Oracle Assignment on subqueries and variables:

Use any database you want including the one that comes with the system. Make your examples different from the ones I gave.

  1. Do two of the following using your own design: equijoin, non-equijoin, outer join, self join.
  2. Do a query that will find all of the people in the same group as someone else but do not show the person. For example in the donor system you could choose everyone that gave to the same drive as someone who gave to drive 100 but not the person you are comparing against.
  3. Do the query to solve this problem: If you are using the donor database you would look for everyone who gave more than the average gift. You can do a similar concept using another database but two tables should be involved..
  4. Do a pairwise subquery of your own design.
  5. Do a non pairwise subquery of your own design.
  6. Do a query of your own design that finds based on a complex (and/or) subquery.
  7. Do this query or a similar query: display the amount and drive for all people who have a contact of (pick a contact person).
  8. Design your own query in the format
  9. Do a query/subquery using IN
  10. Do a query/subquery using ALL
  11. Do a query/subquery using ANY
  12. Do a query that uses the runtime user entry of & in multiple places in the query.
  13. Do a query that involves a subquery and a runtime user entry in multiple places in the query.
  14. Do an update that involves a subquery..
  15. Do something with define and accept.