Relational implementation in Oracle
Problem #1: Using the oil database that you have already designed, create the tables in Oracle.
Make sure I have approved the design before you implement it.
Give the fields that link the tables the same names in the tables. There is no requirement to setup
primary keys or indexes since we have not covered that material. Students who are interested may read
ahead and implement the primary keys and indexes for extra credit.
Problem #2: Write a relational query that includes the customer idno, name, address and the
information about all deliveries to that customer. Be sure that you correctly relate the records from the
two tables.
Problem #3: Write a relational query that includes the customer idno, name, address, capacity of tank,
house type code and the average usage for each season for that house type. Be sure that you correctly relate
the records from the two tables. The output should be sorted by the customer house type code.
Problem #4: Write a query that shows all of the records from the delivery table with the customer
name and tank capacity from the customer table.
Problem #5: Write another query of your own design that joins the information from two tables but
only shows selected records based on a WHERE clause.
Problem #6: Write a query of your own design that relates three tables and displays information
from all three tables.
Problem #7: Modify the query above to include a WHERE clause that selects specified records.