Decision Table Assignment
Problem #1: Category A customers get a trade discount of 20%; category B customers and category C customers get a 5% discount on orders from 50 - 100, 10% on orders for 101 - 500 and 15% on orders over 500.
Problem #2:A local bank offers a fixed rate and a variable rate savings account. There is no minimum balance on the fixed rate account. If the account is insured the annual interest rate is 4.9%, if the account is not insured the annual interest rate is 5.2%. On variable rate accounts, if the average daily balance is less than $100 no dividend is paid. If the average daily balance is under $2000 then 5% interest is paid, if the daily balance $2000 or over than 5.5% interest is paid.
Problem #2 If a customer is on the invoice plan, when a payment is made, the check is applied to the oldest outstanding invoice unless a specific invoice is specified and then payment is credited to that invoice. If the customer is on the balance plan, payment is applied to the balance.
Problem #3: If there are five conditions, how many rules will there be in a decision table?
Problem #4:A local bank offers a fixed rate and a variable rate savings account. There is no minimum balance on the fixed rate account. If the account is insured the annual interest rate is 4.9%, if the account is not insured the annual interest rate is 5.2%. On variable rate accounts, if the average daily balance is less than $100 no dividend is paid. If the average daily balance is under $2000 then 5% interest is paid, if the daily balance $2000 or over than 5.5% interest is paid.
Problem #5: The order process is as follows:
When an order is received the customer number is checked against the customer file to determine if the customer is a new customer. New customers get assigned to a sales clerk who creates a new account and then the order is processed.
Next the item number is checked against the inventory file to determine if the order is for a valid item and also to determine the price and the status of on hand merchandise. If the item number is not in the file, the customer assigned to the account is given the order for verification. If the on hand indicates that the order can be filled, an order is sent to the warehouse and the number added to the sales pending file. If the order cannot be filled the order is filed in orders pending and the customer is notified.