Assignment: Create, maintain and query an Oracle table

You need to create a table and do the maintainance and querying using that table.
You need to show me the results of creating the table, maintaining and querying it. I need to see the SQL command you used and the results that it produced.
Note: When I say single row function, I mean functions that return specific rows/records. When I say group functions, I mean functions that return information from one or more records as one. For example an average would use a group of records and determine the average.

  1. Create an Oracle table with an minimum a varchar2 field, a char field, a number field with decimal places, a number field without decimal places and a date field. You should include a name field where the name is entered in the format last name slash first name middle name or initial if any. For example:
  2. Show me a description of the table.
  3. Put several records into the table (populate the table). You should then display all of the information in the table.
  4. Change a record on the table.
  5. Delete a record from the table.
  6. Alter the structure of the table by adding a field. Put information into the field for each record.
  7. Alter the structure of the table by adding characters to the varchar2 field.
  8. Do a query that involves a conditionA and conditionB.
  9. Do a query that involves a conditionA or conditionB.
  10. Do a query that involves a conditionA AND either conditionB OR conditionC structure.
  11. Do a query that requires that either conditionA and conditionB are both true or that conditionC is true.
  12. Do a query that uses a single row function to do character manipulation.
  13. Do a query that uses a single row date function.
  14. Do a query that uses a single row numeric function
  15. Do a query that involves a function within a function (nested functions).
  16. Do a query that involves formatting numeric results.
  17. Do a query that does a sort.
  18. Do a query using single row functions that flip the name so that it reads first middle(if any) last instead of last, first middle