in two class days, other projects and papers will have an assigned due date. There will be approximately two assignments per week. In addition there will be a final exam.

Class participation, responsibility about work, keeping up to date, quality of work, adding extras that are above and beyond, showing initiative, figuring out problems etc.:10%

Grading: The instructor reserves the right to change these percents in certain appropriate cirdcumstances. Grading will be based on A (90-100), B (80-89), C (70-79), D(60-69, F below 60).
Many of the assignments in this class are open ended - the grading will be based on how well the project demonstrates mastery of the material. Students who do a minimum of work will be graded accordingly. Resubmission is allowed on open-ended projects to improve grades.
Note: Non open-ended assignments that are completed accurately, with no errors, according to the parameters of the assignment will be graded as A. To achieve an A+, students must have done sufficient extra work in design or implementation that makes the assignment standout. In doing assignments, students must do their own work. Relying too heavily on my examples or working too closely with someone else will be penalized.
ATTENDANCE: The student is allowed 6 cuts.

METHODOLOGY: The course is given using the lecture method and the student is encouraged to ask questions at any point during the lecture. In addition, students will be working independently on projects designed to give them additional computer skills and practical experience in analyzing and solving problems. When appropriate, class exercises and problem solving techniques are used.

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