Sample Programs | Click on links to retrieve |
Direct subscript - 1 & 2 dimension tables | TWODIM (html) TWODIM (cbl) Data for TWODIM - twodim.dat |
Using screens | SCR1FROM (html) SCR1FROM (cbl) Data for SCR1FROM - scr1.dat TABLESCR (html) TABLESCR (cbl) |
Indirect subscript - searching a table | TABLSOUP (html) TABLSOUP (cbl) Data for TABLSOUP - stutran.dat TABLNIND (html) No indicator TABLNIND (cbl) No indicator TABLEMBD (html) Embedded perform TABLEMBD (cbl) Embedded perform TABLEEX1 (html) Early exit #1 TABLEEX1 (cbl) Early exit #1 TABLEEX2 (html) Early exit #2 TABLEEX2 (cbl) Early exit #2 LINSRCHX (html) Linear search LINSRCHX (cbl) Linear search |
Fill an empty table and search it |
Inventory programs with data - examples below INVFILL (html) INVFILL (cbl) INVFILLA (html) INVFILLA (cbl) INVFILLB (html) INVFILLB (cbl) Data for inventory programs above TBLSOUP1 (html) TBLSOUP1 (cbl) Data for TBLSOUP1 - emptsoup.dat TBLSOUP2 (html) TBLSOUP2 (cbl) TBLSOUP3 (html) TBLSOUP3 (cbl) Another data file for TBLSOUP3 - souponly.dat |
Binary search | BINARY |
Using the search verb | SEARCHVB (html) - Linear use of search verb SEARCHVB (cbl) - Linear use of search verb SEARCHAL (html) - Binary use of search verb - Search All SEARCHAL (cbl) - Binary use of search verb - Search All |
General create program | GENCREAT.CBL - General program to use creating a data file -
needs to be modified to the file specifications |
Editing data |
MOD11CHK - Coding mod 11 check digits PAYEDIT - Sample edit program EDITCHK - Another sample edit program EDITINTR - And yet another with minor modifications EDITBTH1 - Batch editing EDITBTH2 - A second batch editing example |
Sorting files |
SORTVB1 - Basic sort verb SORTVB2 - Sort verb with input procedure SORTVB2A - Sort after processing SORTVB3 - Sort verb with output procedure |
Sequential updating | MYUPDATE - Sample sequential update program |
VSAM Programs |
CRMSVSAM - Create a VSAM file SEQREAD - Sequentially read an indexed file SEQSTART - Sequentially read from a START point START - Sequentially read from multiple START points RANKEYRD - Randomly read from a VSAM file RANKNIRD - Another random read from a VSAM file CALTVSAM - Create VSAM with alternate key SEQALTRD - Sequentially read on alternate key path RANALTRD - Random read using primary and alternate keys DYNSTART - Reading VSAM file when access is dynamic MYRANUPD - Random update using disk files FILESTA - File status with invalid key FILESTAT - File status only |
Some data files | MSTRVSAM.DAT
COPY and CALL | COPYPRG - Program containin COPY statements CRSDESC - Data division code being copied ADDROUT - Procedure division code being copied COPYCALL - Program containing CALL statement CALLED - Code being called |
Sample Programs (extra) | Click on links to retrieve |
COBOL language elements | stringg.cbl Sample program using
string and unstring verbs colonprg.cbl Sample using colon to move characters |
Misc. |
Program with Perform variations - Contains Perform varying from
by until and in line perform |
Relative files |
crerela2.cbl crerela3.cbl crerela4.cbl retrvrel.cbl |
Screen processing |
Sections within a screen scrntest.html Sections within a screen scroccur.cbl Screen with occurs scroccur.html Screen with occurs scrmenu.cbl Multi screens with things to consider scrmenu.html Multi screens with things to consider scrmenu2.cbl Multi screen with major edited scrmenu2.html Multi screen with major edited vsamproj.dat Data for scrmenu.cbl vsamproj.idx Data for scrmenu.cbl tablscrx.cbl Full screen using features like color etc. tablscrx.html Full screen using features like color etc. scrtest.cbl Not full screen using features like color etc. scrtest.html Not full screen using features like color etc. scrtest1.cbl Not full screen using features like color etc. - added 2 edit checks on data scrtest1.html Not full screen using features like color etc. - added 2 edit checks on data scrupdt.cbl Screen update with multiple screens scrupdt.html Screen update with multiple screens vsamscrf.dat Data file for screen update vsamscrf.idx Index file for screen update scrline.cbl Experiments with screens scrline.html Experiments with screens scrlinex.cbl Experiments with screens scrlinex.html Experiments with screens scrliney.cbl Experiments with screens scrliney.html Experiments with screens |
Variable length records |
vary1.cbl vary1.html vary1.dat vary2.cbl vary2.html vary2.dat vary3.cbl vary3.html vary3.dat |
Working with dates |
convdate.html convdate.cbl dayofwk.html dayofwk.cbl conv2000.html conv2000.cbl |
Object Oriented Programs |
pay01cl.cbl pay01dr.cbl pay01xdr.cbl pay02cl.cbl pay02dr.cbl pay02ui.cbl pay02ycl.cbl pay02ydr.cbl pay02yui.cbl pay03cl.cbl pay03dbi.cbl pay03dr.cbl pay03ui.cbl pay04cl.cbl pay04dbi.cbl pay04dr.cbl pay04ui.cbl pay4data.dat pay4data.idx tax01cl.cbl tax01dbi.cbl tax01dr.cbl tax01ui.cbl |