
Purpose: Wholesale distributor - keep track of inventory balances so customer orders can be filled/refilled on a timely basis and so you don’t have large excess inventory


Sale/Order Entry:

Buy/Purchase order

Ancilliary transactions

Physical inventory

Issues to consider


FILES: just a rough possibility

Inventory (item#, description/name, cost, *price, unit of measure, on hand, on order, committed, min stocking level, max stocking lefel, weight, **vendor, vendor price, vendor id, vendor description, tax code info, shipping info etc, history (here or on separate file))

*price - can be per volumn or based on class of customer or zone prices

** vendor information - if multiple vendors or some or all products will have separate file ordered by your item # and vendor # which contains vendor information

Vendor (vendor #, name, address (for remittance and orders), phone, contact, purchases (MTD,QTD,YTD), return (MTD,QTD.YTD), payments (MTD,QTD,YTD), terms, average delivery time etc.

Things to watch for in designing or evaluating inventory system:

does system allow you to cost as you want to (LIFO, FIFO, Average etc) - what accounting procedures do you use and how does it handle them