The Inventory file and the Customer file have been created, but they are in sequential order.
You must decide what fields must be indexed and convert to an indexed file.
The Next Order Number File is up to you to create using one of the create programs.
Inventory File
Item Number - 5 character alphanumeric
Item Name - 20 character alphanumeric
On Hand - 4 character numeric
On Order - 4 character numeric
ReOrder Point - 4 character numeric
Committed - 4 character numeric
Warehouse Location - 5 character alphanumeric
Cost - 5 character numeric (2 decimal places)
Price - 5 character numeric (2 decimal places)
11111ZIP Drive 0015002500500010K245 1290014999
12121Kodak Digital Camera0050002500500012K134 2250029995
12345Sony Monitor 0045002000300015L856 1700019995
22222HP Printer 0023002000400012L10001750019898
23456HP Laser 0000003500200000M21005000063998
33333Intel Board 0087005001000020P23451250015599
34567External Drive 0014000000250010Q20000850909999
44444Mouse 1000050005000300L987 0240003675
65432Floppy Disks 1200050010000345A123 0200002500
67890ZIP Disk 0020002501000020B345 0450005298
Customer File
Customer Number - 5 characters alphanumeric
Customer Name - 20 characters alphanumeric
Customer Street Address - 20 characters alphanumeric
Customer City - 15 characters alphanumeric
Customer State - 2 characters alphanumeric
Customer ZIP - 5 characters numeric
Customer Phone - 10 characters alphanumeric
11111Stephen Daniels 112 Midland Ave Yonkers NY045679145553456
12121Jennifer Ames 54 Ave G Austin TX078115125559876
12345Carl Hersey 54 Ave G Austin TX078115125559193
22222Dick Albion 34 East St Braintree MA021847815556304
33333Mary Stretton 693 Central St Stoughton MA023127815552334
44444Daniel Russel 23 Congress St Hingham MA020437815550012