Course Description: Systems analysis and design from the programmer's
perspective is the focus of this course. Emphasis is placed on today's
tools for analyzing business problems, designing solutions and documenting
the results. The student will learn the effective use of systems tools, the
use and integration of microcompute applications, and develop an
understanding of the analysis and design process.
COURSE OBJECTIVES: The objective of this course is to teach the
student about the area of systems analysis and design and to develop
abilities in this area. At the completion of this course, the following
objectives should have been accomplished:
Systems Analysis and DesignMATERIAL TO BE COVERED:
Shelly, Cashman and Adamski
Shelly Cashman Series
Course Technologies
The student will be expected to complete all assigned work. Homework assignments will be due in two class days, other projects and papers will have an assigned due date. There will be approximately two assignments per week. In addition there will be a final exam.ATTENDANCE: The student is allowed 6 cuts.
Homework/Projects/Papers: 80% Class participation, responsibility about work, keeping up to date, quality of work, adding extras that are above and beyond, showing initiative, figuring out problems etc.: 10% Final: 10%
Grading: The instructor reserves the right to change these percents in certain appropriate cirdcumstances. Grading will be based on A (90-100), B (80-89), C (70-79), D(60-69, F below 60).